
Who prepares ''certificates''?

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Jul 21, 2004
Good moring diamondphiles,

I have a project. I'm preparing a listing of as many of the labs as possible that issue diamond grading reports. My plan is to prepare an index of the currently available reports and a link to the issuing lab. What I'm looking for is reports on diamonds only (no other stones) and for gemological reports only (not appraisals). Here's the beginning of the list. I know that there are important omissions and probably errors. As this thread progresses, I'll update the list to contain any additions or corrections that people may have and will then prepare a more concise document to post in the journal section. The labs appear in no particular order other than the 'major' labs are listed first. I'm also planning on including a scan of a genuine example of each of the subject reports. If you are with one of the labs, especially one that isn't listed, and you would like to be included, please email me a scan of a sample of one of your reports. If your lab has additional varieties of reports that meet the above description, I'm happy to include a line for each and every type of report you produce.

Special note: Presence on this list does not constitute any kind of endorsement of these companies nor is it in any intended to disparage the firms who are absent. It's merely intended as an listing of companies who issue documents that are either described by the company themselves or the general consuming public as causing the diamond to be 'certified'.

Hopefully this will produce a useful document.

Lab Document Name Website I have a sample picture (front and back)
GIA Diamond Quality Report yes
GIA Diamond Dossier yes
AGS Diamond Qulaity Report yes
AGS Diamond Quality Document yes
EGL-USA Diamond Certificate yes
EGL-USA Consultation yes
EGL-USA Mini-cert yes
EGL-USA Diamond ID Card
EGL-overseas Diamond Certificate yes
EGL-overseas Diamond Consultation yes
IGI Diamond Report
IGI Diamond Identificatio Report
IGI Diamond Quality Report
IGI Diamond summation
IGI Hearts & Arrows Diamond Repor
AGR Diamond Quality Report yes
AGR Diamond Consultation yes
SGL Comprehensive Diamond Analysis
GCAL Diamond Certificate yes (front only)
GCAL Diamond Data Card
GCAL Mini-Certificate
IGL Certificate
Imagem ?
Gemscan Diamond Grading Report
Gemscan Pre-Cert
Gemworld Diamond Grading Report
GAGTL Diamond Grading Report
GGL Diamond Report
GGL Comprehensive Diamond Report
HRD Diamond Certificate
HRD Diamond Identification Report
PGS Certificate of Quality yes
PGS Carte Bleu yes
GQI* Diamond Consultation No longer in business yes
EGL-LA* Diamond Certificate No longer in business yes
EGL-LA * Diamond Consultation No longer in business yes
UGL Diamond Certificate
CCGL Grading Certificate
HWI Diamond Grading Report
Labtrade SuperCert
AGQA Accurate Grading Report front only
Anchor Diamond Report front only
DCLA Diamond Grading Report yes
Gubelin ?
HKD Diamond Report
IGC-Israel Diamond Grading Report
Diamant Prueflabor ?
Swedish Testing Institute ? Sweden
SSEF Diamond Report front only
Gem Studies Laboratory ? somewhere in Australia
Central ? Japan
SGTL Auscert
BGI Full Certificate, Mid Certificate, Gem Card
Neil, the SGL Comprehensive Diamond Analysis contains more information than either an AGS or GIA report, but like the GCAL report includes a valuation as well.

I issue CDA's without a value if requested, but often the reason my clients come to me is to gain information which is lacking on the "major" lab reports.

I wish I could sit around all day issuing reports without a value. It would make my life a lot easier.

I certainly understand. Perhaps I should eliminate that restriction from my list. The reason I put it there was that we get lots of questions here about diamonds being 'certified' by some lab or another and it seemed like it would be helpful to create an index of these various products. If what the poster is really describing is an appraisal, then the list of possible suppliers will be extremely large and consequently not very useful. I certainly didn't what to exclude any that should be included but I don't want to list everyone who calls themselves an appraiser either. Any suggestions?

Storm. Thanks. I'll edit the original list so that it's easier for other people who read it. I forgot all about PGS. Should I include GQI (a previous name for that company)?

Neil Beaty
Independent Appraisals in Denver
If they currently dont use the name I wouldnt include it I think.
The reason I considered including them is that I still occasionally see their documents and consequently some people ask about them. The same can be said for the old EGL-LA lab.

Date: 2/18/2005 8:34:56 AM
Author: denverappraiser
The reason I considered including them is that I still occasionally see their documents and consequently some people ask about them. The same can be said for the old EGL-LA lab.


hmmm yea include it then with a note that they are now pgs I guess...
Can anyone contribute a scan (front and back) of one of the missing reports?

Neil, if it is of any help.

There are two more in Australia. DCLA is one of them and they are supposed to be good. I don''t know much about the other, but it starts with ''A''

I noticed Anchor cert and they make some pretty strange calls. If you don''t like your cert try again, sort of thing. They are better then that and probably do as much work. The certs have pav/crown angles.



I''ve added DCLA. I would love it if you send me a scan of the front and back of one of their reports as a sample. I''ve never seen a stone or a report from Anchor. It looks from their site like they are a US firm. Are they doing business in Australia?

I may actually need to change my formatting a bit because there are so many names that there are shared acronyms. GGL and NGL have more than one company. Yikes, this is a bigger list than I was expecting. I haven''t even looked to see what is being promoted on ebay and similar venues.

Neil Beaty
Independent Appraisals in Denver
I used Anchor cert when I worked in Birmingham. I am not sure what affiliations they have. They share premesis with the Brum'' assay office.

They are not in Australia.

There are two in Oz but DCLA is all I have used. I expect the other is pretty good too.

I have added a photo of a DCLA cert. Never even looked at the back, sorry. Their web site is good. I expect they will help you by send some more scans.

I wold definitely NOT put GQI on the list as Tom Tashey is prohibited from using that name as part of his breaking away from EGL. His PGS cert is a very good one with many of us in the trade and while I do not think he could be liable for your use of a name he is prohibited from using I do not think that it will benefit him in any way either.

The Tashey''s are wonderful people who have been a great assett to the gem trade. In my opinion, and in the opinion of many in the trade PGS should be listed above EGL in the issuance of quality reports on diamonds. Many of the stones I carry are PGS papered and those that I have sent in to have graded by AGS have all been within one grade. Most were the same grades, but even between GIA and AGS there is frequently a difference of opinion, as shown in the study done by Leonid and Gary Holloway some months ago.

Those of us who know the reports and who use them regularly are quick to accept one of their PGS reports, unlike those of some of the labs listed above which we automatically assume to be one to two color AND clarity grades off. I just delivered a stone Friday with a brand name report that I bought VERY cheaply and had recerted by GIA. My H-VVS2 became a J-VVS1 when regraded. I agree with the VVS1, but I think the stone closer to a K than a J, and NOWHERE in the neighborhood of an H. Since I paid K pricing on the stone I was happy, but someone who did not know the market and who paid for the H would justifiably be incredibly cranky.

Sorry for rambling on. I am glad someone (thank you storm rider) quickly mentioned their name. I will be interested in seeing your final list.

Thanks, I'll add them. Is there a listing of labs that comply with the IDC rules? Do you know who the other Aussie lab is that Phillip discussed?

The reason I asked for the back side is that this is often where the disclaimers and explanations appear. For clients who wish to understand what their report means, this is important information. In the case of the DCLA report, it looks like this appears on the front. This is especially important for the smaller labs or for products where comparatively few people are familar with the details of the report.

I certainly don't mean to cause any problems for the Tashey's. I agree that they offer a fine service. This list is not intended as a recommendation of anyone listed and I agree that there are definitely some reports listed that I do not consider to be especially valuable. The idea here is to produce an index that will be useful for consumers who buy a diamond accompanied by one of these documents. My hope is to create a resouce where they can look up the document they have, see a sample of what a 'genuine' version of that particular report looks like and have a link to the site creator where they can get further information if they choose. I've considered suggesting to Leonid a discussion thread for each one of them so that people can comment on the merits of the lab or that particular report. I included GQI because I still periodically see reports with that brand. How about if I just list it as 'no longer in business' and avoid connecting them with the Tasheys?

Neil Beaty
Independent Appraisals in Denver
RE: How about if I list them as no longer in business...

Hmmm. Not sure if that is good or bad. I bet if you called Tom at PGS and asked him he could look at this thread and ask you to do it one way or another. I certainly do not want to say, "Hey, you should ..." when he might prefer it another. Besides, who the heck am I to be telling you you should about anything?

I like your idea about having an additional bit of informatory resource at Pricescope, it is after all, all about information.

Hi Neil,

Thank you for including us.

The DCLA grading report can be veiwed on our website: under "about us" "Cert Guide".

Here is a list of IDC laboratories from the World Federation of Diamond Bourses.

"The IDC Rules are the diamond grading guidelines devised by the International Diamond Council (IDC), which was set up in 1978 by the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) and the International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA). There are currently five gemological laboratories worldwide that apply the IDC Rule Book. They are
1. The Certificates Department of the Antwerp Diamond High Council (HRD), Belgium;
2. The Swedish Testing Institute, Stockholm, Sweden;
3. The Jewellery Council of South Africa Laboratory, Johannesburg, South Africa;
4. The Diamant Prueflabor, Idar Oberstein, Germany.
5. The Diamond Certification Laboratory of Australia, Sydney, Australia; " -- WFDB Newsletter No 6

Best regards

Roy Cohen
Hi Neil
I see Roy Cohen of DCLA has answered your one question,
I doubt you will be able to download an image of their cert as I think they have a flash site. If you need a good image we have plenty of their certs and would be happy to scan one for you, just let us know

The other Lab in Australia would be Gem Studies Laboratory of Sydney, I don’t think they have a website but they have been around for a while. E-mail is [email protected]



Roy and Johan,

Thanks for the information. I''ve added them to the list

There are (or at least were) several labs in Japan. Is there anyone here with information on any of them?

This is the one I was thinking of. Three in Australia and counting...

From the Home page:

"In 1980 we established an independent organisation in Australia called Scientific Gem Testing Laboratories (SGTL for short), where you can obtain an AUSCERT Diamond Certificate. This Diamond Certificate will give you the information you need to reassure you that you''re making the perfect diamond purchase".

They are a hard one to guage from their web site. Seem more like an apraiser, but it looks like they are stocked by a few on-line stores. Don''t know what to make of them.

Hi Neil

Here are a few more my secretary came up with.

Sorry about the duplications

Gem Labs With Reports

Afrique du Sud
EGL South Africa
S.A. Diamond Centre
4th Floor, Suite 410
240 Commissionner Street
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tél. : (+27) 11 334 4527 / 11 334 4528
Fax : (+27) 11 334 2193
Website :

Idar Oberstein
Deutsche Diamant-und Edelsteinlaboratorien
- - Deutsche Stiftung Edelsteinforschung (DSEF) Karl Schlossmacher Stiftung
German Foundation for Gemstone Reasearch
- - Diamant-Prüflabor GmbH (DPL)
Diamond Grading Laboratory
- - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Edelsteinbewertung (DEGEB)
German Association for Gemstone Evaluation
- - Institut für Edelsteinforschung (IfE)
Abteilung Edelsteinforschung im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der
Johannes Gutenberg – Universität, Mainz
Centre of Gemstoneresearch
Department of Geosciences Johannes Gutenberg – University, Mainz
Prof. Sclossmacher-Strabe 1
D-55714 Idar Oberstein
Tél. : (+ 49) 6781 43011
Fax. : (+ 49) 6781 41616
Website :

Deutsches Edelstein Testinstitut (CIBJO approved lab)
Mainzerstrasse 34
Postfach 12 20 20
55743 Idar-Oberstein
Tel : (+49) 6781 43989
Fax : (+49) 6781 41269
Deutsches Diamantinstitut (CIBJO approved lab)
Poststrasse 1, BRD-75172 Pforzheim
Tel : (+49) 7231 32 211
Fax : (+49) 7231 355 887

Ostereichische Gemmologische Gesellschaft (CIBJO approved lab)
Zieglergasse 22, A-1070 Vienna
Tel : (+43) 1 523 4096
Fax : (+43) 1 526 4096

Antwerp Gemological Services (AGS)
Hovenierstraat 30 bus 237, B-2018 Antwerpen
Tel : (+32) 3 225 05 75
Fax : (+32) 3 225 02 21
E-mail : [email protected]

Central Gem Laboratory (Branch Office)
C/O HRD, Hoveniersstraat 22
B-2018 Antwerpen

EGL Antwerp
Schupstraat 15
B-2000 Antwerpen
Tél.: (+32) 3 233 2458
Fax : (+32) 3 232 3430

Hoge Raad voor Diamant (HRD) (Diamond High Council)
Certificate Department
Hoveniersstraat 22
2018 Antwerpen
Tél. : (+32) 3 222 05 11
Fax : (+32) 3 222 06 05

International Gemmological Institute (IGI Antwerp)
Schupstraat 1/7
B-2018 Antwerpen, Belgium
Tél. : (+32) 3 231 68 45
Fax : (+32) 3 232 07 58
E-Mail : [email protected]

Gem Scan International
27 Queen Street East, Suite 406
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5C 2M6
Tél. : (+1) 416 868 6656
Fax : (+1) 416 868 6658
Website :
E-mail : [email protected]

Harold Weinstein Limited
55 Queen Street East, Suite 1301
Toronto Ontario, Canada M5C 1R6
Tél. : (+1) 416 366 6518
Fax : (+1) 416 366 6519
Website :
E-mail : [email protected]

Hong Kong
Asian Gemmological Laboratory
Asian Gemmological Institute
7th Floor, 11 Lock Road
Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tél. : (+852) 272 30429
Fax. : (+852) 236 75201

Hong Kong Gems Laboratory
26/F Tung Hip Commercial Building
244, Des Voeux Roud, Central Hong Kong
Tél. : (+852) 281 51880
Fax : (+852) 285 43970

Hong Kong Jade and Stone Laboratory
Du Hong Kong Jade Manufacturers Organisation
16th Floor Hang Lung House
184-192 Queen’s Road, Central Hong Kong
Tél. : (+852) 254 50817
Fax : (+852) 254 30713

Gem Identification Centre of Jiangsu Province
700 Zhujiang Road
Nanjing, P.R. China
Post 21008
Tél. / Fax : (+86) 25 4804418

BG Gemological Institute (CIBJO approved lab)
30 Dongdan Beidejic, Beijing, P.R. China
Tel : (+86) 10 6513 2221
Fax : (+86) 10 6513 8659

Gemmological Laboratory
28 Sofouli Street, Suite 113 Megaro Chanteclair,
Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel : (+357) 2 447962
Fax : (+357) 2 315220
Laboratorio de Analysis y Certificados (CIBJO approved lab)
Instituto Gemologico Espanol (CIBJO approved lab)
Victor Hugo 1
E-28004 Madrid
Tel. : (+ 34) 91532 6267
Fax. : (+ 34) 91531 6503

Gemological Institute of America (GIA)
Gem Trade Laboratory (GTL)
Robert Mouawad Campus,
5355 Armada Drive, Suite 200
Carlsbad, CA 92008-4699
Tél. : (+1) 760 603 4500
Fax : (+1) 760 603 1814

Gem Quality Institute (GQI) (Head office)
5 South Wabash Street # 1905
Chicago, Illinois 60603
Tél. : (+1) 312 920 1541
Fax : (+1) 312 920 1547

Las Vegas
American Gem Society Laboratories (AGS)
8881 W. Sahara Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Tél. : (+1) 702 233 6120
Fax. : (+1) 702 233 6125
Website :
E-mail : [email protected]

Gem Quality Institute (Branch office)
550 South Hill Street, # 1595
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tél. : (+1) 213 623 8092
Fax : (+1) 213 622 3138

Diamond Profile Laboratory (DPL)
36 N.E. First Street, # 429
Miami, FL 33132
Tél. : (+1) 305 577 6090 / 800 991 2378
Fax : (+1) 305 577 6017
E-mail : [email protected]

New York
American Gemological Laboratory (AGL)
Gem Science Research Centre
580 Fifth Avenue, Suite 706
New York, NY 10036
Tél. : (+1) 212 704 0727
Fax. : (+1) 212 764 7614
E-mail : [email protected]

30 West 47th Street
New York, NY 10036
Tél : (+1) 212 730 7380
Fax : (+1) 212 730 7453

Gemological Testing Centre
American Gem Trade Association (AGTA)
18 East 48th Street, Suite 1002
New York, NY 100017
Tél. : (+1) 212 752 1717
Fax. : (+1) 212 750 0930
E-mail : [email protected]

GIA Gem Trade Laboratory
580 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10036-4794
Tél. : (+1) 212 221 5858
Fax : (+1) 212 575 3095

International Gemmological Institute (IGI New York)
575 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10017 – USA
Tél. : (+1) 212 753 7100
Fax : (+1) 212 753 7759
E-mail : [email protected]

Service publique du Contrôle des Diamants, Perles fines et Pierres Précieuses
de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris (CCIP) (CIBJO approved lab)
2 Place de la Bourse
25002 Paris
Tél. : (+33) 1 40 26 26 46
Fax : (+33) 1 40 26 06 75

Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain GAGTL (CIBJO approved lab)
27 Greville Street
London EC1N 8SU
Tél. : (+44) 171 405 3351
Fax : (+44) 171 831 9479
Website : http://
E-mail : [email protected]

Grèce :
Gem Testing Laboratory (FGA diploma and Gem Diamond diploma)
10 Karitsi Square, Athens 105 61, Greece
Tel : (+30) 1 322 2157
Fax : (+30) 1 322 4882

Centre for Gemstudies (CGS)
Gem Testing Laboratory
Website :

Gem Testing Laboratory (head office)
Rajasthan Chamber Bhawan
M.I. Road, Jaipur – 302 003, India
Tél. : (+91) 141 568 221
Fax : (+91) 141 321 820

Gemmological Institute of India (CIBJO approved lab)
du Gem and Jewellery Exporters Organisation
29, Gurukul Chambers, Mumbadevi Road 187-189
Mumbai – 400 002
Tél. : (+91) 22 342 0039
Fax : (+91) 22 341 3785

New Delhi
Gem Testing Laboratory (Branch office)
C/O Indian Gemmological Institute
Nirmal Towers 10th Floor, 26
Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110 001

Ramat Gan
European Gemological Laboratory (EGL Israel)
Diamond Exchange – Noam Building Suite 112
52 Betzalel Street
Ramat Gan 52521, Israel
Tél. : (+972) 3 752 8428
Fax : (+972) 3 751 0047

European Gemological Centre and College (EGC)
50 Betzalel Street
Ramat Gan 52521, Israel
Tél. : (+972) 3 612 1375
Fax : (+972) 3 612 1376
E-mail : [email protected]

(Service publique de la Chambre de Commerce pour le Contrôle de Qualité des Pierres précieuses) (CIBJO approved lab)
Via della Orsole, 4,
I-20123 Milano, Italy
Tél. : (+39) 2 8515 5250
Fax. : (+39) 2 8515 5258
Website :
E-mail : [email protected]

Istituto Gemmologico Italiano (IGI)
Laboratorio d’Analisi
Viale Gramsci 228
I-20099 sesto S. Giovanni
Tel. (+ 39) 2240 9354
Fax. : (+ 39) 2240 6257

Central Gem Laboratory (Branch office)
Sakaecho Nishikan Building 5th Floor,
3-22-13 Nishiki, Nagoya-shi,
Aichi 460-0003, Japan

Central Gem Laboratory (Branch office)
BS Building 2nd Floor,
3-19-14 Hakata Ekimae,
Fukuoka 812-0011, Japan

Japan Technical Gem Laboratory (TGL Nagoya) (Branch office)
Nagoya Laboratory, 3-2-9 Sakae,
Naka-ku, Nagoya, Japan
Tél. : (+81) 052 264 3027
Fax : (+81) 052 264 3028

AGT Gem Laboratory (Branch Office)
Nagahori Community Building
2-5-8 Minami Senba, Chuo-ku, Osaka

Central Gem Laboratory (Branch Office)
Idemitsu Nagahori Building, 5th Floor,
3-4-26 Minami Senba, Chuo-ku,
Osaka 542-0081, Japan

Japan Technical Gem Laboratory (TGL Osaka) (Branch office)
2-11-13 Minami Senba, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan
Tél. : (+81) 06 241 1585
Fax : (+81) 06 542 0081

Hokkaido Gem Laboratory
Kiho Building, 3rd Floor
N° 4, Higashi 2-chome Minami 6-jo
Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Japan
Tél. : (+81) 011 512 0290
Fax : (+81) 011 512 6617

AGT Gem Laboratory (Head office)
Okachimachi CY Building, 2nd Floor
5-14-14 Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Tél. : (+81) 03 3834 8586
Fax. : (+81) 03 3843 8589
Branch Offices : Osaka

Central Gem Laboratory (Head office)
Miyagi Building,
5-15-14 Ueno, Taito-ku,
Tokyo 110-0005, Japan
Tél. : (+81) 03 3836 3219
Fax. : (+81) 03 3832 6861

Central Gem Laboratory (Branch Office)
Taiyo Building, 2nd Floor
5-15-17 Ueno Taito-ku,
Tokyo 110-0005, Japan

Gem Science Laboratory
Miyachi Main Building, 6th Floor
4-30-8 Taito, Taito-ku
Tokyo Japan
Tél. : (+81) 03 3832 5521
Fax : (+81) 03 3832 5504

Gem Testing Centre of Japan (GTC)
Nisshin Building 5th Floor
4-29-13 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Tél. : (+81) 03 3836 1388
Fax : (+81) 03 3836 1389

Japan Technical Gem Laboratory (TGL Japan)
Hanabusa Building, 2nd Floor
5-2-3 Soto Kanda, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-0021, Japan
Tél. : (+81) 03 3834 5491
Fax : (+81) 03 3834 5492

Tokyo Gem Science Academy
Kojima Building, 3-20-8 Ueno, Taito-ku,
Tokyo, japan
Tél. : (+81) 03 3826 5838
Fax : (+81) 03 3826 5837

Universal Gem Laboratory
Dai-2 Orient Building, 7th Floor
5-13-11 Ueno, Taito-ku,
Tokyo, Japan
Tél. : (+81) 03 3836 2315
Fax : (+81) 03 3831 2136

Gemmological Association of All Japan (Zenhokyo)(GAAJ)
Tokyo Biho Kaikan Building,
1-24 Akashicho, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo 104-0044 Japan
Tél. : (+81) 03 3543 3821
Fax : (+81) 03 3543 3618

Central Gem Laboratory (Branch office)
Teleport Building Hara 2nd Floor,
2-16-2 Aioi, Kofu,
Yamanashi 400-0858, Japan

Netherlands Gemmological Laboratory (CIBJO approved lab)
Darwinweg 2
2333 CR Leiden
Tel. : (+ 31) 71 5687596
Fax. : (+ 31) 71 5687666

Swiss Gemmological Institute (SSEF) (CIBJO approved lab)
Falknerstrasse 9
CH – 4001 Basel, Switzerland
Tél. : (+41) 61 262 0640
Fax : (+41) 61 262 0641

Gubelin Gem Lab
Maihofstrasse 102
CH-6000 Lucerne 9, Switzerland
Tél. : (+41) 41 429 1717
Fax : (+41) 41 429 1734
E-mail : [email protected]

International Gemmological Institute (IGI Bangkok)
B.G.I. Building
9 Soi Charoengkrung
36 New Road, Bangkok 10500, Thailand
Tél. : (+66) 2 630 6726 / (+66) 2 630 6727
Fax : (+66) 2 630 6728
E-mail : [email protected]

Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences (AIGS)
Jewelry Trade Center, 6th floor
Silom road,
Bangrak, 10500 Bangkok,
Tel : (66)
Fax : (66)2.267.4327
Website :
Tokyo Gem Laboratory
55/11 501 Charoenkrung
42/1, New Road, Bangkok, Thailand
Tél. : (+66) 2 235 7324



I''m going to need to put some thought into the formatting of this whole thing. We have quite a few with a contact address and no website and quite a few with multiple different labs where the reports can be considerably different depending on which lab issued it(iEGL in particular). I''m thinking a database style format with the following fields.

Lab Name
Lab Address(s)
Product Name
Photo front
Photo back
Link to the company
Link to discussion

Anything else that should be included?
If you really want to go nuts contact each and get a marketing speak blurb from each about the services they offer and add it in.
I have seen in one local shop rings zip tied to a BGS report.(about a business sized card that was laminated with holes to zip tie the ring to it.
BGS - British Gemological Society

will have to google to find out more
Date: 2/23/2005 12:15:47 AM
Author: strmrdr
If you really want to go nuts contact each and get a marketing speak blurb from each about the services they offer and add it in.
They can post their marketing on their own site where they have free access to update it as they see fit. I''m thinking a thumbnail of each flavor of report would be helpful for the benefit of people who buy a stone and want to do some research into the attached documents. It looks like we have about 60 reports so far from about 40 different labs. There are a couple, like GCAL, that do private label reports where someone elses name appears in the masthead and the GCAL name is in the fine print. A flash tour like the DCLA guys have done would be lovely but I don''t want to work anything like that hard.

Thanks Summerisle, I''ll see what I can find out about them.

I may have created a Frankenstein.

the only one i found was the British Gemological Association... or Gem-A - at

But the sample report and the logo does not look the same as the one i have seen on one shop... so next time im near. will have another look in the window to find out. (tho it seems there is a BGA - part of IGI)
Well i think one mystery has been solved... having looked at thw BGI site.. thats who the certs where from in the Shop i visited.
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