
Who got the influenza vaccination this year 2024 and how did it go?


Jun 8, 2008
We are going this morning and just wondering how it went for you.

In years past I got chills and fever from the vaccine but the past few years I did not experience that effect.
So just wondering about this year's influenza vaccine and if anyone experienced adverse effects.

We had our flu shot a couple of weeks ago, we both got the 65 and older version. We had sore arms around the injection site for a day but we both had pretty bad body aches for over a week this time. Everything is fine now. Good luck!
We had our flu shot a couple of weeks ago, we both got the 65 and older version. We had sore arms around the injection site for a day but we both had pretty bad body aches for over a week this time. Everything is fine now. Good luck!

Thanks for your reply. My dh is over 65 and I believe the over 65 version of the vaccine is four times stronger. That’s probably why you both experienced such a strong long lasting effect. I don’t know if my dh should get the stronger version because he didn’t want to get it to begin with and I convinced him. I’ll see what our pharmacist recommends. Thanks again and I’m glad you’re both back to 100% now. I had the flu in April of 2005 and it was an absolute nightmare. No wish to repeat that experience ever again. On one hand I was afraid I was going to die (it was that bad) and otoh I was afraid I wouldn’t (it was that bad) lol
I got the flu shot 2 weeks ago and the covid shot last week. I purposely split them up because I don't like having 2 sore arms. They both went great, zero side effects aside from a sore arm for 1-2 days (but not even enough to keep me from sleeping on it).
I got the flu shot 2 weeks ago and the covid shot last week. I purposely split them up because I don't like having 2 sore arms. They both went great, zero side effects aside from a sore arm for 1-2 days (but not even enough to keep me from sleeping on it).

Very smart to separate them. I always recommend doing that. It’s too much for one’s body to get both at the same time. Glad they both went smoothly
Flu and covid shots at the same time for me this year. No side effects except sore arm.

Flu shot every year for me and no matter what the side effects I would take it a billion times over the flu.
I got the over 65 version without any side effects, not even a sore arm, and that hasn't happened for decades.
I had flu and COVID in both arms on same day. No side effects except sore arms but even that wasn't too bad. The nurse injected them up high which was great.
Sore arm with the flu shot, but no other side effects.
I got the under 65 flu and COVID in the same arm on the same day and had just a sore arm and mild overall achiness for a day or two. Two years ago I had shaking chills all night when I did both vaccines on the same day, this year was obviously much better!
I just got the flu shot this morning...I'll keep you posted!
Got the flu vaccine only, because I had Covid in September and need to wait at least 90 days to get that vaccine. Only symptom was a sore shoulder for two days.
We are both over 65 and got the flu and Covid shots the same day but in separate arms, back in September. We both had sore arms but no other symptoms. My arms were sore for several days this time.
Got both at the same time in one arm as need immune response quickly due to working at a port. Exposure galore.

The arm was sore and I was very tired for a week. Felt like I'd been in a car accident or fell - body aches.

Separate the shots if you can.
I had headache and sore arm - and since I frequently have headache, I can't swear it was the vaccine. No body aches or fever, but I took a few naps.

My husband had the over 65 and had some tiredness and achiness,
Both my husband and I are over 65. We got the Covid and flu vaccines at the same time, and both injections in the same arm. Our only side effect was slightly sore arms the next day - a very fortunate non-event for us.
Only a slight injection-site ache the next morning.
DH and I got ours (both kinds) as soon as they were offered about 2 months ago, I think. Very little reaction, mostly heat and redness at injection site. A month later, I attended an adult education class sans mask and,,bam, I got Covid for the very first time. Extreme fatigue, joint aches and fever, lost senses of smell and taste ( not permanent, thankfully) and about 2 days that I don’t remember at all. However, no SOB,no ER visit, no long term effects that I’m aware of. As a senior citizen, feeling very lucky to have had my vaccinations to protect me. So thankful for science, scientists and research funding.Hope I’ll be able to say that same thing a year or two from now!
probably too late to respond, but I got the over 65 flu shot and no issues. Only a slight soreness at the injection site, no body aches or anything else. Actually also got the pneumonia shot the same day, in the other arm, and no issues with that one either. I got the Covid two weeks prior.
Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences.

My dh and I got the influenza vaccine this morning. He got the over 65 version and I got the regular version.

So far so good. Not sure if we’ll have delayed responses but at this moment no ill effects

I appreciate everyone’s input, thank you!
I had both the flu and Covid vaccines on 03 October 2024, one on each arm, before I flew out to Vancouver the next day.

Apart from achy arms at the injection sites for about a couple of days, I did not experience any side effects.

DK :))
Got the over 65 version, as did DH. Both with sore arms and mild aches.
Myself, DH and the kids all had mildly tender arms for a day or two, no other side effects. My 11 year old son still tried to campaign for a day off school! No dice, kiddo.
I had both Covid & flu yesterday, achey arms and I feel a bit tired today, but otherwise all good. I don’t know if it was connected, but Colin was coughing for a couple of weeks after his flu shot. We both must have had the old fogey version :lol:
I didn’t realize there were “65 and older” shots. I got my flu vaccine as I do every year, and I never have side effects. I have put off getting the Covid one bc I have always felt bad after that one.

I had the flu in the late 90s and I still remember it - it was so bad. So like Missy said I never want to go through that if I don’t have to.
Same here, just a sore arm.
And like others I had a doozy dose of flu about 10 years ago. OMG, like @missy said I thought I was going to die, in fact I wouldnt have minded as it was beyond awful. I hated the fever chills, I actually cut off a bit of the anti slip carpet underlay to put between my chattering teeth. Ugh. Flu is serious sometimes.
Good morning. So I have just a bit of a sore arm this morning. Greg has no effects at all.

It's odd the past few years there have been minimal to no side effects for us for the flu vaccine. I wonder if our immune system is working if there is absolutely no reaction. I mean I know it is possible but so strange because in the past I used to get a strong reaction to all vaccines.

100% the flu is miserable and I will never on purpose skip a flu vaccine. No way. Having had the flu once was quite enough.

Vaccines are life saving despite the controversy surrounding them and it does concern me that vaccination for certain childhood diseases are falling by the wayside for many. We will see a return of diseases that were once previously eradicated. Ugh.

OK off my soapbox. May everyone remain well and healthy!!!
Regarding the flu shot I got yesterday, I'm not feeling anything today. My arm doesn't hurt unless I purposely
mash on it, and then it's a little tender.
Regarding the flu shot I got yesterday, I'm not feeling anything today. My arm doesn't hurt unless I purposely
mash on it, and then it's a little tender.

My experience is exactly the same as yours