
What type of treats take you back to your childhood?


Mar 13, 2004
My parents used to take us to McDonalds once every 2 week or so, and I always got a deep-fried cherry pie (remember when the pies were fried)?

Yesterday I was craving that so much, I pulled into a gas station mini mart and got myself a hostess cherry pie. Yum! :praise:
Apparently there are a few Mickey Ds that still fry their pies...I read it awhile back. They were a hazard...bite them and burn your tongue off! But so good.

A few of mine.

Red Vines licorice
Baskin Robbins bubble gum ice cream (don't know if they still have this, nor would I eat it!)
Asian Rice Candy (I tried this the other day and it was disgusting.)
Push up ice cream
Hostess Ding Dongs, but with the foil wrapper :bigsmile:
TravelingGal said:
Apparently there are a few Mickey Ds that still fry their pies...I read it awhile back. They were a hazard...bite them and burn your tongue off! But so good.

A few of mine.

Red Vines licorice
Baskin Robbins bubble gum ice cream (don't know if they still have this, nor would I eat it!)
Asian Rice Candy (I tried this the other day and it was disgusting.)
Push up ice cream

I remember getting a long red rope of red licorice, and that was a super treat from my mom who was very against buying candy.
home made rice crispy treats and carvel cakes :lickout:
Carmel apples and popcorn balls.
Popcorn balls.
Push-up ice creams.
Pickles from the school fundraisers.
Those little coconut squares, the ones that are individually wrapped and are pink, brown and white striped.
oh and how could I forget the tastykake lemon pies... my brother got my hooked on those big time.
Toffee Apples!!

My parents were market gardeners and we had a fruit and vege store. The only sweet thing in the whole shop were toffee apples and I was allowed to have one every now and then :lickout:
You mean caramel apples? I'm from the midwest. As a fundraiser for our elementary school could order caramel apples, plain or covered in peanuts (me? peanuts all the way). They would come 3? in a cardboard box with the sticks poking out. They were the best caramel apples i've ever eaten!
Affy Tapples!
jaysonsmom said:
My parents used to take us to McDonalds once every 2 week or so, and I always got a deep-fried cherry pie (remember when the pies were fried)?

Yesterday I was craving that so much, I pulled into a gas station mini mart and got myself a hostess cherry pie. Yum! :praise:
yes,about 15 yrs ago.... :lickout:
Fudge. Mom also used to make these bars that were in a cake pan like a brownie but they were more like a chocolate chip cookie bar thing.

School used to have a dessert that we had at lunch whenever we had spaghetti. If I could figure out how to make it I would be a very happy camper.
No craving for treats as I was banned from eating any treats for 5 years, from 3-8, due to my poor health as a kid, asthma. Totally destroyed any craving for food that I ever had. Basically I can eat the same plain thing over and over again every day every meal and never get sick of it.

But the one childhood treat I like best cannot be found anymore cause no one makes them anymore in Singapore, too messy. Basically a ball of ice shavings, a snow ball, that you covered with syrup and some sweet beans/corns and you eat it holding with your bare hands. Probably not a big deal in the US as you get snow but this is about as close to a snow ball as we can get. :P
M&Ms when there were two browns and green. No blue.
Fruit cocktail - we used to fight about who got the most syrup and who got the cherries
Neopolitan ice cream - my mom used to let us scoop it ourselves if we ate all of our dinner. We always ate the chocolate first, then the vanilla, and last the strawberry.
Affy Tapples
Orange Push Pops

ETA: I forgot the most magical treat of my childhood: Mrs. Prindables caramel apples! My sister had strabismus, and her opthalmologist's office was downtown, and every year for the appointment where my sister had to get the drops in her eyes that made her vision blurry my mom would take us to Neiman Marcus and we'd get one Mrs. Prindables caramel apple to share. HEAVEN!
Sugar Daddys, Bit O Honey, and gummy bears :cheeky:
Nilla Wafers
Lemon coolers
My mother wouldn't let us lick spoons with anything containing raw eggs. So, no brownie spoons, etc.

She hated Rice Krispie treats but sometimes we got them and they were definitely favorites!

I don't know...we never had sweets in the house or were "treated" with sweets when we were young!

i'm jealous of all of you!
Teaberry Gum and Sioux City Sasparilla soda
Bonamo taffy bars. We used to put them in the freezer for a short while, then give them to my Dad who used to smack them onto a hard surface to break them up. Yum, chocolate and strawberry taffy.... so good.

Akmiss, I almost forgot about Bit O'Honey. They were very similar to taffy. Those sweet little rectangles were SO delicious!

Growing up, we lived in Brooklyn, and a real treat for us was to go to the avenue for a whole pizza on Saturday afternoon with our parents, and then walk out that door and go right next door to the first Carvel in the area. Two huge slices of fresh gooey cheesy pizza followed by a soft swirly cone with chocolate sprinkles. I wish I could still eat like that. Geez, when we were kids, we could eat anything and everything and not gain an ounce. Those were the days...
I thought of a few more...Lemonheads, Alexander the Grape and Chik-o-Sticks. My mom used to give us 25 cents before school each morning. A soft pretzel was 15 cents so we used to stop at the store and buy one of the above for 10 cents. Or we could buy swedish fish for 2 cents each!

Monarch, you're probably better off. All we ate was junk and, as an adult, those habits die hard.
Pupp - Chik-o-Sticks!!!!!!!!!! Yummmmm They definitely take me back. My DH surprises me with them every so often :lickout:

Also: Fun Dip, and those marshmallow ice cream cones. Oh, and candy dots.
part gypsy said:
You mean caramel apples? I'm from the midwest. As a fundraiser for our elementary school could order caramel apples, plain or covered in peanuts (me? peanuts all the way). They would come 3? in a cardboard box with the sticks poking out. They were the best caramel apples i've ever eaten!

Ok, so what is a caramel apple and what are Affy Tapples?? lol.

A toffee apple to me is an apple with a pop stick stuck in it dipped in bright red or green toffee and it's all crisp and crunchy when you bite into it, and very sweet!

I am in Australia so maybe we are talking about the same thing but just different names? :))

Baskin and Robbins French Vanilla, 100,000 Bars (before they changed the name to 100 Grand), I remember when Twix first came yummy.
Licking the beaters when I make almost anything in the kitchen. :lickout: I still do it to this day...cookies, brownies, whipped cream, chocolate mousse, cake mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Aside from that...McD's hotcakes. We were pretty poor when I was very young and every once in awhile, we'd get the treat of going "out" to eat. We'd go to McDonalds and my sister and I would get to split an order of hotcakes. We thought they were the best things in the world! I *still* love them!
hawaiian, we call those jelly apples or candied apples here.
Candied Apples & Lemon pudding cake my grandmother used to bake :saint:
Rock candy
Twinkies and Hostess cupcakes
Swedish fish (I don't like them but my sister did)
Rice Krispie treats