
What is your favorite holiday memory?


Jun 8, 2008
The holidays can be challenging for some but also beautiful for others. Would you be willing to share your very favorite holiday memory with us?

The first Christmas Day I spent with my late partner was at my then flat in Central London in 2004.
It was renovated to replace the kitchen of a studio flat, and it did not go according to plan.
In fact, it went horribly wrong, and it was touch and go whether we could spend the festive break there or not.
In the end, we managed to clean up the place just in time to move back in on Christmas Eve late in the evening.
We cooked a duck in the combi microwave oven for Christmas Day.
To my horror, I discovered I left the bag of giblets in the duck's cavity when we took it out of the oven!
The giblets were cooked, so was the duck, and we lived to have a good laugh about that eventful period leading up to Christmas Day until his untimely death in November 2008.

DK :))
shelling new peas on the front varrander xmas morning for mum
waking up to the smell of turkey in the oven and just the summer smells of salad everywhere
sometimes at work when the boss lady is making sandwhiches i get xmas salad flash backs from the smell

going camping with Gary and having steak for lunch cooked out in the open (careful of fire danger)

when i was three getting a train set for xmas while we were visiting my great Aunty Netta in Wellington, very hot summer

rain and humidity xmas week -not that that is ever nice, but shopping with dad for mum and going into the one big dept store down home in Dunedin that had air con back in the day

driving into town (wellington) and just admiring all the powhotakawa trees in bloom on xmas day -we used to do that most years if we wernt away from home

there will be more to follow im sure
Nope, post as many as you want!!!

Missy, before I add my favorite holiday memory,I just want to say “thank you” for all the little cartoons and jokes that you post throughout the year. They always make me smile, and often laugh out loud, just when I need cheering up a bit. I know I’m not the only PSer who appreciates them!
My favorite Xmas memory comes from my daughter’s 2nd. Christmas. She was 18 months old and we decided to go to a tree farm and get a real,cut your own tree. It was a lovely tree and we couldn’t wait to get it inside and decorate it. We sat Katie down on the floor and put the tree in the holder with water inside. We strung the lights on first, of course. I thought it was almost a Christmas miracle that our toddler was so fascinated by all of the activity that she wasn’t moving toward the tree.Silly me…
I looked over at Katie and she was looking up toward the ceiling and following some kind of movement with her big brown eyes. I looked where she was looking and saw a grasshopper ,and then another take flight from the tree. Apparently,as the tree warmed up a bit, the grasshoppers did too!
We lived in So.Cal. at the time . It doesn’t get cold enough in the winter to kill whatever might be on a live tree. Lesson learned the hard way.Give your tree a shower before bringing it inside or you will really have a “ live” Christmas tree!Took awhile to get the grasshoppers evicted too, but made for a funny story( and a sweet memory) later on.
Happy holidays, everyone!
Missy, before I add my favorite holiday memory,I just want to say “thank you” for all the little cartoons and jokes that you post throughout the year. They always make me smile, and often laugh out loud, just when I need cheering up a bit. I know I’m not the only PSer who appreciates them!
My favorite Xmas memory comes from my daughter’s 2nd. Christmas. She was 18 months old and we decided to go to a tree farm and get a real,cut your own tree. It was a lovely tree and we couldn’t wait to get it inside and decorate it. We sat Katie down on the floor and put the tree in the holder with water inside. We strung the lights on first, of course. I thought it was almost a Christmas miracle that our toddler was so fascinated by all of the activity that she wasn’t moving toward the tree.Silly me…
I looked over at Katie and she was looking up toward the ceiling and following some kind of movement with her big brown eyes. I looked where she was looking and saw a grasshopper ,and then another take flight from the tree. Apparently,as the tree warmed up a bit, the grasshoppers did too!
We lived in So.Cal. at the time . It doesn’t get cold enough in the winter to kill whatever might be on a live tree. Lesson learned the hard way.Give your tree a shower before bringing it inside or you will really have a “ live” Christmas tree!Took awhile to get the grasshoppers evicted too, but made for a funny story( and a sweet memory) later on.
Happy holidays, everyone!

OHMIGOD our "last" live tree had red and brown spiders in it.....I threw the tree onto the lawn and the neighbours thought I'd gone mad...the next day I saw the cocoon in the tree (on the lawn) and the spiders that were trying to escape but froze on the sidewalk. I'm still traumatized!!!!
Staying up late on many Christmas Eves putting together special gifts for our young sons. Hot wheels loop track with launcher, tricycle, filling stockings, baking cookies... so many! Reading the Night Before Christmas to the boys, later they would read it to us. I remember those years being dead tired but so happy to make Christmas magic for our family! Great thread @missy!

I also recall the Christmas my DS learned who Santa was. He denied all the talk at school and was devastated when he asked me outright and I was honest. Thankfully, we haven't lost the spirit.

Many many years ago we used to go to a place called HatHead up north in NSW. We stayed in a very old fibro house near the beach. I was 9, my brother 7. The people next door were fishing people and also had racing greyhounds. There was a boy who lived next door there and he was also 9. We, him, my brother and I, were allowed to take the greyhounds down to the beach in the late afternoon. All of us would run up and down the beach and in and out the waves with like 12 greyhounds prancing about. They were so fast and it was so much fun.
These days, what parent would let their kids under 10 walk a bunch of huge dogs half a mile through bushland down to a beach by themselves and play and run unsupervised?
When I was young I had a thing about taking all my presents to bed with me the night of Christmas. One Christmas we received bikes. I was 8. It was an orange Chopper. My mother told me it had to stay in the garage. I waited awake in bed until I heard Mum and Dad go to sleep and I snuck down to the garage and dragged this bike up the stairs and down to my bedroom. I put it on my bed and then went to sleep virtually underneath it. Because I had stayed awake until like Midnight waiting for my parents to go to sleep, I slept in Boxing Day. On Boxing Day when I wasn’t up at normal time, Mum knocked on my door and then came in. She was not pleased at the sight but I could hear my Dad laughing heartily behind her.
OMG @Bron357, that story takes me back to my childhood as well! I used to sleep with my Christmas presents too! One year I got a pair of shoes that I really wanted, and I remember wearing them to bed! Thx for sharing you memory, yours takes the cake!! :lol:
My favorite memories are going to church with my family for midnight mass then going to my Grandmother's to open the presents and be with family.
On Christmas Day we would eat at my Grandmother's with all the family, sometimes I would just sleep over Christmas Eve and spend the day. Then we would drive to Rockefeller Center and see the tree and watch all the people, walk by Radio City and see the lights on Saks. I loved it so much.
I still remember eating the roasted chestnuts and the giant warm salted pretzels as we walked.
I miss my Grandmother so much and doing these things with her.
She was my person.
Missy, before I add my favorite holiday memory,I just want to say “thank you” for all the little cartoons and jokes that you post throughout the year. They always make me smile, and often laugh out loud, just when I need cheering up a bit. I know I’m not the only PSer who appreciates them!
My favorite Xmas memory comes from my daughter’s 2nd. Christmas. She was 18 months old and we decided to go to a tree farm and get a real,cut your own tree. It was a lovely tree and we couldn’t wait to get it inside and decorate it. We sat Katie down on the floor and put the tree in the holder with water inside. We strung the lights on first, of course. I thought it was almost a Christmas miracle that our toddler was so fascinated by all of the activity that she wasn’t moving toward the tree.Silly me…
I looked over at Katie and she was looking up toward the ceiling and following some kind of movement with her big brown eyes. I looked where she was looking and saw a grasshopper ,and then another take flight from the tree. Apparently,as the tree warmed up a bit, the grasshoppers did too!
We lived in So.Cal. at the time . It doesn’t get cold enough in the winter to kill whatever might be on a live tree. Lesson learned the hard way.Give your tree a shower before bringing it inside or you will really have a “ live” Christmas tree!Took awhile to get the grasshoppers evicted too, but made for a funny story( and a sweet memory) later on.
Happy holidays, everyone!

very lucky young Katie was a real live human daughter and not a cat !
Staying up late on many Christmas Eves putting together special gifts for our young sons. Hot wheels loop track with launcher, tricycle, filling stockings, baking cookies... so many! Reading the Night Before Christmas to the boys, later they would read it to us. I remember those years being dead tired but so happy to make Christmas magic for our family! Great thread @missy!

some years Father Chrisstmas would take such care with wrapping our presents so beauitfuly
and other years they were still in the bag from the shop sometimes with the price ticket and recept still on them
xmas 2024, having to work till the last
my saturday workmate coming in to keep me company with vino and pavalova ! :lickout:
not as pretty as this as we dont have plates or glasses at work
and the wine was a small bottle
but i swear it was the best thing ive eaten all year

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!:shhh:
Spending the holidays on the beach with my family, as a teenager. When I was a child, probably making lists for Santa and sending them into the fireplace where my dad assured me the smoke would turn into letters that Santa would read. (Lol, he had so many good stories he fooled us with.)