
WHAT is With My HAT?


Apr 30, 2005

If only I could get my hands on one of these...
You're so mean. ;(
How do you know I don't like bears with beer bellies?
Because I do. :mrgreen:
I don't know what's with your hat, Kenny, but my hat made little yellow sprinkle marks all over the Christmas tree skirt.

And I have no sense of humor, and can't laugh at myself, so this wounds me deeply. Really.

I'm deeply wounded.

I swear.

:lol: :lol:

Actually, I'm laughing so hard the little straw keeps falling out of my mouth.

We better put on a disclaimer: Dear PSer's this is not making fun of any of you. It is making fun of me. And beer hats . . . :sun:

iLander|1294061042|2813073 said:
I don't know what's with your hat, Kenny, but my hat made little yellow sprinkle marks all over the Christmas tree skirt.

And I have no sense of humor, and can't laugh at myself, so this wounds me deeply. Really.

I'm deeply wounded.

I swear.

:lol: :lol:

Actually, I'm laughing so hard the little straw keeps falling out of my mouth.

We better put on a disclaimer: Dear PSer's this is not making fun of any of you. It is making fun of me. And beer hats . . . :sun:

oh the faux-hawk hat is hilarious :lol:
sometimes I feel like this will be the best way to meet my 2 yr old son's demand for strawberry smoothies..just plug him in
So which of you folks are going to send me one of those hats over here. :naughty: :bigsmile:
Me, when the beer runs out . . .

As a Chicagoan, I'm ashamed to admit that I once owned this hat.
For the record:
But I do love cheese.
iLander, no, he's not making fun of you. Kenny and I used to post on a forum where people did take offs on the titles of threads. Someone did it once and it caught on at this other forum (that shall not be named). So if it makes you feel better, he's really making fun of the title of your thread (in a light hearted, amusing way). I'm sure he wasn't trying to make light of your situation, which sounds so unpleasant, and which I hope is resolved soon! :wavey:

Judging by your posts, I bet you kind of already knew this, but I wouldn't want other people reading this thread to think Kenny was acting despicably. :rolleyes:
Haven|1294081706|2813313 said:
As a Chicagoan, I'm ashamed to admit that I once owned this hat.
For the record:
But I do love cheese.

I love cheese but it's kind of expensive, so usually I have to content myself with milk. ;(
Oh my...I love cheese but that doesn't strike me as cheese so much as Velveeta with a pockmark fungus or something. Do people really wear those things?
packrat|1294092126|2813455 said:
Oh my...I love cheese but that doesn't strike me as cheese so much as Velveeta with a pockmark fungus or something. Do people really wear those things?
Haha, I've never seen anyone actually wear this particular hat. At least, not in public. I got it as a child on a tour of a Wisconsin cheese factory. (And yes, I *asked* to visit the cheese factory.)

Packers fans wear stupid triangle cheese hats. :rolleyes: :cheeky:
My now-FI, then-BF bought me one for my 25th birthday in June 2009 as a gag gift.

To this day I still have not used it, but only because we don't keep canned beer in the house! :D


Imdanny|1294090888|2813429 said:
iLander, no, he's not making fun of you. Kenny and I used to post on a forum where people did take offs on the titles of threads. Someone did it once and it caught on at this other forum (that shall not be named). So if it makes you feel better, he's really making fun of the title of your thread (in a light hearted, amusing way). I'm sure he wasn't trying to make light of your situation, which sounds so unpleasant, and which I hope is resolved soon! :wavey:

Judging by your posts, I bet you kind of already knew this, but I wouldn't want other people reading this thread to think Kenny was acting despicably. :rolleyes:

I know, right? I guess I should have used the phrases "having fun", "teasing me". etc. Don't want anybody getting all het up.

Actually, this forum is starting to make me as nervous as a long-tailed cat in room full of rocking chairs! :D

I don't know how anybody is going to take anything, and everyone is SO serious. I tend to talk in broad generalities, but a lot of what I say is getting parsed to death. I'm thinking I'll just cool it for a while. Or maybe go looking for another forum. . .

I was actually kind of hoping this IS aimed in my direction, since I want to play along and I think it's a hoot! I think I will pretend that it is aimed at me, and have some fun with it. I'm pretty sure Kenny still has a sense of humor and won't be offended if I mess with his thread. . . :bigsmile:

Get ready . . . :naughty:
vc10um|1294097643|2813546 said:
My now-FI, then-BF bought me one for my 25th birthday in June 2009 as a gag gift.

To this day I still have not used it, but only because we don't keep canned beer in the house! :D

Haven't used it? I would run out and get some cans, if I had one of those! :lol:

Your FI sounds like he has an excellent sense of humor! :appl:
To figure out my cat problem, I put on my thinking cap . . .
