
What’s Going on With Me?!?


May 26, 2009
Ok I’m hoping this is the right thread to ask about this? I’ve been having a lot of problems in the last six months with my skin. I get what looks like a chemical peel down my whole T-Zone and it takes weeks to calm down. I’ve been to several dermatologists with no luck. I’m not sure if these two issues are related so here is the jewelry related part, I’ve been having issues with my sterling silver earrings tarnishing in my ears. I though it was my shampoo so I started using Free and Clear, didn’t help. I thought it was my face washes or creams, went to Cetaphil, didn’t help. I thought it might be the water in my shower so I started taking them out, still tarnishing. Today I put in a perfectly polished set after shower and makeup and hair and a few hours later the entire earrings are black. I’ve always worn a pair of 925 earrings without removing them sometimes for months and they have never tarnished. Has anyone ever had this problem? What else could be causing this?


Apr 25, 2014
I'm not able to offer any assistance :( but I feel your pain regarding skin issues - one day mine will stop thinking it's a teenager! :rolleyes: lol

Could it be hormonal changes changing your skin? Do you have a water softener in the house?


Jun 8, 2008
Ok I’m hoping this is the right thread to ask about this? I’ve been having a lot of problems in the last six months with my skin. I get what looks like a chemical peel down my whole T-Zone and it takes weeks to calm down. I’ve been to several dermatologists with no luck. I’m not sure if these two issues are related so here is the jewelry related part, I’ve been having issues with my sterling silver earrings tarnishing in my ears. I though it was my shampoo so I started using Free and Clear, didn’t help. I thought it was my face washes or creams, went to Cetaphil, didn’t help. I thought it might be the water in my shower so I started taking them out, still tarnishing. Today I put in a perfectly polished set after shower and makeup and hair and a few hours later the entire earrings are black. I’ve always worn a pair of 925 earrings without removing them sometimes for months and they have never tarnished. Has anyone ever had this problem? What else could be causing this?

Would you consider getting patch testing done? That way you can evaluate what it is that you need to avoid and what you are safe to wear and be exposed to. It's a pain but it might allow you to get a handle on what you are experiencing and get relief from it.

I feel you re skin issues and they can be challenging to treat. You need an excellent dermatologist. Where are you located? I have an amazing derm in NYC if you are interested you can reach me on loupe troop.
Good luck.


May 1, 2009
Ok I’m hoping this is the right thread to ask about this? I’ve been having a lot of problems in the last six months with my skin. I get what looks like a chemical peel down my whole T-Zone and it takes weeks to calm down. I’ve been to several dermatologists with no luck. I’m not sure if these two issues are related so here is the jewelry related part, I’ve been having issues with my sterling silver earrings tarnishing in my ears. I though it was my shampoo so I started using Free and Clear, didn’t help. I thought it was my face washes or creams, went to Cetaphil, didn’t help. I thought it might be the water in my shower so I started taking them out, still tarnishing. Today I put in a perfectly polished set after shower and makeup and hair and a few hours later the entire earrings are black. I’ve always worn a pair of 925 earrings without removing them sometimes for months and they have never tarnished. Has anyone ever had this problem? What else could be causing this?

Just a possibility... Some silver are rhodium plated. Over time the rhodium wears out and then the tarnishing becomes fairly obvious once the rhodium is gone.

Re: skin, could it be hormone related? Have you changed any regimes or been taking any medication that could have affected you? Just throwing out possibilities.

Hope you find the root cause/solution soon. Can imagine it must be quite distressing


Jun 26, 2007
My DH wears a few sterling cuff bracelets. Not rhodium plated. The inside of the cuffs always turn black after he wears them. I clean and polish them up but it happens again and again,
I think it is his body chemistry and/or a reaction to the alloys in the sterling.


May 26, 2009
Just a possibility... Some silver are rhodium plated. Over time the rhodium wears out and then the tarnishing becomes fairly obvious once the rhodium is gone.

Re: skin, could it be hormone related? Have you changed any regimes or been taking any medication that could have affected you? Just throwing out possibilities.

Hope you find the root cause/solution soon. Can imagine it must be quite distressing

That’s an interesting point about the rhodium plating. I don’t think any of the pieces are plated but I’ll check on it.
I just had my annual check up and I had my doctor run tons of tests to see if anything appears to be off but everything came back as normal. I am on a new medication so I’ll look up and see if there are any side effects.
Thank you!


May 26, 2009
My DH wears a few sterling cuff bracelets. Not rhodium plated. The inside of the cuffs always turn black after he wears them. I clean and polish them up but it happens again and again,
I think it is his body chemistry and/or a reaction to the alloys in the sterling.

Yes I’m wondering if my body chemistry has changed suddenly.


Nov 8, 2015
Orange juice.

is your body overy acidic? look at your citric acid intake, or vitamin supplements ( Vit C).
take out those earrings and don't look back.
let your ears completely breathe.
Silver reacts to acids in your skin. So does aluminum ( and other metals)
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