So i''ve got a real project in the making. I bought a pair of antique art-deco earrings over ebay (I know, I know). When they showed up, I wasn''t at all happy with the stones. They were OMC''s that were forced into a round bezel - you could actually see gaps between the stones and the bezel. They were poorly matched in color, and I didn''t feel good about giving something like that to my future wife on our wedding day.
So after several trips to some local specialty stores, I realized it would cost a pretty penny to fix. So I decided if I was going to spend the money, I may as well do it right. So I sent them to Ari at SingleStone to have the stones replaced with some nice OECs. Ari was great to work with, very quick at responding to emails and reasonably priced, compared to what the local B&M wanted for the same work.
Ari originally quoted me for the labor and 2 - 10 point (3mm stones) and 4 - 5 point 2 mm stones. He ended up putting 16 pointers in the main bezels and 6 pointers in the secondary leafs. He said the smaller stones just kept getting lost in the setting. Hahaha. He did this for no additional charge from the original quote. They have a somewhat different look to them now although, in person, they look really good. The pictures are not very telling, but the stones now look huge in the settings. The next step is to have the pearls replaced (the original ones are pretty dinged up).

So after several trips to some local specialty stores, I realized it would cost a pretty penny to fix. So I decided if I was going to spend the money, I may as well do it right. So I sent them to Ari at SingleStone to have the stones replaced with some nice OECs. Ari was great to work with, very quick at responding to emails and reasonably priced, compared to what the local B&M wanted for the same work.
Ari originally quoted me for the labor and 2 - 10 point (3mm stones) and 4 - 5 point 2 mm stones. He ended up putting 16 pointers in the main bezels and 6 pointers in the secondary leafs. He said the smaller stones just kept getting lost in the setting. Hahaha. He did this for no additional charge from the original quote. They have a somewhat different look to them now although, in person, they look really good. The pictures are not very telling, but the stones now look huge in the settings. The next step is to have the pearls replaced (the original ones are pretty dinged up).