I''m sort of looking for an engagement ring over n the UK and I am wonderng if anyone out here has bought a rng from a UK retailer?
I noticed that most here are from the States and I would be extremely grateful f anyone out here who has bought an engagement ring from a UK high street or personal jewellers, if you would care to share with me your experience:-
1. Where did you go?
2. How would you rate their service?
3. Pcture of the ring if possible and
4. Approx price paid for the ring? I agree this is rather sensitive, and if you''re not comfortable disclosing this, by all means leave ths part out.
''m sort of looking at the moment but I''m confused as I can''t tell the difference ( usng my eye) between the high street store and the ring from the personal jewellers. If someone out here can point me n the right direction I would be grateful
Many thanks!