


Jul 23, 2012
So a weeks past I was seeing a lot of a particular type of thread. New people kept coming in asking questions that prompted a LOT of responders, then never came back.

I thought to myself,"troll?"

Now I wasn't sure so I didn't say anything. Wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But it brought me to this thought. How do you know someone is a troll? What tips you off? In general or specifically with diamonds or colored there a go to topic that when you see it you think "troll"
Have you ever called someone out and been wrong?
Someone who uses their first post to ask us what he has just inherited (and it's a million-dollar bauble).
I'm not sure which posts you're referring to.

Wikipedia has a good definition:In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]

That's how I think of trolling - intentionally posting to cause trouble but it's tricky because someone can post something controversial for discussion (e.g. threads in Hangout) and, depending on their intention for posting, it could be construed as trolling or just trying to provoke an intellectual/interesting discussion.

ETA: I wouldn't consider someone who posts a diamond/stone related question and then they don't follow up with the thread a 'troll'.
Troll is in the eye of the beholder, IMO - there are argumentative people out there who would completely deny the validity of the term as it might apply to them that the rest of us believe belong under the nearest bridge. And there are people some would call troll that others vaguely enjoy or think are cute. But I'd say anybody who puts the bulk of their energy on a site provoking responses without responding unless it's to further fan the flames ....

Maccers I'll be more clear sorry. I don't think every thread where someone comes to start a thread and never comes back is a troll. But when say, they come in and say "I wanna spend 100k help me!" Or other threads that will prompt a lot of responses and will use up a lot of people's time and they never come back I wonder if they were just started to waste our time.

That is not the specific example I was talking about. Just an example.
Hi Neil,

Its not always asking a question or making a statement to provoke, but also I wonder if the Op is making fun of the subject or those on PS. I had to question a post on colored stones recently about someone who gave a $5000 deposit on a ruby without asking the price of the ruby. She had no idea. I thought this can't be real. So, I question posts like that as well.


I think there are regulars on here who come to argue about any hook(JewelFreaks word) they can find to disagree under the guise of discussion. They are sort of trolls in their own right.
I agree if the definition of a troll is someone who posts specifically to stir the pot, then there are people here that do that, and its not just confined to newcomers.

And to your point about CS, maybe I don't believe people and I'm a bad PSer but when I feel like CS side of things gets a lot of trolls.
When someone without a lot of history posts a gigantic rare stone with no info I think "Hmmmmm..."
I was going to write that, Elliott. Somebody who says, "I have this 10-lb. hunk of ruby, where can I sell it?" I notice that sort of post more than ones in Hangout where someone may want to start trouble -- we have a few of those who are regulars. I don't think "troll" very often, guess I'm just not real aware. Mostly when it looks like the OP is hoping to find a victim to fleece.

--- Laurie
JewelFreak|1402076344|3687953 said:
I was going to write that, Elliott. Somebody who says, "I have this 10-lb. hunk of ruby, where can I sell it?" I notice that sort of post more than ones in Hangout where someone may want to start trouble -- we have a few of those who are regulars. I don't think "troll" very often, guess I'm just not real aware. Mostly when it looks like the OP is hoping to find a victim to fleece.

--- Laurie

Yes, I don't suspect trolls often either! Maybe I don't pay that much attention. Usually its only giant gem or the "Diamonds-what a racket!" posts :lol:
I love reading TROLL threads... :naughty:
kenny|1402072205|3687895 said:
Someone who uses their first post to ask us what he has just inherited (and it's a million-dollar bauble).
You have been reading the watch forums?.. :lol:
Someone who wants advice but puts it all down and argues why they were right in the first place.
Dancing Fire|1402079556|3687983 said:
kenny|1402072205|3687895 said:
Someone who uses their first post to ask us what he has just inherited (and it's a million-dollar bauble).
You have been reading the watch forums?.. :lol:

Oh Hail No!
I stay away from that place.
I need another expensive hobby like I need a hole in the head. :knockout:

TristanC robbed me when he got me hooked on that forum for Japanese hand-forged knives. :$$):
(It was sooooo worth it though! I LOVE my Konosuke Wa Gyuto.)
I think the "what do you think of this stone" or the "did I get a fantastic bargain" threads that frequently are not trolls are just as annoying. The one where the girl had a fairly ugly halo and then challenged us to point out what was wrong with it and find better and then never bothered to come back and answer comes to mind and there are many of these. I think sometimes newbies WANT members to say wow, yes you got such a wonderful bargain from cousin X's bogus friend who in reality is a shark that has ripped the person off :shock: So they come for validation and actually really don't want to be told their EGL stone that they paid way too much for was not a bargain.
arkieb1|1402095734|3688161 said:
I think the "what do you think of this stone" or the "did I get a fantastic bargain" threads that frequently are not trolls are just as annoying. The one where the girl had a fairly ugly halo and then challenged us to point out what was wrong with it and find better and then never bothered to come back and answer comes to mind and there are many of these. I think sometimes newbies WANT members to say wow, yes you got such a wonderful bargain from cousin X's bogus friend who in reality is a shark that has ripped the person off :shock: So they come for validation and actually really don't want to be told their EGL stone that they paid way too much for was not a bargain.

I really hate those... :knockout: ...the "How did I do?" but don't tell me I did bad thread because I'm not really here to get your
opinion. I'm really here so I can hear what a wonderful job I did. :rolleyes:
tyty333|1402096621|3688171 said:
arkieb1|1402095734|3688161 said:
I think the "what do you think of this stone" or the "did I get a fantastic bargain" threads that frequently are not trolls are just as annoying. The one where the girl had a fairly ugly halo and then challenged us to point out what was wrong with it and find better and then never bothered to come back and answer comes to mind and there are many of these. I think sometimes newbies WANT members to say wow, yes you got such a wonderful bargain from cousin X's bogus friend who in reality is a shark that has ripped the person off :shock: So they come for validation and actually really don't want to be told their EGL stone that they paid way too much for was not a bargain.

I really hate those... :knockout: ...the "How did I do?" but don't tell me I did bad thread because I'm not really here to get your
opinion. I'm really here so I can hear what a wonderful job I did. :rolleyes:

Ditto and Thritto!