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- Sep 28, 2008
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AH! I can’t believe I am writing my very own “I’m engaged!!!” thread!
It feels so surreal. Ok, well, I need to give a big thank you to everyone on LIW. I lurked much more than I posted, but I really appreciated having somewhere to go where everyone was experiencing the same kinds of things & the support is so amazing.
Here’s our story:
The Background
My FI (ah!) & I met on the night of a huge Chicago snowstorm three years ago. Neither of us is much of a “going out” kind of person and normally would be very unlikely to venture out in this kind of weather, but we like to think we felt compelled to go out that night for a reason. I knew by the end of that first night that he was “The One.” There was something about his warm personality and smile, his adorable face and sense of humor, and the fact that he was immediately himself and not afraid to show it even that first night that gave me that “feeling.” We clicked right away & were inseparable right off the bat. Last February we decided to start looking at rings & that’s when I found PS. It was a blessing & a curse because, as I learned more about diamonds, the more I wanted us to find “The One.” Little did either of us know how complicated that could be! 9 months later, we had found our perfect stone & we were waiting it to be set. I was a nervous ball of energy, excitement, anxiety & nerves...& he loved me nonetheless.
The Proposal
We were expecting a major snowstorm in Chicago yesterday so FI told me he was going to do a shift change at work & come home an hour early. We both got up early & we both left for work…little did I know that was not his plan.
I stopped to buy FI a Christmas present after work & hurried home to make sure I got it wrapped or at least hidden before he got there. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. We had emailed during the day from our work accounts, his car wasn’t parked in his assigned spot. When I opened the door to the condo, I was totally oblivious & wasn’t expecting anything. Instead of what I normally find, all the lights were on, including the Christmas tree. I looked in front of me & saw a small table.
“STOP. Turn left & experience the journey of Bob & Kate.”
I looked up & saw two bouquets of flowers & something spread out around the condo. All around our kitchen/living room area, he had created a timeline of “our story” with pictures he had printed of us. The pictures began with our first NYE together (one month after we met) & ended with our recent skydiving trip. He narrated how we fell in love, the things he loves about me, some of our adventures & inside jokes. One of the pages talked about how I would soon be kissing him & he laid chapstick & a chocolate mint on top! A few times I laughed out loud & he could hear me in the other room.
The last page was an arrow pointing to our bedroom. When I got to the door, the sign said, “STOP! Do not open the door yet. Go look in the penguin stocking for a gift.” I stuck my hand in my stocking & pulled out a ring box! I couldn’t believe he was going to have me open my own ring! How would he know when to come out? When I opened the box, there was a tiny note inside. It said that I had been very patient but wouldn’t have to wait much longer. “Look in the snowman stocking for the rest of the story,” it read. The note in the other stocking read, “And then Kate opened the bedroom door…”
My heart was pounding at this point & I started to get emotional. My knees started shaking & I couldn’t open the door! Eventually I opened it & took a peek in, but when I saw my wonderful FI down on one knee, holding the ring of my dreams
, I shut the door again! In that moment, I had such a surge of excitement & nervousness. I finally went in, the question was popped & I nodded (& eventually said) YES! It all happened in a whirlwind & I barely remember him putting the ring on my finger. We enjoyed the moment together, called our friends and family & celebrated with dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.
I can’t believe how “us” the proposal turned out to be. I was so nervous that I had ruined everything & that by asking so many questions, I had taken away the special piece of the engagement that I knew we both wanted. I was so wrong to worry- he knows me well & knew well what I would have wanted AND he still managed to surprise me. I am so impressed with the time & effort he put into it, to make me believe he was really at work & that today would be just another ordinary day. He even waited in our bedroom for an hour and a half so that he would be out of sight when I walked in the door! I also love that we met on the night of a snowstorm & here we are engaged on one too. I know there’s a lot of planning & decision making ahead, but we are totally looking forward to just sitting back & taking some time to just enjoy being engaged for the holidays.
I''m on winter vacation for two weeks now & I can''t think of a better start to the occasion.

Here’s our story:
The Background
My FI (ah!) & I met on the night of a huge Chicago snowstorm three years ago. Neither of us is much of a “going out” kind of person and normally would be very unlikely to venture out in this kind of weather, but we like to think we felt compelled to go out that night for a reason. I knew by the end of that first night that he was “The One.” There was something about his warm personality and smile, his adorable face and sense of humor, and the fact that he was immediately himself and not afraid to show it even that first night that gave me that “feeling.” We clicked right away & were inseparable right off the bat. Last February we decided to start looking at rings & that’s when I found PS. It was a blessing & a curse because, as I learned more about diamonds, the more I wanted us to find “The One.” Little did either of us know how complicated that could be! 9 months later, we had found our perfect stone & we were waiting it to be set. I was a nervous ball of energy, excitement, anxiety & nerves...& he loved me nonetheless.
The Proposal
We were expecting a major snowstorm in Chicago yesterday so FI told me he was going to do a shift change at work & come home an hour early. We both got up early & we both left for work…little did I know that was not his plan.
I stopped to buy FI a Christmas present after work & hurried home to make sure I got it wrapped or at least hidden before he got there. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. We had emailed during the day from our work accounts, his car wasn’t parked in his assigned spot. When I opened the door to the condo, I was totally oblivious & wasn’t expecting anything. Instead of what I normally find, all the lights were on, including the Christmas tree. I looked in front of me & saw a small table.
“STOP. Turn left & experience the journey of Bob & Kate.”
I looked up & saw two bouquets of flowers & something spread out around the condo. All around our kitchen/living room area, he had created a timeline of “our story” with pictures he had printed of us. The pictures began with our first NYE together (one month after we met) & ended with our recent skydiving trip. He narrated how we fell in love, the things he loves about me, some of our adventures & inside jokes. One of the pages talked about how I would soon be kissing him & he laid chapstick & a chocolate mint on top! A few times I laughed out loud & he could hear me in the other room.
The last page was an arrow pointing to our bedroom. When I got to the door, the sign said, “STOP! Do not open the door yet. Go look in the penguin stocking for a gift.” I stuck my hand in my stocking & pulled out a ring box! I couldn’t believe he was going to have me open my own ring! How would he know when to come out? When I opened the box, there was a tiny note inside. It said that I had been very patient but wouldn’t have to wait much longer. “Look in the snowman stocking for the rest of the story,” it read. The note in the other stocking read, “And then Kate opened the bedroom door…”
My heart was pounding at this point & I started to get emotional. My knees started shaking & I couldn’t open the door! Eventually I opened it & took a peek in, but when I saw my wonderful FI down on one knee, holding the ring of my dreams

I can’t believe how “us” the proposal turned out to be. I was so nervous that I had ruined everything & that by asking so many questions, I had taken away the special piece of the engagement that I knew we both wanted. I was so wrong to worry- he knows me well & knew well what I would have wanted AND he still managed to surprise me. I am so impressed with the time & effort he put into it, to make me believe he was really at work & that today would be just another ordinary day. He even waited in our bedroom for an hour and a half so that he would be out of sight when I walked in the door! I also love that we met on the night of a snowstorm & here we are engaged on one too. I know there’s a lot of planning & decision making ahead, but we are totally looking forward to just sitting back & taking some time to just enjoy being engaged for the holidays.