
Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over LOL


May 27, 2003
Here's my temp ring........I'm aiming to get bigger stone hopefully in near future!
I'll let you all guess the spec, my ring size is 6 :naughty:

Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Congrats! What a gorgeous ring. :appl:
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Dying. Love it!! My guess is: 4.5 ct. Can't tell from the pictures, OEC or MRB?
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

SO BEAUTIFUL!!! My guess is a 3.65!! :love:
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

It's lovely Win, my guess is 3.27. Pretty pretty stone!
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Wow, your temp diamond is already so huge? I :love: :love: :love: it. I'm going to guess 3.5ct. Congrats! :appl:
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Temp ring?!!?!??!!! I can't wait to see what this gets upgraded to :eek: It's beautiful and the simple setting is perfect for that huge rock!

My guess is 3.5 ct.
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

It is gorgeous! But you have to do a fun setting. You're the queen of fun settings!

My guess is 3.38
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

I am not good at guessing but 4 carats? wow stunning! :love:
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Ohhhhhh woooooowwwwieee zowwwieeee if that's a temp ring, somebody knock me over the head!! It's beautiful!!!!!
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

luv2sparkle, you are too good! :wink2:

It is 3.21crt AVR, K SI1. I'm aiming for closet to 4crt as soon as my AVC gets sold lol.
I went back and forth with the setting, and decided to get the Vatche U-113 and I'm very happy with it now. I can really enjoy the pattern of the AVR without any destruction!!

The stone faces up really white in real life, it is hard to imagine it's K color. Jonathan said it has a brownish-pinkish tint which makes the diamond faces up whiter than usual yellow tint.
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

wintotty|1358445605|3357933 said:
luv2sparkle, you are too good! :wink2:

It is 3.21crt AVR, K SI1. I'm aiming for closet to 4crt as soon as my AVC gets sold lol.
I went back and forth with the setting, and decided to get the Vatche U-113 and I'm very happy with it now. I can really enjoy the pattern of the AVR without any destruction!!

The stone faces up really white in real life, it is hard to imagine it's K color. Jonathan said it has a brownish-pinkish tint which makes the diamond faces up whiter than usual yellow tint.

Wow, delicious!! :appl:
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Wow! That is one beautiful ring! I can't wait to see your replacement either if this ring is your temp. It is a true stunner! Congrats. :love:
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Thank you, I've been wearing this ring for a few hours now and definitely I want my permanent diamond to be bigger :))
It is really amazing, this AVR faces up really's some screen shots of the video Jonathan sent me before, and it doesn't look too tinted even right next to my D with strong blue AVC.

Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Oh, I am sooo excited to see that beautiful stone finally! :appl: And, it is in my setting!!! I wish you'd let me borrow it for about a week! :lol: I am so indecisive!!! And yes, it is gorgeous, definitely too beautiful to be a temp ring, and I am sure there will be someone waiting for it when your forever stone comes along!!!

Can you come to Las Vegas??? I really do want to see it...oh, and meet you, of course! :bigsmile:
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Hi DS! :wavey:

I really LOVE the Vatche setting, it is very simple and elegant.....

As for the AVR, it faces up much whiter than the 2crt J AVR I saw before (I think I posted some pics for you before). It is a gorgeous stone, just a little too small :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something:

I so wish I can go to Vegas......not going to happen with 3year old and 7months old girls who keeps me busy all the time...we are going on vacation in a few weeks as well!
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Oh, I know you can't leave babies! Just wishful thinking!

I do think there is something to the brown tint versus yellow tint. I think that might be an issue for me. I think I like brown better than yellow! I just need to go up there and see all the stones, but I don't know when I could do that because I have a trip to DC and Las Vegas in the next 4 1/2 months!

I am glad you love the setting!!!
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Congrats on such a STUNNING "temp" ring! I wish I could have a temp like that--- whoa!! STUNNING! I love the setting too - its just perfect in that Vatche where it allows the diamond to do all the talking, and the Tiff repro takes the backseat allowing the diamond to be the star!

Lovely diamond - just amazing! Enjoy - and enjoy your two little princesses, as well!
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Wow, love this stone, even compared to your D AVC!!! They both look so white. Can I have your temp when you're done with it?? :love: :cheeky:

Not sure if I missed this, but will your 4ct be a round or cushion?
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Wowza! What a temp diamond!! Amazing! I love the setting too. :love: :love:
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

What a temp! Tell us what you think about the AVR as compared to the AVC!

Looks beautiful - are you sure you want to go bigger?!?
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

I'm in love!! What a beauty!
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Oh wow, so beautiful!! :love: :love: :love:
And I really love the simple but elegant setting you chose! Wear in health and happiness!!
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

Oh my, be still my heart... I'm in an OEC comma! :love:
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

pandabee|1358459880|3358107 said:
Wow, love this stone, even compared to your D AVC!!! They both look so white. Can I have your temp when you're done with it?? :love: :cheeky:

Not sure if I missed this, but will your 4ct be a round or cushion?

I'm hoping to get 4crt (or close to it) AVR :love: :love:
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

No, you do NOT need a bigger stone! That is beautiful and HUGE just like that! Wow, I love that stone!
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

It looks amazing on your hand! Can't wait too see what a 4ct would look like!!!

Also, can you tell us why you decided to switch to an AVR in the end?
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

MissGotRocks|1358467147|3358204 said:
What a temp! Tell us what you think about the AVR as compared to the AVC!

Looks beautiful - are you sure you want to go bigger?!?

I love AVR more than AVC! I think I prefer smaller facets on AVR better.......AVC is beautiful and I would like to have one as RHR, but for ER (everyday pieces) I love AVR!!! No regret on switching from AVC to AVR for me....and YES I'm certain I want a little bigger as I planned...just around 4crt will be very nice :twirl:
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

That is beautiful! It faces up very white & bright. I loved your cushion & that setting but do agree this stone looks perfect as a solitaire. And a larger stone in your future...WOW!
Re: Too good to be a temp ring?? Something to tide me over L

wintotty|1358474842|3358314 said:
MissGotRocks|1358467147|3358204 said:
What a temp! Tell us what you think about the AVR as compared to the AVC!

Looks beautiful - are you sure you want to go bigger?!?

I love AVR more than AVC! I think I prefer smaller facets on AVR better.......AVC is beautiful and I would like to have one as RHR, but for ER (everyday pieces) I love AVR!!! No regret on switching from AVC to AVR for me....and YES I'm certain I want a little bigger as I planned...just around 4crt will be very nice :twirl:
First off, gorgeous stone ... Ah, the AVRs (& AVCs)!!!! Good grief, don't you just love them?? Your pictures really show off the beauty of that cut & I'm still amazed that this is a "temp ring" for you LOL! :lol: :lol: Please tell me though, is it really easy to wear such a large diamond every day? Do you just get used to the size over time so that you don't even think about it after a while or have you always had large stones so there was nothing that you had to "get used to"?