
Thoughts on this warm AVR L 1.01


Aug 9, 2013
Thoughts on this warm AVR?
Link to stone and video
I saw this on the GOG website. Put it on hold. Asked them to make me a video comparing it to a MRB. Why? Because I always thought I wanted a MRB until I started seeing OEC’s and AVR’s. I fell in love. I’ve had my current diamond 28 years. It’s old and not the good kind of old. I’ve had the setting about a year and love it. My budget (~$5000.00) on the diamond is tight and this meets my price and size requirements for my setting. I’ve seen plenty of OEC’s in person and love them as much in real life as I do online. Any input appreciated. I’m not in any hurry but I have to let them know soon.

It's beautiful of course. I much prefer it to a MRB.

Can you get it sent to you unset and see what you think of it? :wavey:
That's what I would do. Decisions,decisions.
yea I don't think you can go wrong with any of the August Vintage range in terms of cut there all to a high standard I believe.
love the warm colours of OEC/ AVR. :lickout: .. it has a romantic feel to them compared with MRB.... :love: :appl:
Looks beautiful! I love old cuts & new old cuts!
As others have said I would just want to see it in person to be sure i like it with my setting and in different lighting conditions.
That's the most beautifully cut AVR I've seen. I hope we get to see many more photos of it!
Do you like warm colored stones? If you do, this is a great stone. If not, you won't be happy with it. I think the suggestion to get it sent loose is a good one.
I do like warm colored stones,however I am learning every stone has it's own personality. I have some oec earrings where one is a k and it looks the same next to my current uncerted diamond which is supposed to be an H. I'll find out how I like it-it's coming to visit. :roll:
YAY! Can't wait to see what you think.
That's good that you are sending for it! There is no other way to decide on color. I could handle lower color in AVC's than I could in AVR's, so I am interested to see what you think!
Well I should have it tomorrow. Went to look for my real camera to take pictures when it comes. 17 year old son "borrowed " it along with all my memory cards. I have the camera but not the memory cards. Arghhh. Well I'm lousy at taking gemstone photos anyway so I guess my cell phone will have to do. My sweet husband wanted to know where the diamond is coming from and how reputable or safe it is. I assured him it was fine and from a very reputable dealer. Told him it was coming from Long Island. He wanted to know why we weren't going to New York to go look at it. Tried to get him to go to NYC next month for his birthday and he just wasn't up for it but he will take me to New York to look at diamonds. I might have to take him up on it. :love:
That AVR is gorgeous. A well-cut "cape" color diamond faces up very white in some lighting, and you're going to see it light up pale-yellow in others. If your want a glare-white look, then I'd say H, or perhaps I with blue fluor is the cutoff. But if you don't mind seeing a very pale yellow, the go for the AVR. It will be beautiful irl. I'd pick it over the H&A that is beside it.
I bought a 1.62 L AVR two weeks ago and I think the color adds charm to the vintage cut. Depending on how you set it, I've been told by jewelers that normal melee can make the stone appear darker and that darker than G/H melee is hard to get good quality. If you're doing a plain solitaire, or are seeking the contrast of a warm vintage cut with great "light performance," then an L AVR should be great!

Giraffe-I love that stone
looks really beautiful! do you like the stone next to your setting?
I know some have issues with the contrast of the melee & warm center stone. (I personally like the contrast.)