
Thoughts on Tacori setting, esp prongs


Mar 22, 2010
I came across this Tacori setting and really like it, but two things are holding me back.

1. The prongs. When you look at the halo, I think I see more bead prongs then melee. Also, I really want double claw prongs. Can Tacori do that?

2. The width of the band, I would like a thinner band. Do you think a thinner band is possible for this?

I think I am going to back to plan A, or was it B or C? and just reset the stone I have. I feel a little gunshy and kind of pooped out really to continue the yellow diamond hunt. I'm feeling a little pooped out to do custom too, although I may have to to get what I want. I e-mailed Maytal about it we'll see. I don't feel like e-mailing Leon again. It took him forever to get back to me before and this would be my third request, which I guess he doesn't take too favorably. I don't like feeing bad about "bugging" someone for work. :rolleyes:

I have been thinking about this too long! Maybe too many choices can be a bad thing. I make a new design every week, and just want something I can enjoy already.

I haven't seen this in person, my jeweler does not have this exact model, but I have seen the 2620 in person and love it. I just could not live with the high, crown like basket of the 2620. Although I admire looking at it. This one seems lower, I adore the side view.

Maybe I am giving in, but it is really pretty, easier and within the budge. Not exactly what I want, but maybe Tacori can modify?

Thank you for all of the guidance so far, and I hope soon I can show off a ring instead of asking all of these questions all the time!!


You should talk to Tacori. They have their own Concierge Service:

It's a $25 charge for an hour live consultation where you can ask all these questions and can follow-up with e-mail later if you have further questions. The $25 can be applied to any Tacori purchase for the next year at any dealer.

You could of course go see a local Tacori jeweler but my experience is that they just end up calling Tacori anyways. So that's why I ended up using the Tacori Concierge.

So far the service is amazing and most modifications/mounting is usually sent back to Tacori who does all the work. As the band goes they custom build them around the stone which is why you need the exact measurements so they can size everything proportionally. Since it's all custom built there is flexibility on what you can do, you just need to talk to them to see what are all the options.

Best of luck!
Awesome! Great to know!

I take it you have a Tacori setting? Which one is it?
I think they would. That is awesome you can talk to them. We ordered my setting (which is made for a RB) for an EC. No issues. I don't think they even charged us anything extra. Good luck!