
Those with pets...a question

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May 18, 2008
How cold is too cold to leave your animal outside?

It''s in the 60s here today which I realize that compared to single digit (or even negative
) weather, its Spring Break. But for Florida, 60 is enough for a turtle neck and a heavy jacket.

Anyway, I woke up around 5AM today to a dog barking. And he did not stop AT ALL. I left home at 8AM and he was still barking. I noticed he was out on the patio. I think its way too cold for him to be out there. But I don''t know anything about animals and their temperature tolerance so wondering if you all can help me out here. Is 60 ok for a dog to be outside??
60 is not a problem for an outdoor dog - just make sure he/she has somewhere to go (like a house with a roof/cover) to get out of the elements. We have a strictly outdoor dog at my parents house - he''s 14 years old and has never come inside - even when it''s super cold (rarely gets below 30 here) - we have his house in a very warm spot, he has blankets and pillows to curl up with - and when it gets very cold, we have a heat lamp for him and he''s nice and toasty even when it''s extremely cold outdoors.

but, yes, 60 degrees is nothing for an animal covered with fur
Thanks Cleo. I just went outside and thought that poor dog must be freezing LOL
Date: 1/16/2009 9:10:16 AM
How cold is too cold to leave your animal outside?

It''s in the 60s here today which I realize that compared to single digit (or even negative
) weather, its Spring Break. But for Florida, 60 is enough for a turtle neck and a heavy jacket.

Anyway, I woke up around 5AM today to a dog barking. And he did not stop AT ALL. I left home at 8AM and he was still barking. I noticed he was out on the patio. I think its way too cold for him to be out there. But I don''t know anything about animals and their temperature tolerance so wondering if you all can help me out here. Is 60 ok for a dog to be outside??
LOL. That''s T-Shirt weather for MI.
Date: 1/16/2009 9:41:53 AM
Author: geckodani
Date: 1/16/2009 9:10:16 AM


How cold is too cold to leave your animal outside?

It''s in the 60s here today which I realize that compared to single digit (or even negative
) weather, its Spring Break. But for Florida, 60 is enough for a turtle neck and a heavy jacket.

Hey! thats socks and sandals weather in the NW too :)

Anyway, I woke up around 5AM today to a dog barking. And he did not stop AT ALL. I left home at 8AM and he was still barking. I noticed he was out on the patio. I think its way too cold for him to be out there. But I don''t know anything about animals and their temperature tolerance so wondering if you all can help me out here. Is 60 ok for a dog to be outside??

LOL. That''s T-Shirt weather for MI.
Actually, the more I think about it - cooler weather, as in 60s and 50s, is the kind of weather dogs love. I know my outdoor dogs just get an extra jump in their step when it''s cooler outside! Especially since it''s usually scorching hot where we are! They''ll take 50s and 60s over 90s and 100s any day!
60 degrees isn't very cold. . .but then again, REGARDLESS of the temperature, my pets wouldn't be outside at 5 AM.

Since I'm in the NW, nearly half the year is 60 or lower, so when we lived in our house, all our cats went outside when the weather was like that (since they were use to that temperatur). Keep in mind, that the ONLY time we let our cats out was when we were home. . .so sometimes, one of our brave kitties would prance around in the snow for about 10 minutes before coming back up to the door for me to let him inside. They were never left to freeze while I went out running errands. . .I kept an eye on them.

Also, I never intentionally leave my cats out at night. Once in a while, one wouldn't come in when we called her/his name and usually within an hour or two after going to bed, we'd hear stratching at the door!

I'm not sure about dogs, but seems like some breeds wouldn't be as use to colder weather - especially in FL - and not having warm coats!

Is that barking dog normally outside that early in the morning?
Date: 1/16/2009 9:41:53 AM
Author: geckodani

Date: 1/16/2009 9:10:16 AM
How cold is too cold to leave your animal outside?

It''s in the 60s here today which I realize that compared to single digit (or even negative
) weather, its Spring Break. But for Florida, 60 is enough for a turtle neck and a heavy jacket.

Anyway, I woke up around 5AM today to a dog barking. And he did not stop AT ALL. I left home at 8AM and he was still barking. I noticed he was out on the patio. I think its way too cold for him to be out there. But I don''t know anything about animals and their temperature tolerance so wondering if you all can help me out here. Is 60 ok for a dog to be outside??
LOL. That''s T-Shirt weather for MI.
Heck, that''s bathing suit weather for some people in MI!

I''m currently bundled up in a jacket, boots, and scarf INSIDE of my office right now. I have gloves on when I''m not typing.

-11 is just cruel. That dog should thank his lucky stars it''s 60 out!
Dani-LOL. When my grandfather visits from NY during winter, he always brings just tee-shirts and shorts. He says it feels like summer.

Mc-This is the first morning I''ve heard the dog bark. I have seen the dog before and have seen him on the patio plenty of times. But he never barks, even when people pass by. Today he was going nuts. I almost wanted to call the police because I was afraid that maybe something happened in the house and he was trying to warn someone
at 60F the dog will be fine. He probably needs attention/water/food/somewhere to do his business. Anywhere near freezing or below the dog needs to get in the house/garage/basement.

I don''t get the dog owners that spend tons of money getting cute little doggie parkas, but refuse to get boots. In Chicago, people salt their walks and the streets and sidewalks so much, it''s so hard on the dog''s paws. Also they ingest the salt when they lick their feet to warm them up.
I think it depends on the breed of dog.
<------- this guy here would be freezing his arse off, shivering and crying! But most bigger outdoor dogs seem to be fine in temps much colder than 60. That''s weird that he usually doesn''t bark and now he is though... hope everythings okay there.
Agree with Mia
<--- This guy would be panting because 60 degrees for him is hot, hot, hot. It's single digits here now and he loves it. When I let him in the back yard to potty he'll often stay out there and lie down in the snow to cool off--I leave him out there until he comes to the back door.

While I think 60 degrees is plenty warm enough for nearly any breed of dog, I'm wondering if the fluctuation in temp just threw him off a little.
60* is fine for bigger dogs. Tiny dogs (20lbs and under) shouldnt be left outside for many reasons...
I wouldn''t worry if he has a blanket or something soft to lay on or some sort of shelter to protect him from the elements... and food and water.

Sounds like the dogs life is pretty grand... rockin'' it out in 60* Florida. I think he/she is ok.

Your concern really endears me to you. Fieryred, you are really a GOOD person!
Date: 1/16/2009 7:17:18 PM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Agree with Mia
<--- This guy would be panting because 60 degrees for him is hot, hot, hot. It''s single digits here now and he loves it. When I let him in the back yard to potty he''ll often stay out there and lie down in the snow to cool off--I leave him out there until he comes to the back door.

While I think 60 degrees is plenty warm enough for nearly any breed of dog, I''m wondering if the fluctuation in temp just threw him off a little.
Awww I wish my dog liked the snow! He''s always hated it! He used to stand on 3 legs at a time in the winter so he could lift one off of the snow! Good thing we moved to a more temperate California!
We keep our house colder than that!

Our cats haven''t complained yet...
I heard a dog barking in our neighborhood yesterday and the only reason I thought "Huh, that''s weird" was because it was 20 below 0. I''m guessing he came in shortly after.
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