
The Unconscious Elf and a Tourmaline


Feb 18, 2010
I imagine a lot of you are like me in that you over extend yoursELVES during the holiday. I make my own christmas cards, 125 of them at a time, and try to make at least on of my gifts for each person by hand. It may seem weird but it actually gives me a greater sense of purpose and pride than my regular work, not that that's lacking. So after printing the cards on my new etching press (this year a copper plate drypoint engraving) and getting them all out I started making stuff. My conscious idea was to make a silver bell for my sister, since I was making barbells (cast in leadfree pewter) for my nephew. Also I was making a ring for my niece, inspired by one I had seen on the three graces jewelry website. It wasnt until I was photographing them in progress that I saw the themes emerge. The ring looks totally like a holiday wreath! So in these pictures you will see a silver bell in progress, a ring also in progress, and a token tourmaline that came in the mail this week that justifies this thread in colored stones.
The tourmaline is a fabulous mint green on the a and b axes and pink on the C. Whatever shall I do?




You are raising that bell? I am in awe - I admire raising and other forging techniques so much!

The ring is looking very nice - does it taper towards the back or is that just an illusion?

More photos of the tourmaline, please! Blue and pink tourmalines are my favourite.
Thank you Lady D for your encouragement. The bell is being formed by raising, though I started off by sinking it. The original was a one dollar walking liberty silver dollar. I have so far managed to maintain the knurled coin edge now at the rim of the bell. I hope to keep that intact all the way through. The ring, yes it is tapered. I rolled each of the strands out like dough, from the centers to taper them. That was slow going, then I found a blacksmith on U toob who had videos of forging a nail (!) and I used his technique too. Still I wish the ring had more taper to it. Next time. I am crazy about this tourmaline. It came with about 11 other stones and I wasnt expecting much from it. Most of the others were higher up in my hopes. But this stone had totally charmed me. I know part of that is because of its, perhaps, alluvial shape. It returns light like a sphere in a pools of light necklace. I look at it outside in the sun and it looks like a planet. I had a fantastic 4ct winza sapphire in that parcel and I've been looking at this one more (though I am sure to spend a great deal of time contemplating the winza!).


No words can describe how excited I am to see you post your projects on PS. Very interesting handiwork, excellent writeup and photography! Now, where is this unconscious elf? :naughty:
VL what a great looking ring! It's very well proportioned with the graduation. And the bell is from a coin :o wow, you are amazing.

Are you going to facet the tourm?

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