
The Etiquette of White

When is it okay to wear white?

  • Anytime is fine.

    Votes: 32 68.1%
  • Only between Memorial Day & Labor Day.

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Anytime but only in Florida, Hawaii, or on cruise ships.

    Votes: 9 19.1%

  • Total voters


Jun 29, 2006
I'm heading to Florida in the morning and trying to plan my attire... it's still pretty warm there. Was curious how people feel about wearing white off season these days. Is it passe to think you should only wear it during the summer or must any conscientiously fashionable person abide by the memorial-labor day 'law'?
I promise you Sara that people in FL wear white all year long. Plus, I think I have heard that the no white after labor day rule is no longer valid.
The memorial day to labor day is no longer valid but I use common sense when deciding what to wear. That is, depending on the weather. If it is freezing outside or pouring rain outside I will not wear white but if it is 90 degrees in October I might. I confess though that the old rule is still ingrained in my head so it does affect my choices somewhat.
I wore white yesterday! Good thing I didn't spill any wine on myself.
Haha I wouldn't have even given this a second thought, uncultured plebian that I am ;))
We're in Orlando and people are still wearing white. It is still almost 90 degrees here, so it feels like summer. Plus, there are a ton of international visitors that don't go by that rule anyway, so you see people in white all the time.
I hate these dumb rules... lol

I must be the least fashionable person then, cause I wear white ankle length WHITE skirts and tops in the middle of winter! I just add a bright scarf and such...

Oh... Now I know why people look at me weird in February. lol

Wear what you want when you want. Life is too short to be tied down with rules like that. :)
wow, i've been indoctrinated into believing this and i just did some research... emily post has most recently declared that it's ok to wear white after labor day!

due to my life-long conditioning, i'm not sure how easy that will be for me. :confused: i can't really foresee myself wearing a white dress, let's say, in april or late sept. lucky for me i don't own any white shoes!
I don't believe in that silly rule. White is a neutral color. It can be worn with anything at any time and be classic. It is a matter of wearing it properly. For instance I wouldn't wear tight fitting white jean shorts any time..... or Whites with neon colors. You get the drift.
I think it's ridiculous to not wear white because of what SOME ppl said many moons ago. I say wear what you want, when you want and if someone is offended :?: ...that's ok...they don't have to wear or pay for your clothing.

Enjoy your travels!
I don't see why you couldn't wear white in tropical climates twelve months a year. I think that old rule is basically dead. When you're on vacation, you get to wear whatever you want to.
I believe it's more important to think about material than color, and the color will take care of itself. Clothing manufacturers don't generally make winter weight clothing in the "wrong" color.

So, wearing white wool pants in December? fine.
unlined white linen pants in December? silly.
white evening gown in January? yes! (Michelle Obama's inaugural dress was definitely appropriate)
white strappy sandals and a pastel cotton sundress in January? silly.

I would not worry about looking silly in Florida. It's hot and laid back.
I don't follow those silly old rules
Guilty Pleasure said:
I believe it's more important to think about material than color, and the color will take care of itself. Clothing manufacturers don't generally make winter weight clothing in the "wrong" color.

So, wearing white wool pants in December? fine.
unlined white linen pants in December? silly.
white evening gown in January? yes! (Michelle Obama's inaugural dress was definitely appropriate)
white strappy sandals and a pastel cotton sundress in January? silly.

I would not worry about looking silly in Florida. It's hot and laid back.


unless you are in the southern hemisphere, where unlined white linen pants in December would be appropriate. Or in Hawaii :)
This rule is for the sartorially unimaginative. Wear the white!
I don't pay attention to the rules. . .but then again, I do not own ANY white clothes except socks and a t-shirt! I don't like white clothes for some reason.

Are their any rules re: wearing black during the summer? lol Is that why everyone tsk-tsks me at the park? ;)
I guess, for 28, I am pretty old fashioned. It was drilled into my head that white is only to be worn between Easter and Labor Day. That is all...LOL, then I moved to Texas and realized...well, no one really pays attention to that rule...But? I can't do it. Just like I can't seem to mix brown and black. ;))
I think that "rule" is stupid and personally, I wear white whenever I want and I can care less who thinks what.
I went ahead and got a pair of white cotton beachcomber type pants for strolling southbeach :) I am so not a rule follower in general but this is ingrained too deeply lol. I also can't do blue and black or blue and brown and black and brown is a recent and rare thing. Still obsess about purse and shoes if they're both leather :D
Just wanted to point out that 35% still believe in at least some white rules!
MC said:
I don't pay attention to the rules. . .but then again, I do not own ANY white clothes except socks and a t-shirt! I don't like white clothes for some reason.

Are their any rules re: wearing black during the summer? lol Is that why everyone tsk-tsks me at the park? ;)

Black is always in fashion (this might be depending where you live- I live in NYC) and same rules apply as for white IMO based on temp and material of clothing. If it is 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside you probably don't want to dress in head to toe black but black is a wardrobe staple and generally appropriate if you are feeling in the mood to wear it.
wow i have never even thought about that rule.. i love wearing white in the winter.
missy said:
MC said:
I don't pay attention to the rules. . .but then again, I do not own ANY white clothes except socks and a t-shirt! I don't like white clothes for some reason.

Are their any rules re: wearing black during the summer? lol Is that why everyone tsk-tsks me at the park? ;)

Black is always in fashion (this might be depending where you live- I live in NYC) and same rules apply as for white IMO based on temp and material of clothing. If it is 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside you probably don't want to dress in head to toe black but black is a wardrobe staple and generally appropriate if you are feeling in the mood to wear it.
I'm in Seattle. I don't think people care here. Seems like anything goes. . .well, mostly anything. (I was kidding about the tisks! lol)

Usually when I travel, it's to Portland or Vancouver, BC and both seem the same. The one time I went to the midwest, I put black eye liner on in a bathroom and I'm pretty sure one of the older ladies in there thought I was a hooker. *NOT* because of the way I dressed but because I was putting makeup on in an airport bathroom.
double post
MC said:
I don't pay attention to the rules. . .but then again, I do not own ANY white clothes except socks and a t-shirt! I don't like white clothes for some reason.

Are their any rules re: wearing black during the summer? lol Is that why everyone tsk-tsks me at the park? ;)

When I was growing up, I had a "no black in the summer" rule drilled into me, along with the "no white between Easter and Labor Day" rule and the "no black at weddings" rule. My mother is both southern and - in this area at least - old fashioned.

I wear black year-round now, so I've clearly discarded that rule, although I don't wear black to weddings. I don't wear lots of white any time of year because I'm clumsy and bad at laundry. White-with-stains is a bad look any time of year!
Anytime unless it's a wedding :Up_to_something:

Right now my MOTHER has picked out something stark white (my dress is ivory) and it's making me mad.