
That's ONLY 2 carats.


Jul 24, 2003
I was Xmas shopping in J.C. Penney this past weekend and a sales lady grabbed my hand, "oh my what a beautiful diamond". I said thank you. She said is that a 3 carat? I said no, it's a 2 carat. Then she said "oh that's ONLY a 2 carat". I wanted to belt her.
Don't worry about it,many people are dumb and don't think before they speak. It must be an epidemic, because I see it everywhere I go! :errrr:
Maybe she didn't mean it the way it came out. It sounds like initially she thought it was 3 carats and was surprised to find out it was a smaller carat weight. She might have just been expressing her surprise that it was smaller than she thought and that your stone appears larger that 2 carats. She could have expressed herself better, but I'm not sure she meant to be insulting.
I would take that to mean your 2 carat looks HUGE!
I agree with June, most people don't TRY to be offensive, sounded to me like she was trying to pay you a compliment and used "only" in maybe an ironic sense to brush off her mistake and reassure you that it's plenty big, which it is!
iota15|1291642687|2788743 said:
I would take that to mean your 2 carat looks HUGE!

That's what I thought...I wouldn't belt her over what I'm assuming was a compliment.
Honestly, I think people have skewed views on this topic. My diamond is a much smaller size than yours, but definitely faces up larger than the equivalently sized "mall store diamond." I'm assuming yours is probably the same way. I get a lot of compliments on my ring, and sometimes women want to compare theirs. Actually, this has happened twice in the last couple weeks. Two people have both compared their rings to mine, and they both said their stones were over 1 ct. Mine is 0.71 ct, but it faces up close to the same size. The first lady (a co-worker) said she let her husband pick out the ring, and her only requirement was that it heeded to be over 1 ct. It's a 1.25 ct round solitaire and honestly? It looks just ever so slightly bigger than my AVC.

I think it kind of skews the way people see diamonds. If that's what she thinks 1.25 ct looks like, then I'm betting she would think your ring is a whole lot larger than 2 ct, you know? I'm sure there was a less foot-in-mouth way for the sales lady to phrase her comment though.
I wouldn't take it badly. Most people don't 'get' diamonds so they random things that offend or bug us diamond lovers. Someone once commented that my mom's half carat in a halo "looks fake--its too sparkly." As it was a present from me, I was especially miffed.

Obviously, real diamonds should be cloudy. That way you know they're real. :lol:
Perhaps she did mean it as a compliment. Just didn't sound that way. That and I had been dealing with such rude people all morning while out Christmas shopping, perhaps got me in the wrong mood.
iota15|1291642687|2788743 said:
I would take that to mean your 2 carat looks HUGE!

This. I would be flattered, not mad - I'm sure she meant that your diamond looks way too big to be a 2 ct. She probably is a little inept when it comes to expressing herself.
I'm sorry you were upset. Christmas shopping can get stressful.

Since the sales lady started by saying your diamond was beautiful, I'm sure she didn't mean to insult you. I think she probably thought it was another compliment - in that it looked bigger than its actual weight.
violet3|1291663324|2789019 said:
iota15|1291642687|2788743 said:
I would take that to mean your 2 carat looks HUGE!

This. I would be flattered, not mad - I'm sure she meant that your diamond looks way too big to be a 2 ct. She probably is a little inept when it comes to expressing herself.

I thought this as well! =)

ETA: She probably put the wrong emph-Ah-sis on the wrong syll-Ah-ble!
I wonder if she meant it as in, "wow that looks even bigger than a 2 carat!" kind of way but didn't quite articulate it correctly. Sometimes I see diamonds that I think are way bigger than what they actually are and I think, "thats only X carats?!?!"...with no intention of being malicious, ya know?
Don't take it badly, she probably doesn't have much experience with Gorgeous Diamonds like Yours! :wavey: