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I have been staring at the wall in front of me for the last two hours, thinking, crying and feeling very bad in general...So i thought that it would be more productive to ask for advice from my friends here, instead of just sitting in bed feeling frustrated...
So as some of you already know, DH and i got married last May. We met more than five years ago on a flight from Greece (where i live) to Canada (where he has been living for many many years now). Those years have been very difficult but also wonderful from every point of view and both of us have managed to cope successfully with the long distance relationship, because we love each other deeply and never had any doubt about the fact that we wanted to share our lives together. When the moment came to discuss marriage and where should we settle down, my DH took the brave decision to be the one who would leave everything behind in order to come and live with me in Greece. The main reason was the fact that i've been married before and from my first marriage i have a wonderful daughter who just turned ten years old. There was no way that i could take her away from her country, her home, her friends and school and the rest of her family (especially her dad). I am convinced that the child wouldn't be able to deal with this, especially after having been through a difficult divorce between her parents. And obviously, there was no way that i would ever go and leave her behind, especially at this young and fragile age. So my DH took the decision to make this huge sacrifice for us, me and my daughter, and i can't begin to explain how much gratitude i feel about this...
So after the wedding we had to stay apart for a few more months because DH had important issues to deal with in Canada. Issues that had to do with his estate and his job there. He was here during the holidays and he just went back to Canada for another two weeks. After those two weeks, he'll come to Greece permanently.
So last August, i got pregnant during our honeymoon and i'm due in mid May...This by itself is a wonderful thing and my DH wanted a baby so much... I should be feeling very happy right now but i can't enjoy anything because frankly i'm terrified...
Things in my country aren't good for quite some time now and in all probability they won't get any better any time soon. At least not for another year...The economy is really bad, people are getting fired all the time, there are no jobs available right now and in general i know for a fact that there is no way that a man with my husband's qualifications could find a decent job under these circumstances...
He had such a successful carreer in Canada and i feel so proud of him. I honestly don't know what will become of him now that he's moving here. During the holidays i could see how worried he was about the situation. Mostly because he is a very proud man who wants to be able to provide for his family and be productive and useful. He considers it his duty to be able to care for his family and he's feeling so sad and isecure right now...
While i have this serious problem in my mind, i'm also thinking that we have to deal with so many other difficult things at the same time. He is supposed to go to the other side of the world, to adapt to a totally different environment and way of life, to cope with the frustration of unemployment while he was so successful until now, to become a step father from one day to another without having any experience on how to deal with little children becuase he doesn't have any children of his own and he was the youngest sibling in his family, to become a father of his own baby who's coming up in May...God, this is too much for anybody.
He doesn't complain about anything...He just talks calmly about the situation sometimes.I try to be as supportive as possible and i'm also trying to talk to him in a positive and optimistic way, but there are facts in this story which cannot be overlooked, no matter how optimistic somebody wants to be.
For the first time i feel that i was the worst thing that ever happened to my dearest, precious husband's life...If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have to deal with all this hell...Sometimes i wish i could just disappear from this world and leave him alone to continue with his life than waste it all for me. I really don't know what to do or how to deal with all of this...
I also feel that i don't have a clue about how to organize our new life together with my daughter, the new baby, etc, so that we can make this transition in the best possible way. How to keep everybody happy? How to satisfy the needs of a ten year old, of a newborn baby, of my DH who's in this difficult situation and of the two of us as a couple at the same time?
I am 37 years old, i am a mother, a wife, a lawyer, a Doctor of Laws, an author and right now i feel as the most imbecile, incompetent and clueless person in the world...None of the above things that i have achieved so far have prepared me for this....none...
So as some of you already know, DH and i got married last May. We met more than five years ago on a flight from Greece (where i live) to Canada (where he has been living for many many years now). Those years have been very difficult but also wonderful from every point of view and both of us have managed to cope successfully with the long distance relationship, because we love each other deeply and never had any doubt about the fact that we wanted to share our lives together. When the moment came to discuss marriage and where should we settle down, my DH took the brave decision to be the one who would leave everything behind in order to come and live with me in Greece. The main reason was the fact that i've been married before and from my first marriage i have a wonderful daughter who just turned ten years old. There was no way that i could take her away from her country, her home, her friends and school and the rest of her family (especially her dad). I am convinced that the child wouldn't be able to deal with this, especially after having been through a difficult divorce between her parents. And obviously, there was no way that i would ever go and leave her behind, especially at this young and fragile age. So my DH took the decision to make this huge sacrifice for us, me and my daughter, and i can't begin to explain how much gratitude i feel about this...
So after the wedding we had to stay apart for a few more months because DH had important issues to deal with in Canada. Issues that had to do with his estate and his job there. He was here during the holidays and he just went back to Canada for another two weeks. After those two weeks, he'll come to Greece permanently.
So last August, i got pregnant during our honeymoon and i'm due in mid May...This by itself is a wonderful thing and my DH wanted a baby so much... I should be feeling very happy right now but i can't enjoy anything because frankly i'm terrified...
Things in my country aren't good for quite some time now and in all probability they won't get any better any time soon. At least not for another year...The economy is really bad, people are getting fired all the time, there are no jobs available right now and in general i know for a fact that there is no way that a man with my husband's qualifications could find a decent job under these circumstances...
He had such a successful carreer in Canada and i feel so proud of him. I honestly don't know what will become of him now that he's moving here. During the holidays i could see how worried he was about the situation. Mostly because he is a very proud man who wants to be able to provide for his family and be productive and useful. He considers it his duty to be able to care for his family and he's feeling so sad and isecure right now...
While i have this serious problem in my mind, i'm also thinking that we have to deal with so many other difficult things at the same time. He is supposed to go to the other side of the world, to adapt to a totally different environment and way of life, to cope with the frustration of unemployment while he was so successful until now, to become a step father from one day to another without having any experience on how to deal with little children becuase he doesn't have any children of his own and he was the youngest sibling in his family, to become a father of his own baby who's coming up in May...God, this is too much for anybody.
He doesn't complain about anything...He just talks calmly about the situation sometimes.I try to be as supportive as possible and i'm also trying to talk to him in a positive and optimistic way, but there are facts in this story which cannot be overlooked, no matter how optimistic somebody wants to be.
For the first time i feel that i was the worst thing that ever happened to my dearest, precious husband's life...If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have to deal with all this hell...Sometimes i wish i could just disappear from this world and leave him alone to continue with his life than waste it all for me. I really don't know what to do or how to deal with all of this...
I also feel that i don't have a clue about how to organize our new life together with my daughter, the new baby, etc, so that we can make this transition in the best possible way. How to keep everybody happy? How to satisfy the needs of a ten year old, of a newborn baby, of my DH who's in this difficult situation and of the two of us as a couple at the same time?
I am 37 years old, i am a mother, a wife, a lawyer, a Doctor of Laws, an author and right now i feel as the most imbecile, incompetent and clueless person in the world...None of the above things that i have achieved so far have prepared me for this....none...