
Stay alert while shopping in stores

it is not even subtle any more - its just like all out war.
I'm more upset over the fact that the security guard did nothing, and the manager was trying to get her to not involve the cops. :angryfire: :eek:
The one reason I'd hardly ever shop at Walmart b/c they are located in the ghetto area of town.
ckrickett|1395426966|3638915 said:
I'm more upset over the fact that the security guard did nothing, and the manager was trying to get her to not involve the cops. :angryfire: :eek:

How about it! I'd be really upset too, and I'd call the police from my cell in front of the manager.
ckrickett|1395426966|3638915 said:
I'm more upset over the fact that the security guard did nothing, and the manager was trying to get her to not involve the cops. :angryfire: :eek:

I WILL NOT patronize Walmart, and go out of my way to not even go on their parking lot, even, but that is absolutely disturbing that their management was so obnoxious about it. I am not at all surprised, though, and it makes me wonder if they were involved.
Wallmart is the worst! Besides the ethical questions like child labor or how they teach their employes to seek government benefits on that low wage, they also have the WORST security in the world.

Just check out this guy who caught someone trying to steel his bike right outside the front door. Security dose nothing, and even blames the guy for locking his bike up there.
But it could happen anywhere, like in a mall. Or in the fitting room of a nice women's clothing store. There were at least two incidents of people running through the mall and actually shooting at each other, where I used to live. And it was not a ghetto mall or a bad section of town, either. When there are no jobs, people turn to crime. And I think that the up and coming teens and 20-somethings are much more violent and reckless than their predecessors. Don't forget that the gangs are using kids to do their dirty work, too.