
Starburst pendant ideas?


Jul 31, 2014
Hi friends! I really want something akin to a Victorian starburst pendant. But I can't find anything quite right, so will probably have DK create something for me in the new year.

Id love help designing it! I'd like to use pearls and diamonds.

Inspiration pics here:

I really like the idea of pearls that get smaller in size towsrds the ends like this.

Alternatively I could do something like this with pearls in tje center and diamonds on the "rays"

I want this type of star (longer and shorter rays)


these details are so lovely, but it loses some of the "star" feel


I think this is one of my favorites. It's clearly a star but also has other details.



loooove this one, but not the 9k price tag lol. I think this would be pretty perfect IF it had the longer/shorter rays and read more like a star.

Any sense of how big these pearls might be? @yssie or @MakingTheGrade ?
Wow this would be an interesting project!! I had a starburst brooch but sold it as it didn't really suit me.

Anyway looking at the last photo the melee looks around 2mm maybe 3mm at most. So I'm going to assume the pearls are 3-4mm with the largest one around 6mm. That's just my guesstimate haha. Can't wait for the experts to chime in.
Gosh I sort of feel like this style is so plentiful and a true antique will cost much less than making new — plus I think it’s not possible using affordable methods to recreate the delicacy of these authentic pieces — I’d love to see you find a real antique you love for its own merits.
Gosh I sort of feel like this style is so plentiful and a true antique will cost much less than making new — plus I think it’s not possible using affordable methods to recreate the delicacy of these authentic pieces — I’d love to see you find a real antique you love for its own merits.

Ywah I'm realizing that more and more as I search for inspiration

These are lovely but I've never used that platform so I don't entirely understand it. Is there a 34% fee on top of the purchase price?
These are lovely but I've never used that platform so I don't entirely understand it. Is there a 34% fee on top of the purchase price?

Depends on the seller, but yes, usually 20-35% buyer's premium on top of the gavel price.
These are lovely but I've never used that platform so I don't entirely understand it. Is there a 34% fee on top of the purchase price?

The 34% typically includes VAT. If you really like a piece, it's best to go directly to the auction house's website and bid there. Most auction aggregators add a 3% transaction/ convenience fee.

If you successfully win the lot, make sure that the package is marked "antique" or there will be import surcharge (typically 7%). Some auction houses offer in house shipping.

ETA: Depending on the price of the lot, it might just be easier to bid via an aggregator.
Sadly I have no idea what sizes the pearls are but I love the look you’re after!
Here are some i like. Any favorites?


These ones really catch my eye! The middle one is especially appealing. I like the star set into the soft rounded shape.
These ones really catch my eye! The middle one is especially appealing. I like the star set into the soft rounded shape.

Thanks! I love the middle and last ones. Honestly, if the last one had more obvious vsriation in the "lengths" of the star rays i would have bought it already haha
Do you want to purchase from a vendor or are you open to auctions? Perhaps ask one of your trusted IG sellers to search for you at antique shows? I have seen them occasionally described as “snowflake” so I would search both terms.
Do you want to purchase from a vendor or are you open to auctions? Perhaps ask one of your trusted IG sellers to search for you at antique shows? I have seen them occasionally described as “snowflake” so I would search both terms.

Oooh good idea!
Dammit, found one i wanted for a price i could afford but it sold.

On sale.

Thanks! Sadly I am looking to spend like 500-1500 so it's out of budget, but lovrly!


I've been watching this vendor. Love these
If it helps, I’ve bought a few things from her and had good experiences. Sometimes she posts that she’s open to offers via IG, though I have never tried that myself.

Thanks, super helpful!
All gorgeous. Is this for a pendant?
Which way are you leaning?