
Something is Living with Me!!!!!

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Oct 2, 2007
Last night I got woken up by a high pitched squeaking in my bedroom. I was too scared to turn on the lights. So I finally got my cellphone and looked around a little bit and didn''t see anything with that. Then I ran out of the room and shut the door. I finally got myself dressed and ready to face whatever it might be. I went back in......and.......NOTHING.
Not a thing to be found. Not a sound to be heard. What is it? My first thought is a bat. Do bats make noises that you can hear? Or perhaps a mouse? But where would the mouse go when I shut the door. Oh man this is freaking me out! Any thoughts?
Mouse. Do you have any holes in your walls (for internet, cable, phone, etc?) - we got one in our bedrooms in college and it would change rooms by running through the holes we''d drilled to have ''net access. A mouse is a tiny little bugger, you''d be surprised what it can move through.
Date: 1/19/2009 9:56:00 AM
Author: Elmorton
Mouse. Do you have any holes in your walls (for internet, cable, phone, etc?) - we got one in our bedrooms in college and it would change rooms by running through the holes we''d drilled to have ''net access. A mouse is a tiny little bugger, you''d be surprised what it can move through.
Ditto, it sounds like a wee mousey.
Uh oh. Sounds like a mouse to me! Get some conventional mouse traps and set them by the holes and see what you find
You''d still be able to hear the mouse if it were inside the wall. That''s my bet. The problem with that is sometimes after eating poison, that''s where they''ll die and then you can''t get to the smell.
Re: mouse traps. I''d really get the humane traps...the sticky ones are awful (you''ll never hear get the screaming out of your head once you catch the mouse, and then you have to do the awful task of disposing of an alive, starving and freaking out mouse) and the ones that snap are dangerous for other pets but moreover they often don''t actually kill the mouse. I had a mouse in a dorm room in college (ick, ick, ick) and it was coming in under my bed. In the early morning, I heard the trap click and then the mouse was dragging himself around because it had gotten a tail or leg or something. Eventually, mousie got free and maintenance came and plugged the hole with steel wool (it was coming in through some kind of ventilation duct or something).
It does sound like a mouse. Bats freak out when you turn on the lights. We have had bats, flying squirrels, gray squirrels, chipmunks and mice. It sounds like a mouse because mice get in and out quietly, where as the others are quite noisy on arrival. Get some traps. If you get the kind where you let them go, make sure to let them go a fair distance away, otherwise they will find there way back and just get in again.
Date: 1/19/2009 10:09:35 AM
Author: Elmorton
Re: mouse traps. I''d really get the humane traps...the sticky ones are awful (you''ll never hear get the screaming out of your head once you catch the mouse, and then you have to do the awful task of disposing of an alive, starving and freaking out mouse) and the ones that snap are dangerous for other pets but moreover they often don''t actually kill the mouse. I had a mouse in a dorm room in college (ick, ick, ick) and it was coming in under my bed. In the early morning, I heard the trap click and then the mouse was dragging himself around because it had gotten a tail or leg or something. Eventually, mousie got free and maintenance came and plugged the hole with steel wool (it was coming in through some kind of ventilation duct or something).
Date: 1/19/2009 10:14:17 AM
Author: Lorelei
Date: 1/19/2009 10:09:35 AM

Author: Elmorton

Re: mouse traps. I''d really get the humane traps...the sticky ones are awful (you''ll never hear get the screaming out of your head once you catch the mouse, and then you have to do the awful task of disposing of an alive, starving and freaking out mouse) and the ones that snap are dangerous for other pets but moreover they often don''t actually kill the mouse. I had a mouse in a dorm room in college (ick, ick, ick) and it was coming in under my bed. In the early morning, I heard the trap click and then the mouse was dragging himself around because it had gotten a tail or leg or something. Eventually, mousie got free and maintenance came and plugged the hole with steel wool (it was coming in through some kind of ventilation duct or something).


Ouch! I (fortunetly), never had to deal with mouse traps, had no idea they were that inhumane. I take back my suggestion of traditional traps, and go with the humane mouse trap suggestion
If they were bats you could tell, they have a very unique sound.

We used to have heaps in our backyard but we chopped down all our trees, ahhh it was so peaceful for ages then they decided to move into the neighbours yard
What do bats sound like? I''m just wondering because we had one several months ago, but I believe it had gotten in because I left a door open. (smart, i know)

Do mice squeak a lot? Because I never heard any scratching or chewing or anything. No food has been broken open. I haven''t found any dropping.......then again, what do mouse dropping look like?
They make terrible loud screeching noises, it sounds nothing like a squeak that''s for sure
Probably a mouse or something behind the sheetrock (walls).
I know it''s not much fun...but you are bigger...
Call the ghostbusters...or buy a mouse trap!

Best of luck!
Date: 1/19/2009 11:19:26 AM
Author: joflier
What do bats sound like? I''m just wondering because we had one several months ago, but I believe it had gotten in because I left a door open. (smart, i know)

Do mice squeak a lot? Because I never heard any scratching or chewing or anything. No food has been broken open. I haven''t found any dropping.......then again, what do mouse dropping look like?

The echolocation makes a clicking sound, and you can hear them swooping. When you catch them they screech.
Date: 1/19/2009 11:28:58 AM
Author: Judah Gutwein
Probably a mouse or something behind the sheetrock (walls).
I know it''s not much fun...but you are bigger...
Call the ghostbusters...or buy a mouse trap!

Best of luck!
Would you happen to have their number handy for me?
Maybe a squirrel in the wall...
It does sound like a mouse. Definitely get one of the humane traps if you can and then he can be released elsewhere.
Date: 1/19/2009 11:49:38 AM
Author: neatfreak
Maybe a squirrel in the wall...
Definately not in the walls. I could hear this sucker plain as day - eek eek eek.......
Joflier, I had this same problem. But it wasn''t in my bedroom. Everytime I was in the living room/kitchen area, I would hear this squeaky sound. It sounded just like the "Eeek...eeek...eeek" that you described. I couldn''t figure it out! It was a daily thing, and it even happened at night. I also thought I had rats and bats.

So I followed the sound one day, and it led me to my screened porch. I turned over every furniture. I couldn''t find anything. Lo and behold, I look up and there were two baby squirrells (sp?) nestled right under the fiberglass roof. We usually leave our screened door open, so that''s how they must have gotten in. We also live in a wooded area with lots of wildlife.

So I took my gardeners gloves (in case they bite), plucked them out and released them back to the trees. Poor things must have been there for days without food. They were probably crying out for their mother.

No more squeaky sounds after that.
Date: 1/19/2009 12:14:45 PM
Author: joflier

Date: 1/19/2009 11:49:38 AM
Author: neatfreak
Maybe a squirrel in the wall...
Definately not in the walls. I could hear this sucker plain as day - eek eek eek.......
DEFINITELY sounds like a mouse!
I have read that you can make mouse traps using a cardboard ramp, toilet paper tube and a garbage can or a counter, toilet paper tube and a garbage can.

You flatten the bottom of the TP tube so it can sit on a flat surface without rolling, put peanut butter in the tube on one end and if you are using a counter put the tube half on and half off on the edge of the counter with the peanut butter side in the air and the non peanut butter side on the counter. Put a garbage can underneath. So mouse goes for the peanut butter in the tube and falls in the garbage can with no harm done to him or her.

You can also use a cardboard ramp leading up to the top of a garbage can and put the peanut butter tube on that as well and poof safe capture. You can google mouse peanut butter toilet paper tube for an illustration.

Best luck with the yucky situation.

I had rats in my house once and they did squeak a little, but I hear mice squeak more. UGH!!! That''s a terrible feeling, knowing there''s something in your house. Set traps!!!
I agree with getting the humane ones too! I don''t know if bats make that noise or not, never had one in my house. Let us know when you find out. I would just go ahead and call pest control actually. When I had the rats (YUCK!!!), nothing made them really go away until the pest guys came.
Thanks guys for the thoughts and suggestions. Ack. What a nightmare! Not fun, especially being by myself now. I''ll have to get some traps to set up and see if that helps. I''m kinda scared to go to sleep now! I''ll wake up to something in my bed!
Jolifer, you asked about mouse droppings - they look like small, clumps - about the size of a grain of cous cous - that''s the only thing I can think of to describe the size- of clay/mud, usually a dark brown color. That''s actually how I found out I had the mouse in the dorm room.

Also, if it''s in your bedroom, I''d start checking your closet. If you have clothing like t-shirts or sweatshirts in a pile, they will chew little holes to get padding for nests.
Date: 1/19/2009 2:24:38 PM
Author: Elmorton
Jolifer, you asked about mouse droppings - they look like small, clumps - about the size of a grain of cous cous - that''s the only thing I can think of to describe the size- of clay/mud, usually a dark brown color. That''s actually how I found out I had the mouse in the dorm room.

Also, if it''s in your bedroom, I''d start checking your closet. If you have clothing like t-shirts or sweatshirts in a pile, they will chew little holes to get padding for nests.

Not my clothing!
DITTO! I wanted to seriously injure the roommate who was keeping candy and dirty plates in her bedrooom. The mouse would go into her room, eat like a king, and then crawl through the hole in my closet where we''d strung up the internet and cuddle down in one of my hoodies. I haven''t had a mouse (to my knowledge) since that awful college apartment situation, but I STILL never keep clothing on low shelves or in crates on the floor.

In addition to catching the actual mouse, you''ll probably want to locate whatever it was that he was so excited about. Food is of course the obvious, but I never thought about the clothing. Paper or boxes can be a source, too - if you think about a pet hamster, they like to eat, chew, and burrow - so anything that could provide warmth, bedding, food, and chewing could be a draw to him. Also, usually their locale has the telltale mouse poo.

They really gross little buggers - I wish I had less experience with them!! Major bummer that you may have one, but I think I''d much rather hear it first like you did than find its droppings/doings first - this way, you know it''s recent, you know it hasn''t been there long, and you can probably catch him on the return visit no prob. I''d still search around though and try to find where he''s getting in. If he''s coming through a hole from cable or something like that, an SOS pad shoved in there works, because unlike drywall, they can''t chew through the metal.
Ya, I just wish the bugger was anywhere else in the house besides my bedroom!!!!! That''s like my "saferoom". So uncool.
Jo, I have used the traps that Karl recommends and they work really well. I will tell you what a vet tech told me - if you have 1 you will have 2. They are more often than not travelling in pairs. And anytime I caught one, I put out a second trap and always caught a second. Because I''m paranoid, I would then put a 3rd trap out to be sure there were no more lingering around.

The vet tech suggested using peanut butter as the PB draws them in and they "stay" longer than darting in for the cheese. Or if the cheese falls out, you have lost an opportunity.

It is disconcerting to think about all of this but so satisfying when you are able to say "Hey, I took care of this on my own!"

Good luck with it.
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