No it was not. Piracy has been arround for years - and have successfully attacked cruise ships before. About a decade or so ago there was a major story about piracy of a cruise ship in the Meditranian.Date: 12/3/2008 12:12:06 AM
Author: Harriet
So am I. Apparently, this was not an isolated ''incident,'' as Oceania''s PR guy claimed.
There are far to few military ships to escort even a fraction of the commercial vessels. This is a historical truth. Only in very restricted areas (straights and canals) can military escort provide any real hope of protection as all the ships can be protected (if possible) by a small number of military ships.Date: 12/3/2008 11:23:32 PM
Author: Harriet
I wonder why Oceania did not have military escort through that area.
This really isn''t a matter of spead. It is a matter of awarness and distance. Virtually any speedboat can get alongside of any large ship. But you then have to toss grappling hooks and climb ropes to get onboard.Date: 12/4/2008 12:51:30 PM
Author: joflier
I can''t help but wonder how it is that the cruise ship was able to outrun the pirates. Is the ship that fast, or are the pirates that slow?