
***Sk8rjen*** or other moms...Pubic pain when preggo?

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Dec 16, 2007
Hey Sk8rJen, I recall vividly when you were preggo you talked a lot about the "Evil Crotch Pain"... I am 34 weeks preggo now and the last few days I have been having this too! Walking is getting really bad! DH and I went for a walk for 20 minutes last night and a number of times I had to stop and rest and catch my breath. The pain is in the bones and muscles between my legs and it is a stabbing radiating pain. So pleasant. NOT!! I am fine when sitting and also laying down on my back with legs straight feels really good. But walking, man alive. I feel like I am 100 years old!

Any advice or resources for how to cope/fix/deal with it?

Any other moms experience this when preggo?
I think the only way to fix the problem is to deliver the baby
Date: 1/22/2009 1:15:32 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I think the only way to fix the problem is to deliver the baby
HAHA! I had heard about that cure

I guess I am wondering if excercise is good or bad, or if there are certain things that seem to help. I thought it was round ligament pain, but I just looked up "crotch pain and pregnancy"
on google and apparently the symptoms I have are from the pubic bone loosening too much.
Ugh. So sorry. I had it the last week or so I was preggo and it was no fun. I think Tacori is right and it probably isn''t going away until baby is out!
Nothing you can do but deliver the baby. I had it too. Not fun. Exercise or lack thereof didn''t seem to help mine.
I didn''t have it (that I remember) b/c she never dropped. I was just thinking this morning how I do not miss the intense Charlie horse leg cramps I would get. Being preggo is tough! Good news is you are almost done!
Thanks everyone!

So did you all just try to stay active through it or did you opt to rest? Did you docs recommend one or the other?
I rested. I was too uncomfortable to exercise the last couple weeks.
I read the thread title as "Public pain when preggo?" and I had to do a double take!! No suggestions, sorry... but thanks for the giggle!
sorry you are going through this. it SUCKS!! when i had it, i exercised cause i was trying to get him out of there! he was really low but not completely ready so i exercised until i really couldn''t stand it anymore, and a few days later, he was born.
you are almost there so hopefully you won''t have to go through this much longer.
I had that with my second pregnancy. It wasn''t till near the end and even then, it wasn''t every day but when it came on, it was very ouchy--kind of like electricity running through my loins!!!! I definitely stayed active. I don''t think it had any affect on the pain but I never really coddled myself while pregnant. Hang in there, it''ll be over soon!!
I had it BAD--my OB said it was okay to continue exercising and there was nothing much i could do until i delivered. Unfortunately i STILL have a bit of it (it was really bad for 3 months PP and has gradually gotten better)
I bookmarked this article in my 3 tri--it is quite detailed and may help. If you still have it PP--get it treated, b/c it can get worse with subsequent children!!

Date: 1/22/2009 3:08:52 PM
Author: Jas12
I had it BAD--my OB said it was okay to continue exercising and there was nothing much i could do until i delivered. Unfortunately i STILL have a bit of it (it was really bad for 3 months PP and has gradually gotten better)
I bookmarked this article in my 3 tri--it is quite detailed and may help. If you still have it PP--get it treated, b/c it can get worse with subsequent children!!

Thanks Jas, I found that article today already! After I talk to my midwife I may see about going to physiotherapy. It is covered by my extended medical and it seems that lots of sources suggest that this can be useful.

I hope the pain comes and goes and doesn''t get any worse, but I don''t plan to baby myself---I''m like you Curly! I''m going to see if there are other physical activities I can do that are less painful... like the elliptical versus walking. We shall see!
DD--i worked out my whole pregnancy--even jumping around in step class up until 39 weeks. I switched to swimming for the last 3 weeks but i actually found that hurt way more for some reason. I think more muscle tone can only help in birth! Elliptical is a good option, or the bike.
If you can get physio covered, do it for sure. I think my body is forever messed up and i was just re-reading that article (i did all the wrong things in birth to prevent damage--sheesh. If only i had know--ah well. I hope a home birth for #2 will provide me with more movement and control over my pushing position next time)
Date: 1/22/2009 3:22:53 PM
Author: Jas12
DD--i worked out my whole pregnancy--even jumping around in step class up until 39 weeks. I switched to swimming for the last 3 weeks but i actually found that hurt way more for some reason. I think more muscle tone can only help in birth! Elliptical is a good option, or the bike.
If you can get physio covered, do it for sure. I think my body is forever messed up and i was just re-reading that article (i did all the wrong things in birth to prevent damage--sheesh. If only i had know--ah well. I hope a home birth for #2 will provide me with more movement and control over my pushing position next time)
I think if I am still having this pain I will be sure to make a little "cheat sheet" regarding the recommendations for birth and have it with me/give it to my m/w to make sure we follow some of those suggestions. Other sources concurr that there are things you can do in labour/birth to reduce the possibility of longer term issues: no laying on the back, squatting and kneeling or laying on the side being better positions, moving legs in synchronization if they need to be lifted into stirrups etc. Hopefully my m/w is aware of these issues! We have not spoken yet about this, she is presently attending a birth!
I agree that you can''t do anything to stop the pain other than deliver the baby. I had it too towards the end. It hurt so much! I was so uncomfortable. Since I was on bedrest, I obviously didn''t exercise, just rested and laid down most of the time. Hang in there!
DD--hopefully your MW has some other suggestions. Forgot to ask, do u have a snoogle or pregnancy pillow..sleep position won''t cure it, but it does help rest your body so the next day is less painful.
Physio can also look at the position of the sacrum (mine still has not re-alined to pre-preggo state) which is part of my problem.

Date: 1/22/2009 4:34:04 PM
Author: Jas12
DD--hopefully your MW has some other suggestions. Forgot to ask, do u have a snoogle or pregnancy pillow..sleep position won''t cure it, but it does help rest your body so the next day is less painful.
Physio can also look at the position of the sacrum (mine still has not re-alined to pre-preggo state) which is part of my problem.

I don''t have a snoogle (what a hilarious word!) but I sleep on my side with two pillows algned under my top leg and this is very comfortable. I don''t have any pain at all when sleeping, and when I get a god night''s sleep I certainly notice I feel better in the morning. Getting up to pee at night is another story!

As soon as I clear it with m/w I am going to physio. I have always found physio to be a great help, and in this case I imagine it is extra important!

I am wondering if my baby''s position is contributing (I read it can)... baby has been in the same positon for about 6 weeks, which is head down and facing my right side. This means that most of the baby''s mass is on my left side, and baby''s head actually pushed on the left side of my pelvis. Which could subtly throw out the alignment of my pelvis, I would imagine!

Well I went to the gym and did the elliptical and had no discomfort while doing it!
That is great because I really want to be active during this last phase.

However, getting OFF the machine was a little ouchy (gotta step off foot by foot) and after sitting at home for a while and then getting up was fun... but at least it looks like I can get some excercise!
DD--as i understand it the position does not play a big part in PP (although it could contribute to nerve or sciatica pain which is all related i believe). Some women get the pelvic pain as soon as they become pregnant and they start producing relaxin. That said, i did get more pain the more pregnant i got--could have been the extra weight baring down on joints and muscles, could have been positioning.
For me, Co''s head dropped but as not properly engaged until close to when i had to push. I remember the OB saying the head was still high a few hours before i delivered-so i don''t think that is what caused my pain.
Wonder if there is a physio near you that has expertise in pregnancy. What city are u in again?

great that the elliptical was pain-free. stay active.
double post
Date: 1/22/2009 10:12:05 PM
Author: Jas12
Wonder if there is a physio near you that has expertise in pregnancy. What city are u in again?
I''m sure there is one around here, it is a fairly populated area... I suspect that the extra weight is playing a role for sure! That makes a lot of sense. Hopefully when I drop 20lbs in one day it will get a lot better
Date: 1/22/2009 3:22:53 PM
Author: Jas12
DD--i worked out my whole pregnancy--even jumping around in step class up until 39 weeks. I switched to swimming for the last 3 weeks but i actually found that hurt way more for some reason. I think more muscle tone can only help in birth! Elliptical is a good option, or the bike.

If you can get physio covered, do it for sure. I think my body is forever messed up and i was just re-reading that article (i did all the wrong things in birth to prevent damage--sheesh. If only i had know--ah well. I hope a home birth for #2 will provide me with more movement and control over my pushing position next time)

Jas12 - can you tell me where you found that article? Your post made me want to print it out and save it!!! And your little one is gorgeous. Just amazing! Thanks!!!
Date: 1/22/2009 3:08:52 PM
Author: Jas12
I had it BAD--my OB said it was okay to continue exercising and there was nothing much i could do until i delivered. Unfortunately i STILL have a bit of it (it was really bad for 3 months PP and has gradually gotten better)
I bookmarked this article in my 3 tri--it is quite detailed and may help. If you still have it PP--get it treated, b/c it can get worse with subsequent children!!

Bliss, she links it here. There are a lot of other resources too, if you google SDL and pregnancy.
dd i had this for the last 4 wks of my pregnancy. it was pretty awful so i just ended up resting more than usual esp in the evenings when it got worse. i stopped my daily walks on the treadmill because i found that my pain would be worse on those evenings when i had exercised during the day. the good thing though was that the pain meant baby was v low. i did sit on exercise balls at times and that seemed to help ease the pain.

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