
Selling Diamonds

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Just looking for some input as to the best way to go about this....

I have a .41 OEC light yellow I1 stone that I don't have any plans for... as well as a .20 H-I Si1-Si2, .23 H-I Si1-Si2, and a .25 I I1 RB stones....

Honestly I bought them with intention and got them for a pretty good deal, but now that I am setting my .6 tranny m-n-o, I have run out of steam for my other stones.

I am thinking of a few options... sell- ebay or another diamond forum? trade???? I would honestly probably just give away the .2something stones to a good home but no one I know would appreciated it!

hmm, anyone have luck selling off small diamonds?
oooh and I also have a .47 fancy light yello RB- clarity enhanced :::::gasp::::::: stone that I need input on how to handle.
I'd probably ebay them if you can handle the annoyance of the process. Or just sit on them for awhile, if it's not super important to get your $ out of them.
There's an article in the journal section about this topic.

I think you'll find these difficult to sell to a dealer for even low prices so your only available options are likely to be direct retail. The usual choices are friends, friends-of-friends, ebay and craigslist. All of those have their problems but it boils down to your own selling skills rather than anything having to do with either the venue or with the stones. Don't expect much.
If you have any young nieces or children in the family, each diamond would make a nice little pendant.

So you would be half way towards a very nice gift. Just add mounting and chain.

As Neil correctly stated...don't expect much...retailers and over the counter buyers are sitting with tons of stones in these size and clarity ranges.
hmmm.. maybe I will have to bite the bullet and set the stones :naughty:
hey, I might be interested in the OEC (just posted a thread looking for something similar!), is there a PM feature on this board?
no PM so I don't know how I would ever get in touch. If you look through my threads you can see some not so great pics of the OEC- it's shallow.