
re-thinking my e-ring choice!!!

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Oct 26, 2006
When I decided I wanted to pick out my e-ring I didn''t realize how big of a pain it would be! By the end I felt frustrated an wanted to give up. I didn''t really know what I wanted but I knew what I didn''t like! Helpful, huh! Well, I ended up choosing a custom 3-stone asscher set in a half-bezel setting. Now, however, I am having troubles finding a band to go with it and it is making me mad!!!

Here is what I am thinking....
A) I could just get a custom band to go around it and get over it
B) I could reset the ring and potentially make my fiance fell a multitude of things, none of which are good.
I have been looking at the ritani 3-stone halo asscher ring and I absolutely love it! However, I don''t want to hurt my fiance''s feelings, especially since the ring was custom (the design, not meaning I necessarily picked out the exact specifications) and probably cost more for the setting, as well.


I''m attaching some pics as well...
Sorry....I''m trying to upload pics but it won''t work!!
Here is the ring.....any suggestions would be greatly appreciated....thanks again!

It is lovely but not my taste. I think a three stone halo would be stunning. I might think about wearing the band separately on my other hand so as not to spoil the look...good luck, you should love it so maybe your fiance will understand!
Let me ask you this: Do YOU love your e-ring? If you do, then don''t change it.

My suggestions are a plain 2.0- 2.5 mm wedding band or an asscher channel diamond band. sells both of those rings.

If you want your wedding band to fit flush, you''ll have to go custom. However, given the style of e-ring and the fact that you may want to wear a wedding band by itself on soem days, I would just get a regular wedding band and deal with it not being flush (which would look find by the way).

Good luck!
ooooh, I like february2003bride's suggestion! A channel set Asscher band would be stunning with that!!!

And my ring does not allow a flush wedding band either, but I kind of like how they're a teensy bit apart; it lets you appreciate each ring separately instead of just looking like one big clunky ring. Which is not to say that when I first realized it wouldn't fit flush I was SHOCKED!!
But basically, I then realized that I actually liked it better NOT flush, and my expectations of flushness were entirely socially imposed and not my own opinions.
So take a moment to think about if you REALLY care if it sits flush, or if you just kind of expected that it would so not you're trying to find a way to get a flush fitting band regardless.

But mainly, I agree that if you love your ring in and of itself, leave it! And if you're not happy with it for whatever reason, try to reeeally think about why and what it is that you're not quite happy with and if a simple reset would fix that, before bringing anything up to your fiance.
Yeah, I agree that either an asscher channel-set band or a plain flat band (like the shank of your e-ring) would look best. I would not worry about the gap. if you look through the celebrity ring threads, you do not see these matched fit-together sets at all.
Thanks for all the advice and tips! I am/was a little leary about it not fitting flush with a band, but who says it HAS to fit flush! You''re ideas and comments have really taken a load off....any more will be greatly accepted, thanks!
Funny thing is, I worked so hard to get a w-band to sit flush with my e-ring. Well, it turns out I like the way it looks when they are NOT flush better! Somehow, it makes my diamond pop more. So now I wear my w-band on my right hand because I don''t like the flush look so much. It just makes the e-ring band look wider, which makes the diamond look smaller.
Jazmine....could you possibly post a picture of your ring so I could get an idea?
I don’t know if I can give you any suggestions but I have an asscher and it also took me a long time to decide how to set it. Disregard my opinion if your really love your setting. But I don’t think it shows off your asscher as well as it could.

Your stone looks very pretty (nice steps and contrast) but there is something about the half-bezel, side stones and thickness of the band that looks rather plain. I think the side stones get lost in the band and the center stone doesn’t pop out enough. I’d like to see more emphasis put on the center stone (halo? maybe set higher?).

Can you post a picture of the Ratini ring?
Sure, here it is all by itself

alone.jpg''s beautiful! And you dog is very talented, by the way!

Here''s the Ritani ring to give you a better idea....
Well, of course you must love it, but I like the Ritani much better. The first setting is nice but it just doesn''t seem quite as special or blingy as the Ritani. I love the look of asschers with halos but not everyone does.
Ohhh...I love this ring! Do you really think FI would be upset if you just added a little bling?

Here's the ritani ring mentioned.

I love the ritani...I'm not so much into bezeled settings. BUT, this is your ring and if you love it, that's what's really important here. A channel set asscher band would go great with your current setting.

ETA: Oops, forgot to attach pic, but I see I just got beaten to it anyway.
Date: 10/26/2006 10:57:50 PM

Now, however, I am having troubles finding a band to go with it and it is making me mad!!!
Here is what I am thinking....
A) I could just get a custom band to go around it and get over it
B) I could reset the ring and potentially make my fiance fell a multitude of things, none of which are good.
I have been looking at the ritani 3-stone halo asscher ring and I absolutely love it! However, I don't want to hurt my fiance's feelings, especially since the ring was custom (the design, not meaning I necessarily picked out the exact specifications) and probably cost more for the setting, as well.


I'm attaching some pics as well...
I think that you know your F best. The setting you have is lovely. I would not change it if the only problem with it is the wb not fitting flush. I will have the gap look soon myself. Maybe you could file the Ritani away and do it as a setting upgrade for one of your Anniversaries? It is very pretty.

Because you might change the setting I would NOT get a custom wb. Your husband might not want you to change your wb in the future. And really why get more of something you're not thrilled with?
How does your fi feel about possibly changing the setting? If he is fine with it...then go for it I say! If he''s hesitant, maybe you could suggest resetting it for an anniversary gift. I love the ritani ring posted. It would really glam up your ring and make it quite a bit bigger.
A very nice design! Would it be possible to get a profile and perhaps under-the-gallery shot, I like how sleek the ring appears and would like to see more of it :)
Date: 10/27/2006 3:25:57 PM
Author: kcoursolle
How does your fi feel about possibly changing the setting? If he is fine with it...then go for it I say! If he''s hesitant, maybe you could suggest resetting it for an anniversary gift. I love the ritani ring posted. It would really glam up your ring and make it quite a bit bigger.

I sure wouldn''t get a custom fitted band to go with a mounting I might want to change someday. I''d get a band I loved, and learn to love the gap!

I do like the clean modern look of the current mounting, and actually prefer asschers without halos because I worry that the halos obscure the wonderful asscher patterns. The Ritani mounting would bling it up though...

For what it''s worth, I recently remounted my 3-asscher ring into a simple prong set three-stone ring. Only the sidestones were ''partially closed off'' in the old mounting. The difference in the brightness of the stones was astonishing!

I suspect your asschers would be brighter and stand out considerably more if they were prong set...

Just a few thoughts!

Here''s a side view

Sorry, this one''s a little blurry, but hopefully it works...

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