
Rain rain


Jun 8, 2008
Aaaand rain is back in the forecast tomorrow. One day break. OK we will take advantage of that one day and enjoy the heck out of it. The freezing cold doesn't scare me. Not when I have heat packs for my hands and toes. :loopy:

The pets went into the garden, and swiftly came back inside.

I don't mind the cold or even snow (until it melts and makes a mess), however, the wet stuff is not nice.

DK :roll2:

Yeah. I keep telling myself OK we can get through this. There are advantages to each season. We take the good with the bad. But I wish we would get more sun than we do this time of year. Tonight most of the US turns their clocks back so the days are even shorter. But once December 21/22? comes along the days get longer again woohoo. So only a few short months til then. :)


Jul 7, 2013
@missy the days get longer after the clock goes back, it will soon be Summer Solstice!

(I am trying to stay positive on a day that is good weather for ducks!)

DK :roll2: :lol-2:


Jun 6, 2010
I don't. Greg does. Haha what doesn't he do. How wonderful you give back in that way @yennyfire. Sweet. If it weren't for the pandemic I would continue my rescue work with animals though we are kept pretty busy with our ferals so we are doing that and it does keep us occupied. It's always something with the ferals and/or our kitties. And we have tripled our donations to the rescue groups so that is our way of giving back until we can do something more up close and personal. I love that you are making all those items for people and animals in need. You're a wonderful person @yennyfire. (((Hugs))).

I think I knew that Missy! Greg is a true millennial man—he DOES do everything! I’ll bet he could easily teach you to crochet cat beds to donate to your rescue groups (crocheting is easier than knitting and faster too). The kitties are super lucky to have you in their corner!
Have you tried puzzles? My parents have made that their new hobby....they tackle these 2000 piece puzzles that would drive me crazy, but they like it and just leave it on their dining room table (since they aren’t entertaining these days!) and do a few pieces when the mood strikes them....


Sep 25, 2016
Missy you have the best collection of boots! Those red ones are gorgeous! I have one pair of black stuart weitzman, though while I love them, are such a pain for me to take off. I got a stomach cramp last year trying to yank it off and haven't worn it since. I have some uggs too but while warm, they are not comfortable for walking long distances. I have some Cole Haan ankle boots, but they aren't comfortable for walking over 3 miles either. Not sure what I'm going to wear today. It's freezing!

I rent and can't have the heat on whenever I feel cold:(2. And I'm cold when temps drop below 60. My family gets overheated easily so I'm stuck wearing thermal underclothes until June.

Those pics are beautiful! And you live right on the beach! Amazing views but scary lol. Your place must be so gorgeous in the spring and summer...


Jun 8, 2008
I think I knew that Missy! Greg is a true millennial man—he DOES do everything! I’ll bet he could easily teach you to crochet cat beds to donate to your rescue groups (crocheting is easier than knitting and faster too). The kitties are super lucky to have you in their corner!
Have you tried puzzles? My parents have made that their new hobby....they tackle these 2000 piece puzzles that would drive me crazy, but they like it and just leave it on their dining room table (since they aren’t entertaining these days!) and do a few pieces when the mood strikes them....

Thanks @yennyfire. I wish I could get into puzzles. It’s good for the brain. ❤️


Jun 8, 2008
Missy you have the best collection of boots! Those red ones are gorgeous! I have one pair of black stuart weitzman, though while I love them, are such a pain for me to take off. I got a stomach cramp last year trying to yank it off and haven't worn it since. I have some uggs too but while warm, they are not comfortable for walking long distances. I have some Cole Haan ankle boots, but they aren't comfortable for walking over 3 miles either. Not sure what I'm going to wear today. It's freezing!

I rent and can't have the heat on whenever I feel cold:(2. And I'm cold when temps drop below 60. My family gets overheated easily so I'm stuck wearing thermal underclothes until June.

Those pics are beautiful! And you live right on the beach! Amazing views but scary lol. Your place must be so gorgeous in the spring and summer...

Aww I’m so sorry you have to wear thermal underclothes. Sigh. Greg and I used to have a rule. Whoever is warmest gets to decide (in summer I’m always hot lol) but honestly when winter comes that rule goes out the window. I need it warm inside. And I’m using a big warm throw too when we’re on the couch. Lol.

One day I’d love to have you visit me here. Your whole family’s invited. Post pandemic.
Hang in there. We will get past this. Keeping your grandfather in law in my thoughts still. Hope he is doing ok.


Jul 27, 2005
Aww hi @KristyDarling, don't be jealous. When this pandemic is over you and @LLJsmom will visit and we will enjoy many rainy days here I am sure. It rains here more than I would like but I do appreciate if it didn't rain at all I would miss it. So would Greg. We love the change of seasons and the different flavors of each. Just too much rain and no sun for many days makes me feel a bit blue. I love the sun. It cheers me up. But I do appreciate we need rain and it is also a nice change sometimes. I hope you get the rain you crave. XO.

One amazing experience here when it rains and being by the sea are the dramatic changes in the ocean when it storms. It's beautiful and breathtaking and scary all at once. Greg enjoys it immensely and if I let myself not be scared I enjoy it too. I am holding my breath we don't lose power when it storms that intensely but it is a thing of beauty watching storms on the ocean. Truly breathtaking.

YES @missy @LLJsmom!! We shall hit a jewelry show (NYCJAWS?)...and hopefully catch a rainstorm or two while we're at it. 8)

I too am terrified of open water (had a near-drowning experience as a child), but your poetic description of stormy seas has inspired me to walk down to the beach today and check out our (much more serene) ocean. =)2 It's only 1.4 miles away but we rarely go, which is sad. I think we take it for granted! :(sad


Sep 17, 2008
Last night we pulled out the old Nintendo WII :lol:


Apr 19, 2004

@missy: I think these would brighten up our days and light up our faces. I suggest we split the cost and share! We love our dangles!



Oct 2, 2020
Ooh please share if you are willing. I love a good mystery and exciting adventures.
That definitely would keep one busy. I hope you found wonderful family members with whom you can build lifetime relationships Sally.

Thanks missy! I may share soon. If I do I’ll start a new thread so others can share their family discoveries too!


Jun 8, 2008
YES @missy @LLJsmom!! We shall hit a jewelry show (NYCJAWS?)...and hopefully catch a rainstorm or two while we're at it. 8)

I too am terrified of open water (had a near-drowning experience as a child), but your poetic description of stormy seas has inspired me to walk down to the beach today and check out our (much more serene) ocean. =)2 It's only 1.4 miles away but we rarely go, which is sad. I think we take it for granted! :(sad

I'm so glad you went to the beach today. I hope you enjoyed it! I am sorry you had a near drowning experience as a child and I can understand how that would affect your feeling of the sea.

Yes sometimes we do take it for granted and then I realize no. I can never take this for granted. Never.

Yasss to NYC JAWS. Fingers crossed they will resume when the pandemic is over. So looking forward to enjoying it with you and @LLJsmom!

@KristyDarling here's a photo I took while cycling today.

Screen Shot 2020-10-31 at 4.20.17 PM.png

I will never not be in awe of the sea. :love:


Jun 8, 2008

@missy: I think these would brighten up our days and light up our faces. I suggest we split the cost and share! We love our dangles!




I'm in!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Yeah it went from 70s here to 30s seemingly overnight. I wore my winter coat here yesterday for the first time since last winter. The cold weather got here way too fast as far as I am concerned but I am prepared. Winter boots, winter coats and all that good warm stuff. Stay warm and enjoy some rainy/snowy day activities.

But you guys enjoy your winter right ?
Last night we only slept with the top sheet, no duvet or blanket


Sep 25, 2016
You are so kind @missy ! I find myself saying "when this is over I'll...." quite a bit=)2

Thank you for your kind thoughts. Grandpa is improving. He's still on oxygen but not intubated. If he continues to improve he might be able to leave the hospital on Monday or Tuesday.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Its raining like Blade Runner today
And its really cold
Borris slept inside the bed
and Tibby arrived home late last night absolutly drenched
There is nothing more miserable looking than a wet cat

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I don't. Greg does. Haha what doesn't he do. How wonderful you give back in that way @yennyfire. Sweet. If it weren't for the pandemic I would continue my rescue work with animals though we are kept pretty busy with our ferals so we are doing that and it does keep us occupied. It's always something with the ferals and/or our kitties. And we have tripled our donations to the rescue groups so that is our way of giving back until we can do something more up close and personal. I love that you are making all those items for people and animals in need. You're a wonderful person @yennyfire. (((Hugs))).

I wish you could pop over and help me with the kittens
I havn't seen the fluffy one since last night when they all had tea
remember all those Tom cats that visited when i was sick ?
Ive completly lost track of how long ago ???
The SPCA said they would acess them for suitability for adoption which means if they arnt freindly they will be euthanized
The little boy is freindly now - im getting him used to being picked up
His sisters i had really hoped would have been more freindly by now - the tiny one definatly has a bun in the oven - im going to have to catch her soon
They are freindly- just don't like being touched yet
There isn't much room under our house so im not looking forward to crawling under there
The SPCA didn't offer me a trap, i only have Borris' cage cat carrier
Usually they sleep in the laundry or in the porch but its so wet today i think they are under the house
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