
Question for eternity, semi-eternity wearers

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Aug 23, 2008
I need advice.

Looking into bands, I don''t know if I liek eternities or semi-eternities. I personally think, from a top view, they look the same on a hand.

I considered an eternity, but I''m wondering if a semi would be a better choice. I have a sort of weird finger size, and I would assume a semi would be easier to resize. Also, I think it might be easier on the underside of my hand to have a band of metal there. But I''m not really sure.

So to all of you who wear either an etenrity or a semi-eternity, what is your take? What do you like about your band? What do you dislike about it?
I have an eternity and while I really like it, I think a smarter choice is the semi because it can be resized. Some eternities can''t be sized at all and most of them can only be done if you are indifferent I would go semi.
I agree with Neatfreak, I have both a channel semi and shared full eternity. I find the semi more comfortable as it tapers round the back. The resizing issue is important too.
I love my semi eternity. from the top it looks like an eternity and the bottom is just metal, so I dont have to worry about banging my stones. I know I can get it re-sized and it feels a lot safer from damage.

looks great and is comfortable.
I have a semi eternity, and love it. I''m really hard on the bottoms of my rings, so it made more sense to have a ring that had a definitive underside to it. Also wanted to option to resize down the road if needed.
I have (had) both..and I prefer the semi-eternity for these reasons..

* more comfortable
* less prone to damage (stones can fall out of eternity since the underside of your hand is always grabbing things)
* less costly..looks the same from the top view, but save yourself a fortune by using less diamonds
* sizeable
I agree with the other- semi is more sensible just because it doesn''t have stones on the bottom, and can be more comfortable. Plus, they''re cheaper!
I''ve had both full and semi-eternity bands. Aesthetically I love my full eternity, which is channel set with round stones, because I just like the look of diamonds all the way around. It''s also very comfortable and I haven''t had any problems with stones falling out...knock on wood.

The semi-eternity I liked, but went with that style only for budgetary purposes. What drove me crazy is that sometimes the semi-eternity band would spin and the metal would show and then I''d have to turn it in order for it to line up with my engagment ring, which was also semi-eternity. However, if your ring is properly sized you shouldn''t have this problem.

All that said, I agree with neatfreak in that if you are indifferent go with the semi-eternity band. And I also agree with the other comments about the semi-eternity being more durable in some cases and practical if you want to re-size.
I would go with the semi for sizing purposes. I had a full and I also didn''t like the way it felt when I would bang the back of it into things.
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