
Question for Andelin


Jul 17, 2008
Where do you keep your speak lies while you are in your crap hole in Afghanistan? In country? Sent home? Do you wear it there???
What's a speak lie? OK, I know what speaking a lie is, but don't get the context here.
Andelain|1393100793|3620757 said:
What's a speak lie? OK, I know what speaking a lie is, but don't get the context here.

Love spell check!

Sparklies... I think is what she was trying to say....
Mayk|1393102025|3620765 said:
Andelain|1393100793|3620757 said:
What's a speak lie? OK, I know what speaking a lie is, but don't get the context here.

Love spell check!

Sparklies... I think is what she was trying to say....

Excellent translation ability there Mayk! I would not have figured it out, though I was assuming it had something to do with jewelry. :))
Mayk|1393102025|3620765 said:
Andelain|1393100793|3620757 said:
What's a speak lie? OK, I know what speaking a lie is, but don't get the context here.

Love spell check!

Sparklies... I think is what she was trying to say....

Ahhh, OK. Me and my literal reading. :oops:

As for what I have here,





I brought the WG version of the ring above, but it's on it's way to GOG to get the stone switched out for an E colored AVR. I've also added a couple pairs of studs to switch them up.

You have a beautiful collection. Do you have a secure place to keep them over there, or do you just wear them 24/7?

Can I also ask, out of curiosity, what you do with the army? I am in the UK & have led a very sheltered life when it comes to armies etc - I don't know anyone who serves apart from an RAF pilot, who is also in Afghanistan currently. Its an amazing thing that you guys do :appl:
Alex T|1393249760|3621808 said:
You have a beautiful collection. Do you have a secure place to keep them over there, or do you just wear them 24/7?

Can I also ask, out of curiosity, what you do with the army? I am in the UK & have led a very sheltered life when it comes to armies etc - I don't know anyone who serves apart from an RAF pilot, who is also in Afghanistan currently. Its an amazing thing that you guys do :appl:

Thank you. :D I just wear them 24/7, harder to lose them that way. I'm like that at home, too. I take something off to either clean it or change it out. 8)

I'm over as a civilain this time, previously active duty. As for what I do, I work with one of the computer sustems over here. Can't really say much else, except that I'm in Force Protection. :wavey:
Ooh, sounds secret & exciting! And I am glad you are taking some sparkle to that dusty old desert :sun:
Alex T|1393274222|3622095 said:
Ooh, sounds secret & exciting! And I am glad you are taking some sparkle to that dusty old desert :sun:

I'll admit it can be frustrating. Sometimes remembering I have an ACA on my finger helps keep me from putting a fist through a wall. :lol: :lol: :lol:

But I do love what I do, and have no doubt at all that it makes a difference in soldier's safety.
Sorry! Was out of town at the dental convention for a few days.... I didn't realize spell check got me! Sparklies! That's what I meant! Just wondered how you manage them on duty. Good to see you are civilian duty right now! I'm picturing you keeping them in a non secure tent!
AprilBaby|1393289585|3622322 said:
Sorry! Was out of town at the dental convention for a few days.... I didn't realize spell check got me! Sparklies! That's what I meant! Just wondered how you manage them on duty. Good to see you are civilian duty right now! I'm picturing you keeping them in a non secure tent!

Even when I was on duty I kept my stuff on 24/7. I was just a lot more limited in what I could wear. I did have to keep my pendant locked up when I first got it because it was authorized. Anytime I had to sleep in a tent I kept my stuff on me, either worn or in a pocket. :wavey:
Alex T|1393274222|3622095 said:
Ooh, sounds secret & exciting! And I am glad you are taking some sparkle to that dusty old desert :sun:

Google OPSEC. It is taken very seriously and everyone in the military, dependants, and contractor community can get into serious trouble over it.

Most females in the military that I know don't take expensive jewelry or watches with them. Pending what you do most arent allowed to wear jewelry. Some wear plain bands for wedding rings and I know of 2 that wear their actual diamond erings.
SB621|1393321624|3622558 said:
Alex T|1393274222|3622095 said:
Ooh, sounds secret & exciting! And I am glad you are taking some sparkle to that dusty old desert :sun:

Google OPSEC. It is taken very seriously and everyone in the military, dependants, and contractor community can get into serious trouble over it.

Most females in the military that I know don't take expensive jewelry or watches with them. Pending what you do most arent allowed to wear jewelry. Some wear plain bands for wedding rings and I know of 2 that wear their actual diamond erings.

She didn't say anything wrong. It's up to me to not say what I shouldn't. You can rest assured the safety of the soldiers and my co-workers is my first concern, and I'm not going to do, say, or wear anything to jeapordize them.

Some people wear bling around here, a lot don't The people that work outside the wire of heavily with their hands tend to wear less, for obvious reason. I see other diamond rings, necklaces, earrings, and a lot of inexpensive stuff, too. I also see watches everywhere from G-Shock to Rolex and Cartier. You can get any style of fake Rolex you want for $100, too, along with fake diamonds and gemstones. The vendors won't admit they're fake, but they are.
Andelain|1393331238|3622574 said:
SB621|1393321624|3622558 said:
Alex T|1393274222|3622095 said:
Ooh, sounds secret & exciting! And I am glad you are taking some sparkle to that dusty old desert :sun:

Google OPSEC. It is taken very seriously and everyone in the military, dependants, and contractor community can get into serious trouble over it.

Most females in the military that I know don't take expensive jewelry or watches with them. Pending what you do most arent allowed to wear jewelry. Some wear plain bands for wedding rings and I know of 2 that wear their actual diamond erings.

She didn't say anything wrong. It's up to me to not say what I shouldn't. You can rest assured the safety of the soldiers and my co-workers is my first concern, and I'm not going to do, say, or wear anything to jeapordize them.

Some people wear bling around here, a lot don't The people that work outside the wire of heavily with their hands tend to wear less, for obvious reason. I see other diamond rings, necklaces, earrings, and a lot of inexpensive stuff, too. I also see watches everywhere from G-Shock to Rolex and Cartier. You can get any style of fake Rolex you want for $100, too, along with fake diamonds and gemstones. The vendors won't admit they're fake, but they are.

Ummmm never said she did. It was just an FYI on why you can't say anything. ;))
SB621|1393406097|3623288 said:
Ummmm never said she did. It was just an FYI on why you can't say anything. ;))

And I never said that you did say she did say anything. ;)) I was just explaining that the responsibility falls on me to keep my trap shut when it's necessary.