Hello to everyone on PS. I have been lurking for quite a while now, and have learned so much from this site. I''ve also seen some AMAZING rings on here. Which brings me to the subject at hand. (no pun intended)
My SO and I have been discussing rings for a few months and he knows I want a something very similar to the Tiffany Novo (ca-ching!). I would love a real Novo, but can''t see us spending that kind of money. He has been pretty good about keeping his quest a secret; smiling at me in that way that he does, when I dig for answers.
I was joking about the holidays and told him that if my left ring finger was a Christmas tree, he''d only need to decorate it with one ornament. That''s when he told me that he''d had the ring made by a local jeweler and it was supposed to be ready for said holidays but when he saw the finished product, it looked nothing like the picture he had showed the jeweler. He thinks the jeweler just changed the setting of a ring he had in the case and tried to pawn it off. All that and the jeweler initially wanted to charge him 10K and then went down to $7500, which is too much money in my eyes.
Now we''ve been looking online at loose diamonds. So....
He found a great diamond on JamesAllen.com and he was set to buy it, with a setting. The price was more than he wanted to spend but then he found a coupon code for %20 off which would have brought it to a comfortable price. The code ended up not working, and in the confusion he had ordered it through a bankwire, though none of his bank info was given. (if that makes sense) Sadly...super sad for me
he called JA and had to cancel and now the diamond is gone.
Now we''ve found another diamonds that is 1.22 carats, J VS2, excellent polish, very good symmetry, Fluorescence medium, 64% wide, 67.9% deep, no culet, medium to extremely thick faceted.
I''ve been browsing the forums and reading about other people''s experiences with picking out their diamond through an online vendor and wanted to know:
1. since JA allows you to see the diamond online, does that negate the need for an actual person to help you?
2. By the numbers, does the diamond sound good to you guys? I''m happy that it has fluorescence (only because that''s what I''ve read) and the fact that there''s no culet but will the girdle size be a problem?
3. Does the medium fluorescence help the J color?
By the picture, I like the way the stone looks ie; it''s not a crushed ice look but instead has the big chunky reflections (is that what you call it?) I''ve compared it to higher colored stone ( E or F) and I think I prefer the warmer tone to the stark black white and grey look. Does that make sense?
Part of me wishes he would have never told me any of this, that way I wouldn''t be sitting online mulling over pictures of diamonds and reports, worrying if this is good or that is bad. I''m a little bit of a control freak and I think sometimes what I don''t know can''t hurt me.
Ahhh love!
Thank you for listening/reading, any info you can provide will be much appreciated.
PS. I know this may sound silly but I know when people ask the types of questions I''ve asked, the general response is "we need to see a picture". Is it foolish for me to think that if I post the link to the loose stone someone else may become interested and snatch it up?
My SO and I have been discussing rings for a few months and he knows I want a something very similar to the Tiffany Novo (ca-ching!). I would love a real Novo, but can''t see us spending that kind of money. He has been pretty good about keeping his quest a secret; smiling at me in that way that he does, when I dig for answers.
I was joking about the holidays and told him that if my left ring finger was a Christmas tree, he''d only need to decorate it with one ornament. That''s when he told me that he''d had the ring made by a local jeweler and it was supposed to be ready for said holidays but when he saw the finished product, it looked nothing like the picture he had showed the jeweler. He thinks the jeweler just changed the setting of a ring he had in the case and tried to pawn it off. All that and the jeweler initially wanted to charge him 10K and then went down to $7500, which is too much money in my eyes.
Now we''ve been looking online at loose diamonds. So....
He found a great diamond on JamesAllen.com and he was set to buy it, with a setting. The price was more than he wanted to spend but then he found a coupon code for %20 off which would have brought it to a comfortable price. The code ended up not working, and in the confusion he had ordered it through a bankwire, though none of his bank info was given. (if that makes sense) Sadly...super sad for me

Now we''ve found another diamonds that is 1.22 carats, J VS2, excellent polish, very good symmetry, Fluorescence medium, 64% wide, 67.9% deep, no culet, medium to extremely thick faceted.
I''ve been browsing the forums and reading about other people''s experiences with picking out their diamond through an online vendor and wanted to know:
1. since JA allows you to see the diamond online, does that negate the need for an actual person to help you?
2. By the numbers, does the diamond sound good to you guys? I''m happy that it has fluorescence (only because that''s what I''ve read) and the fact that there''s no culet but will the girdle size be a problem?
3. Does the medium fluorescence help the J color?
By the picture, I like the way the stone looks ie; it''s not a crushed ice look but instead has the big chunky reflections (is that what you call it?) I''ve compared it to higher colored stone ( E or F) and I think I prefer the warmer tone to the stark black white and grey look. Does that make sense?
Part of me wishes he would have never told me any of this, that way I wouldn''t be sitting online mulling over pictures of diamonds and reports, worrying if this is good or that is bad. I''m a little bit of a control freak and I think sometimes what I don''t know can''t hurt me.
Thank you for listening/reading, any info you can provide will be much appreciated.
PS. I know this may sound silly but I know when people ask the types of questions I''ve asked, the general response is "we need to see a picture". Is it foolish for me to think that if I post the link to the loose stone someone else may become interested and snatch it up?