Hello, I first wanna say that I''ve read through dozens and dozens of posts and you people are the most nicest, friendliest and helpful I''ve ever seen. So I thought I''d give it a shot and see if anyone can help me with my problem.
So my idea is to propose next month on valentines day. My plan is to have her open cute gifts everyday from the 1st to the 13th, one gift a day. I made her a card from construction paper and oragami. I cut flowers and weaved yarn through a pedal snd placed it along the inside edge to resemble a lei. On the left side is a poem I wrote for her and on the right is a letter. The letter is on a separate piece of construction paper and the top inch or so is glued leaving the rest free. The letter talks about how I feel and how I see our relationship and I lead myself into the proposal. I say "and that brings me to 3 simple questions". I have 2 written at the bottom of the page. Under the page, I made a little envelope that I would put the ring in and labled it as "#3". I would have her read the card out loud and when she reads the 2 questions, I''m banking on her to ask me what number 3 is. I would then tell her to open the flap and as she pulled out the ring I would pop the question. Pretty sweet huh?
So lately, I''ve ran into some bad luck and now don''t have enough money to buy the ring I''ve had my eyes on for a while.
So now I put the ball in your guys'' court. Please give me some ideas on what to do. I''ve read a lot of posts on ideas to propose without a ring, but none of them suit to incorporate into the card I made. The only thing I can think of is instead of verbally asking her, I put a small note saying will you marry me.
Please help me!
So my idea is to propose next month on valentines day. My plan is to have her open cute gifts everyday from the 1st to the 13th, one gift a day. I made her a card from construction paper and oragami. I cut flowers and weaved yarn through a pedal snd placed it along the inside edge to resemble a lei. On the left side is a poem I wrote for her and on the right is a letter. The letter is on a separate piece of construction paper and the top inch or so is glued leaving the rest free. The letter talks about how I feel and how I see our relationship and I lead myself into the proposal. I say "and that brings me to 3 simple questions". I have 2 written at the bottom of the page. Under the page, I made a little envelope that I would put the ring in and labled it as "#3". I would have her read the card out loud and when she reads the 2 questions, I''m banking on her to ask me what number 3 is. I would then tell her to open the flap and as she pulled out the ring I would pop the question. Pretty sweet huh?
So lately, I''ve ran into some bad luck and now don''t have enough money to buy the ring I''ve had my eyes on for a while.
So now I put the ball in your guys'' court. Please give me some ideas on what to do. I''ve read a lot of posts on ideas to propose without a ring, but none of them suit to incorporate into the card I made. The only thing I can think of is instead of verbally asking her, I put a small note saying will you marry me.
Please help me!