
Palm Reading and Fortune Telling

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Apr 17, 2008
Has anyone had their palm read or fortune told, and if so, how accurate have the predictions been so far?
For my 18th birthday my mom had a fortune teller come to my party, just for fun because we were all about to go off to college.

The guy eerily knew my major and said that I had two ex boyfriends at the party. He told me not to worry about either one of them haha. It was kind of funny because there were two exes, and I ended up getting back together with one of them for a long time.

I didn''t get super freaked out, but it was interesting how spot on he was on a couple of things.
my moms friends dragged her to a fortune teller more than two decade ago.. she is a total non believer and the woman knew... the whole thing was actually taped and REALLY spooky..

she starts by saying that my mother has a daughter who was very ill but that she would not have the life threatening illness they all thought she would and that she would grow up to marry and have 2 babies.. ( the child she was speaking of was me- i have sever asthma and they feared that i had Cystic Fibrosis..turned out that i just had severe asthma.. now i am grown up and am about to get married...

she then proceded to tell my mother that she has two daughters but would have a son later in life.. and then start going through a change soon after. my mother had a son 10 years after i was born and immediately went into menapause at 35...

there were many other things mentioned but the one that always creeped me out was that she said that my mother had a soulmate named craig that was born in corpus christie mothers high school sweetheart and to this day wonderful friend was named Greg-from corpus christie TX.
I've always wanted to see a fortune teller/psychic. My Mom did it once back in the 70's and she told me everything came true with the exception of one thing (that could still possibly happen)......
My mom went to psychic years ago and the reading was very accurate (the reading was tape recorded). I''ve always wanted to be "read" and DH has developed an interest, too. We actually just noticed two weeks ago that a psychic opened up a shop a couple minutes from us. Hmmm... maybe we should make an apointment.
Maybe you should. Maybe that shop opened up just for you!
In New Orleans, at Bottom of the Cup (a tea leaf, tarot card reading shop), I had a card reading on a lark. While I tried very hard to show no emotions or mannerisms that would give this woman any clues, I''m sure that I gave some signals. Some questions start out very generic, and your reaction to them leads the ''reader'' in a certain direction. My opinion is that, or course, these things are not ''real''. But it was fun.

Now, having said that, I will say that she said some things that were eerily right on the mark. It did give me goosebumps. The reader told me that my long term relationship (not yet married to the DH) would be a permanent one. (I hadn''t told her I was even dating.) She also said my mother (who was still alive) was going to have a health crisis about blood pressure. At the time my mother was healthy; however, two years later one of the causes of her death was the inability to get her stabilized enough for surgery; her blood pressue was too low. The reader knew that I had two sisters, and one of them lived in another state. She knew I was living with a -- yes, ghost or spirit -- in my then home, and told me that my cat was not afraid of this spirit because it played with her while I was gone! I hadn''t told her I had a cat, much less a female cat. And I hadn''t mentioned the -- whatever -- that I was experiencing in my home.

So, while I initially walked out of there in a dazed condition, muttering "OMG, OMG, OMG", I listened to the tape (they tape it and give you the tape) and realized that she was really very good at ferreting information that I didn''t know I was revealing. But. . . . there were some things that were just . . . too too strange.

It would be interesting to go back and see what she has to say seven years later.
My ex went to a psychic once, and said it was eerie the thing she seemed to know.

But then, she also said we would either break up or get married after seven years. We broke up after 5.5. There went THAT theory
I''ve been twice. Once when I was 15 and another time a few years later. I don''t remember too many details, but, I do remember the first one was right at predicting my future. She said I''d have three kids - two boys and one girl. She also said I would marry my boyfriend at the time. She added that we would have a long happy marraige. I thought that was dumb because I was only 15. She was correct! Well, so far!
I still don''t place much stock in it. I think it was a lot of lucky guessing. And what 15 year old doesn''t think their boyfriend is the love of their life? She told me what I wanted to hear. The two boys and one girl prediction still makes me wonder...

Why do you ask, iluv?
I want to but I am really scared too because I sort of believe. And I don''t WANT to know the future. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss kind of thing.

My close friend had it done and the following things came true:

Birth of 2 children (time between and sex) she said she would have a far not yet, but they are thinking of it.
The man of her life (they were together, she said they would marry)
The loss of a loved one (her father).

She finds the whole thing a little freaky too.
Date: 12/2/2008 2:27:58 PM
Author: Miranda
I''ve been twice. Once when I was 15 and another time a few years later. I don''t remember too many details, but, I do remember the first one was right at predicting my future. She said I''d have three kids - two boys and one girl. She also said I would marry my boyfriend at the time. She added that we would have a long happy marraige. I thought that was dumb because I was only 15. She was correct! Well, so far!
I still don''t place much stock in it. I think it was a lot of lucky guessing. And what 15 year old doesn''t think their boyfriend is the love of their life? She told me what I wanted to hear. The two boys and one girl prediction still makes me wonder...

Why do you ask, iluv?

Just curious. Usually fortune telling seems like a blend of common sense and basic statistics with a sprinkling of luck that the predictions are correct. (who doesn''t know someone who is sick, or lost a loved one or is happily married?) But then there are those other "sixth sense" stories that make one wonder. Just wondering if any PSers have had any of those experiences.
I really gotta go see one of these psychics! I wanna know when I get engaged
My aunt does numerology. She did it for my dad a few years before he passed and he told me to never do it so I never did.

BUT I do remember when she did one for my uncle''s ex-gf and told her that her life was going to take on a new direction amongst other things and it all came true!
Date: 12/2/2008 4:46:55 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
I really gotta go see one of these psychics! I wanna know when I get engaged
hahahaha dreamgirl- thats funny..hey, its worth a shot!!!!
Date: 12/2/2008 4:49:27 PM
Author: cbs102

Date: 12/2/2008 4:46:55 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
I really gotta go see one of these psychics! I wanna know when I get engaged
hahahaha dreamgirl- thats funny..hey, its worth a shot!!!!
And if she/he really is a psychic, then they will already KNOW my first question before I even ask it. When is DG getting engaged!?! So when I walk in the room...all they have to do is give me a date. haha!
And perhaps they can tell me which engagment ring I will end up getting too while they are at it. lol (since FF wants to keep it "secret") lol
I had my fortune told and almost everything came out true.

It happened in Oct. 2006, when I was trying to decide if I should go through with my house purchase.

To make a long story short, I found a house I loved, but had to sell my house first and this was right around the time when the RE market was turning bad.

I signed contract but then my husband changed his mind and I was not sure what to do, so my friend suggested seeing a fortune teller and I did.

I actually called to find out when I could come and see fortuneteller and he said he could do it over the phone if I wanted. I told him I was trying to sell my house and I wanted to know if and when it would sell and what would happen with the new house.

So this is what he predicted, that I should buy this home I wanted and that I would make it more beautiful than it was already. That my house would have a buyer by Nov. 15 or 16 (I called him at the end of Oct.) and that it would be out of my hands by Jan. That I would be able to renegotiate the price of the new house, even though I had previously agreed to a price. That my husband would pass the Lieutenants exam. That I would get pregnant again and have a baby boy. That I would be married for a very long time and live a long life.

Well, everything was true. I got two buyers that week that he predicted and had a binder on my home by Nov. 18th. I renegotiated the price of the house I was buying and got it for $20K less. We sold the old house in Jan. (even though we thought we were scheduled to close in Dec.). My husband did pass the lieutenants exam and is now a lieutenant.

I also did get pregnant again, which, even though he predicted it, was an extreme shock since I was on birth control, BUT, I had a little girl, not a boy.

Basically, everything he said came out true except for the gender of my baby.
I''m a skeptic by nature and take all such things with a pinch of salt.

That said, my brother is a very accomplished ''Cheiromancer'' - he studied for many years (apparently it was a great excuse to hold a pretty girl''s hand and stare into her eyes at parties...

He often does a swap with other professional ''fortune tellers'' - they do their thing for him and in return he does his. He has never met anyone who has impressed him in the slightest and they have gone away with the better deal. He''s a pretty dry lawyer these days!

One of the reasons I am so skeptical is that I read Tarot cards for people since I was about 17. I was reckoned to be pretty good at it - enough that people came to see me on recommendation quite often. The problem was that although I had studied enough that I knew how the cards should be read on a purely theoretical level, when you read for a person you also judge things pretty quickly about them and work that in. Most people will talk too much and you can gauge very fast from that what the situation is and adjust your responses. I told people things that ''only they could know'' many, many times. On the whole people have the same problems and 99% of the time the answer is common sense.

I have absolutely no magical or psychic powers at all - indeed I''m somewhat Aspergic and have problems reading body language - and yet most of the people I read for were convinced that I had special powers.

A way of explaining it would be to look at PS - for example the LIW thread. Sometimes girls turn up there and it''s blindingly obvious that the relationship is a no go to everyone but them. It''s similar when you read - your job is to package the bad news in a palatable form...

I think it''s harmless fun on the whole, but don''t make life decisions based on it. I gave up doing it about 6 years ago as it was ultimately boring...

ETA: Both my brother and I have always done readings for free - unless it has been at a charity fete where people paid $1 to have their fortune told.
I went to a tarot card reading with a friend on a lunch break a few years ago--like many, I''m a skeptic and figured she''d just ask me a couple of questions, then give me my "fortune" based on how I answered her questions. Surprisingly, she didn''t ask me a thing, just read my cards and gave me my fortune. She told me I was in a long-term relationship and that I was thinking of leaving (nothing exciting there, I think that''s any 20-something woman). She said that I''d leave him within the year and move far away. That part was intruging since I''d literally *just* started thinking of leaving, but had no plans to move far away. She said that we would marry soon after and that he was my soul-mate, which made me chuckle. She also gave me very positive news about my mother''s health which so far has been true.

I''m not a believer, but I was impressed with how accurate she was without asking me a word.
Just wanted to add - palmistry is far more like astrology in that it is more concerned with telling a person's character than telling the future (although it gives some pointers).

My father used to cast astrological charts for people's children as christening presents! He refused to cast them for his own children - we had to draw our own if we were interested. Hence how my brother and I got drawn into the whole pseudo-sciences. The house was full of old text books on astrology, cheiromancy etc. In those days you needed an Ephemeris, a calculator and several hours just to work out planetary positions - not like now where you can do it online!

On the cold reading (where the subject doesn't say anything) you still get a lot of info from looking at them - do they wear rings; how old are they; what do their nails look like (manicured/bitten etc); cat or dog hairs. There are hundreds of little clues.
I went to a Palm reader when I was in high school. She said I would get married and have 4 kids but not with my current boyfriend. I married the current boyfriend and have 1 child.

She also told me I''d be in business with my best friend by the time I was 30. I am 29 and my best friend and I are both SAHM, does that count!? LOL!
I had my Tarot cards read when I was in New Orleans about 12 years ago. The woman assured me that I''d already met the man that I''d marry and that he had dark hair and dark eyes.

I MET my DH 7 years ago, and he''s blond haired and blue-eyed. So I''m not too much of a believer.
I was raised in a superstitious culture. But, because I'm extremely analytic, I'm on the fence about psychics. Well, guess what? I saw not just one, but two, this week! I've been confused about a certain issue to the point where I feel hollow. It all finally came to a head.

Psychic one:
My friend swore that she was eerily accurate. She turned out to be a scheister and a different person from the one he recommended. I thought that was the end of it.

Psychic two:
There's a restaurant I frequent with a psychic right across the street. I've looked at her sign many a times and contemplated going in. I did so yesterday. Not only did she lack the ickiness of psychic one, she did get a number of things right. Bear in mind that I was dressed as nondescriptly as possible and that I answered as little as I could. She 'cleared up' the issue about which I was confused. It remains to be seen whether she's right.

P.S. She also read my palm. Everyone who has ever done so has always said the same things.
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