
Our Elopement Story & Pro Pics

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Oct 25, 2006
Finally received my pictures and resized them!

The morning of my wedding began with my 2 y.o. charge puking in my hands! (I''m a Nanny) How''s that for a bad sign?
I had spent the night before at my bosses house (you know, for tradition) and my boss was planning to drive me around to my appointments before our elopement so that I wouldn''t have to worry about parking in San Francisco. When I woke up, my charge was drinking some water in her mom''s bed and watching cartoons. I hopped up on the bed with her and she just started throwing up. She had just drank 2 cups of water, so we didn''t know if she was sick, or if she had just had too much water. So I told my boss that she should stay with her potentially sick daughter and I could drive myself around the city. But my boss insisted on taking me, so there I was feeling awkward because I didn''t know if my boss really wanted to stay with her daughter. Plus I was pretty confident that I could navigate the city just fine by myself.

We had just had a heat wave and for like 10 days before our wedding it was sunny and in the high 70''s in San Francisco. But the day of our wedding it was a high of 63 and cloudy.

I was 5 minutes late to my hair appointment because my boss forgot her camera and wanted to get the "bride getting ready pictures" so we had to stop off and borrow one from her brother. My hair turned out well. I didn''t have a trial so I was really hoping it would be okay. I had a bunch of inspiration pictures but at the last minute I decided to just describe what I liked and let the stylist decide. I know crazy, right? I was just worried that my inspiration pictures looked so "been there done that" and I was afraid she would copy them exactly. I wanted something a little different. Some of you might remember my thread about whether an updo would look funny because the bottom of my hair is much darker than the top. Well it turned out to be a non-issue because of the way it was pinned you could barely tell the dark hair was under there. In fact, I wish I could see more of the dark hair because I like my hair color(s)! But all and all I think it turned out okay.

I was totally not nervous the whole morning. It was almost getting annoying how many people were asking "are you starting to get nervous." I was like "!" In fact it wasn''t until I was getting my makeup done that I suddenly got extremely nervous. I mean PANICKY!!!! I was getting my makeup done and my boss was like "what do you think HE''S doing now? And all of a sudden my stomach hurt and I was like "uh, he... HE! Oh my god, what IS he doing? Is he ready? Is he going to be late? Are we really getting married today? It was just the strangest thing, for a second I was just doing the girly getting pampered thing and I forgot about him and "our" purpose of the day! And then it hit me all at once. "Oh my god, I am getting married!!!"

So from that point on I was all nerves. A complete mess! I seriously don''t know what I would have done if my boss wasn''t there to guide me!

So after makeup, we were in a hurry. We ran to the parking garage to go to city hall when I realized I needed to change into my dress! I was planning on doing it at the mall where I had my makeup done, but I was so nervous that I completely forgot. So yes, I changed into my dress in a dirty, stinky, parking garage bathroom! Again, I was so glad my boss was there to keep the dress from touching the ground while I got into it!

Okay, so then we were off to City Hall and we called to see if my FI was there. NO ANSWER! If I thought I was nervous before, now I was a disaster! To make matters worse, I realized that I had forgotten to change into my nude underwear. So yeah, I was right outside city hall changing my underwear in a car! Oh, yeah and did I mention that there was a large group of people gathered outside of city hall? No one protesting(thankfully), it looked like a speech, but I was so worried city hall would be crowded inside as well.

I went inside, and there was my man waiting patiently for me! As soon as I said hi to him our photographer met us and started taking pictures. I was sooooo nervous I felt like I could throw up. The photographer had to keep telling me to try to look more happy! I honestly don''t know why I was so nervous, but I couldn''t control it. City hall was practically empty despite the crowd outside!

So we checked in, and when our number was called it was time to get married! We were offered the rotunda! YAY!!!!! (It''s the best place to be married in the building but it''s not guaranteed to be available). The reading she read us was very sweet and she pointed out a few symbolic features of the rotunda (For example, there is a circle in the marble on the floor that you stand inside that represents a wedding band. There were more, but that''s the only one I remember because I was still nervous). We repeated vows to each other and Aaron got choked up. Then I started to well up. I am not a crier by any means either, so I was really surprised that we were so emotional. But it was very sweet.

After we were married all of the nervousness went away and I was much more relaxed and just plain giddy to finally be married.

Our photographer was very excited that I wanted to "trash my dress," so we went to the beach for the rest of our wedding photos. We got really dirty (and wet and cold!) and it was so much fun.

Afterward, we went home and changed into jeans and a tee-shirt and went to Citizen Cake (a restaurant in SF specializing in- you guessed it... cake!). And we had a very nice dinner. My DH''s brother and wife sent us a bottle of champagne there, so that was a neat surprise.

It was a very special day even though it was just us!

Okay on to the pics.... I am going to try my best to just select a few.... I might get a little carried away....
Oh yeah, and I should mention that these pictures are not edited because it wasn''t included in my package. Despite that, I think they look pretty good although I am still debating on whether I should go back and ask him to edit them. Especially since the dude did edit one for his website and didn''t even give it to us! I mean I know it wasn''t included, but since you did it already.... well whatever...


Checking In

in line

My flowers, wanted to do them myself, but at the last minute just went to a florist






time to sign paperwork

checking out the architecture

you can see a little more of the building


Congratulations, Mia! You and your DH look gorgeous! I adore your hair--do you happen to have more photos of it?
ha my skin is not really rippled like it looks in the last pic. I guess I might have resized them too small...

Date: 10/9/2008 12:38:39 AM
Author: Kim N
Congratulations, Mia! You and your DH look gorgeous! I adore your hair--do you happen to have more photos of it?
Thanks! A good one is coming up... stay tuned!
Doin the deed...

we are making funny faces because we are getting teary...

I love your dress! Is it this one by any chance? That was the first dress I fell in love with online! I ended up with something a little more formal because that''s what my FI wanted, but I still adore that one!
He looks goofy because HE''S GONNA CRYYY! Ha! He denies it but it''s so obvious in this one! Oh well actually, he denied it until the other Husbands we met on our honeymoon admitted they got emotional too!

Date: 10/9/2008 12:42:29 AM
Author: jstarfireb
I love your dress! Is it this one by any chance? That was the first dress I fell in love with online! I ended up with something a little more formal because that''s what my FI wanted, but I still adore that one!
Yep that''s it! If I had a big wedding I would definitely go with something more formal, but this felt so right for city hall while still feeling bridal.

The kiss!

More kiss

followed up by a great hug



OMG mia! These pictures are AMAZING! You look absolutely stunning and your DH looks so handsome!

I don''t even think the pictures need to be edited! They are great as is!
okay are these posts starting to get OOC?

MY FAV!!!!

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