Hi Ladies! I don''t post too often but I need an outside opinion and I know PS to be perfect for that!
So, my sister is getting married in July, it will be a daytime wedding and I think I have narrowed it down to the dress I want to wear. The only criteria I was given is that it must be blue - any shade I want but blue. So I will post two pics of the dress - the yellow bottom one is actually Junior sizes which is why the proportions are all wrong since I am 20 and have a chest! The pink one is the adult sizing version and was much too large so I am posting both just to give a better idea of what the dress looks like.
So the question is for colours would you.... (sorry I do not know how to make a poll!!)
a) get the dress all in navy blue
b) get the top in a light blue and the bottom in navy (my nervousness about this is that as you can see I am very pale and pale colours don;t usually look great....)
c) get all navy blue and just get the sash in a lighter blue
Thanks in advance for your help!!!!
(yellow dress in this post pink in next...)

So, my sister is getting married in July, it will be a daytime wedding and I think I have narrowed it down to the dress I want to wear. The only criteria I was given is that it must be blue - any shade I want but blue. So I will post two pics of the dress - the yellow bottom one is actually Junior sizes which is why the proportions are all wrong since I am 20 and have a chest! The pink one is the adult sizing version and was much too large so I am posting both just to give a better idea of what the dress looks like.
So the question is for colours would you.... (sorry I do not know how to make a poll!!)
a) get the dress all in navy blue
b) get the top in a light blue and the bottom in navy (my nervousness about this is that as you can see I am very pale and pale colours don;t usually look great....)
c) get all navy blue and just get the sash in a lighter blue
Thanks in advance for your help!!!!
(yellow dress in this post pink in next...)