
Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jewelers


Dec 29, 2004
OK, long timers (and maybe short ones) know what I’m like. I post detailed reviews. I write BOOKS. If you don’t want to read, come back shortly. I wrote this all before I posted so pics will be up soon. Feel free to ignore!

The original start to my saga starting at the beginning of this year can be found at [URL=''][/URL]

I would really like to voice my appreciation for the ALL the gals on that thread. Especially Coati who gave me my inspiration pic, and ForteKitty who took the time to meet with me personally to check out the stones and give me her expert old cut opinion.


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

Before I review the vendor that I went with, I thought I’d share my experiences with the other vendors who I considered for this project.

Engagement Rings Direct
Mark, as always, has the best bedside manner (IMHO) from all the PS vendors. He’s kind, attentive, and sincere and always willing to help out even though there is nothing in it for him. He also was the most reasonably priced (tied with Leon Mege, of all people). He really is one of my favorite vendors and if I had a better idea of what I wanted, I most likely would have gone with ERD. I just wish he was local!

Leon Mege
Leon’s Leon…what needs to be said? He quoted me the lowest, but had a range, so who knows what it really would have ended up with. I also would have had no input on the ring and he didn’t have any idea what I wanted the gallery to look like, so it was tough to just hand this one over to him (I was fine with my 5 stone, but not this one). I also wouldn’t know what my pricing would be, and of course, nothing’s firm until he sees the stones. I was surprised he was so reasonable, but Leon was just not my guy for this project.

Diamonds by Lauren
David is fun to talk to, and he was full of great info. He showed me samples of rings on his site, demonstrating the different work each of his benches does. He may have been the most cost effective, but that was his most cost effective bench. His “uber” bench was actually the highest quote, but the work looked great. We joked a bit about how I had really no concrete idea what I wanted the ring to look like, and we did agree that sometimes the people who are absolutely detailed on what they want can be easier than people like me in this case where I didn’t have a solid idea. While he certainly said he would love the business and thought DBL could make me a great ring, he also encouraged me to look at local vendors who specialized in antique repros and told me that he liked what he saw coming out of Singlestone. I really appreciated David’s honesty.

I am fortunate they are near me, because their settings are amazing. I think they would have been a bit more expensive than what I went with, but the biggest issue was that I couldn’t find a setting that I could use for a model. I’m sure Ari has great creative ideas but I really needed to see something concrete. Patti and Heather are all top notch, and what I like about them all is that know what PSers are like and can work with us in the way we like (I think I’m saying I believe they are more tolerant, lol.) Even though I decided not to go with Singlestone, Ari was still very helpful, offering to see what he could get on the brooch for me, which was great. Even though I love my ring, I would say still that for the average PSer (and even more so the anal ones), Singlestone would still be my recommendation for antique style rings just because they "get" our expectations (which admittedly can be kind of crazy.)


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

Now, the review of the vendor I did go with: 23rd Street Jeweler in Manhattan Beach.

I went in and a saleswoman tried to help me as I described what I might be looking for. I drew three horribly shaped octagons together with a 2:1 ratio, but that was the extent of my “inspiration.” She showed me some three stone rings, but none of them were really what I wanted. She also got Joni to take off her three stone ring and Joni came down and looked my lame drawing. She then asked me if I had seen the yellow sapphire gold ring in the shop. I exclaimed, “That’s it!” That what I want in this ring!

The price, truth be told was pretty steep, and I asked for the gold ring without any of the diamonds too. However they had a 30th anni sale coming up and were offering 15% off custom. Honestly, even with the 15%, it was quite out of budget, as my budget was topping out at about $3000.

Then the stars aligned and my mom gave me back the diamond ring I gave her 6 years ago, and told me to sell it or do whatever I wanted with it. I asked if it was OK to sell it and have this new ring and have it partially be from her and she was thrilled with the idea. I did the calculations based on 15% off the price Joni quoted me and it was higher than the price she noted after the discount. I went in and asked her if she could do it for the flat price she quoted me, as the 15% discount number was higher, and she was easy going and said yes, she always sort of rounded down, which is why the price she ended up quoting was more than 15% off (it was actually about 18% off). She also asked me “no diamonds, right?” I said, “Well, it’s not in my budget, but if you want to throw some in there, I won’t say no.” She smiled and said “every girl needs a bit of twinkle, maybe it will be my gift for you.” She ended up put in 5 diamonds down each side, and it’s a lovely little gift that I wasn’t expecting. :appl:

When it comes to process, 23rd street is probably less “play by play” than many of the PS vendors we work through. When I asked Joni what their process was, she said that basically I tell her what I want, and that (hopefully) she would understand my vision, then she would relay it to the jeweler, who would deliver a CAD. Once approved, that is the last time I’d see anything before the ring was done. I know this a lot different from the photos of the process that we receive from the vendors here, but having worked with Leon in the past where I’d have practically NO idea what he was doing, this worked for me just fine. Joni also gave instructions to the jeweler to be very careful of the brooch bezels when taking out the stones, and when I saw the results yesterday, I was amazed. The brooch was in pristine condition. Their bench is really marvelous.

So I dropped off the stones, and got the CADs on Friday, May 4th. I approved them, and then did not hear from them until I emailed on May 16th to see if Joni had checked out the brooch to verify it’s condition (she mentioned to me when I went into pick up some other work a week and a half prior that she would do that, and I hadn’t heard anything). I didn’t get a response until later that day when Joni emailed me “It’s here!” Totally unexpected, but my ring was done on May 16th. They said it would be a 4 week turnaround (probably 4-6 weeks, is their usual estimate) and it was done in 3.5 weeks.

I really like Joni a lot. She’s no nonsense, direct, funny, and creative. However what she isn’t, IMHO, is coddling. If you need your hand held every step of the way, I am not sure how well you’d mesh with her. To give you an idea of what she’s like, when she emailed me the CADs, her email said “Here are the pictures! Looks perfect to me, let me know what you think.”

Now, if they were perfect (which I agreed with), life’s good. However because she flat out gave her opinion, if you disagree, the customer is automatically put in a place where they have to say “Well, I don’t agree with you.” I have no problem with doing that, but I think for some people, it might feel awkward.

I asked Joni if they get a lot of out of state business. She said they get some, but most of their business is local. They really pride themselves on serving the local community and the few times I was there, I saw a lot of women came in who obviously did a fair amount of business with them and knew the staff. I feel really fortunate that they are local to me. However they certainly could work well with someone who has a good idea of what they want and could relay that vision.

Probably one of the best parts is that when the ring was done and I went in, Joni said it was going to be quite a bit less than I was expecting. Surprised, I asked why, and she said she quoted based on what she thought the jeweler would quote, but he quoted less so who was she to question it . She passed the savings onto me. Overall, that day it was $900 less than I expected to pay for my final payment, making the overall ring very reasonable, and competitive with PS vendors especially since this ring was handmade. Absolutely delightful surprise. :))

Btw, Joni was cool with me giving her a big hug when I picked up the ring, so while she doesn’t seem coddling, she’s not opposed to a smidge of cuddling. :lol:

Overall, great experience and I am so pleased I chose 23rd street.


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

OK, now for the RING. :rodent:

This ring is to commemorate/symbolize (justify the purchase, whatever you want to call it) my upcoming 40th birthday. TGuy and I have been through our fair share of great and not so great times, so I did like the cheesy trilogy yesterday/today/tomorrow idea. Also this is the year that he got snipped, defining us as just a three person family. :cheeky: And lastly, because my mom contributed to it, the three stones also represent the three generations of women in my family (Thanks to Alj for that sweet idea.)

I wanted to keep the stones altogether from the brooch, even though profile-wise they weren’t an exact match. The profile might drive some PSers bonkers, but I like that one of the stones isn’t as high as the other two. Kind of makes me think it represents Amelia, who has still some growing to do. ::)

Because of the crown profiles not matching, and the fact the ring is handmade, it’s not “perfect”…which I like! It has quirks and nuances, and is full of surprises.

The inspiration ring is one that Coati posted on my original thread, and I went searching online and found more pics. The inspiration ring is done with a 2 carat center and 1 carat sides, so it’s HUGE, but I liked the octagons and the general flow of the ring. I wanted more delicate octagons though…something where it wasn’t blatantly obvious, but would lend a little something different to the ring. I tried on round bezel 3 stones and they didn’t look great on my hand. I wanted a vintage feel, but not too ornate as my wedding set is very modern. The very delicate/thin octagon appealed to me in the gold ring we found as a model, as well as the straight/clean lines of the gallery (which matched my engagement ring feel.)

There are some differences between the original gold ring that I used as a model and my finished ring. First I noticed is that the prongs on the original are rounded, and mine come to claw points. I think it is because the original held a sapphire with a very low crown. Due to the higher crown on my stones, making them claws refines the look. These prongs are TINY, I can hardly see them IRL, and even on the smaller side stones it does not appear crowded. Joni instructed the jeweler that the first priority was to make sure all the stones were very secure. They did a great job because the center stone is wonkier shaped than the other two (I can tell with a loupe easily, it’s much harder with the naked eye in this setting). The prongs on the almost transitional stone are flatter, but I expected there would be some differences due to crown height. Again, doesn’t bother me at all.

The other difference is one I’ll mention further down. The engraver engraved this ring differently to the original. I’m not sure if I like it or don’t. I think he may have done it for aesthetics, or maybe just did it differently because he didn’t think to emulate the other ring. Anyway, I’ll point out the differences and see what you all think. I’m going to wear it for at least a week to let it grow on me, which it already is. Everything else about the ring is perfect for me. The gifted diamonds on the shank are lovely and allow every view from the side and top to be sparkle heaven. :love:


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

OK, now pics…

Here is a pic of the brooch, the three stone ring Coati found which served as my inspiration, the original gold ring we used as a model, and the cads….






Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

Forgot I could only add 4 pics at time. Here is the gold model ring and the cads






Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

The 23rd street ring box (hey, we’ve never seen one around these parts, so I thought I’d post it!) :rodent: :tongue:



Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

And the ring! More pics than anyone needs to see! There’s a glitter party on my fingers!!!!!!!!!!!







Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

close ups of the two side stones.




Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler







Jan 1, 2011
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

AAAHHHHHH!!! Omg! Seriously incredible. :love: :love: :love: :love:

ETA: Sorry. I apparently forgot how to speak English for a moment. I love this ring! They did an amazing job! I think the proportions are perfect. Congrats!


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

Handshots. The prongs are SO tiny IRL. Hard to see, actually, amongst the glitter!






Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

More handshots, some with the 3 stone alone. The bands were bought on ebay, btw. ::)






Jul 7, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

Pretty amazing! Great work, esp with the uneven stones. That brooch is TO DIE. and the stack as a whole...AMAZEBALLS.


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

More (I told you there were a lot!)






Oct 7, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

:love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love:

I love it!!!! Those diamonds are to die for and they look amazing in their new home!!!!


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

Last 5...





Aug 1, 2008
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

Your ring is stunning. It looks like an heirloom piece and I love those tiny claw prongs.....

Secondly, I LOVE your detailed accounts. I really appreciate that you take the time to post all the details!!


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

With the e-ring, which while not the same style, I don't think it clashes too much with. At least, that's my story and I'm sticking with it!!!! :cheeky:




Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler


Here is the thing in the ring that has me a little unsure, although it’s growing on me. In the gold ring, the engraver did the dots on the top all the way across. On mine, the vertical lines aren’t interrupted and go all the way from bottom to top of prong. This draws the eye more vertically than horizontally. Not sure if anything can be done (or if I want it changed yet) but this is the only thing that I am second-guessing.

Below is a profile shot of the two, so you can see what I'm talking about.

Anyway, that's it. Thanks for looking!! :wavey:




Nov 25, 2002
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

Big sigh - COMPLETELY adore this piece. It really came together beautifully, TGal, and I'm sure it will hold a very sentimental place in your heart. It's SO nice to see it come to fruition after all this time - yay!

Be prepared for me to plot ways to run off with it when I see you next. :naughty: :love: :Up_to_something:


Nov 25, 2002
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

TravelingGal|1337293785|3197709 said:

Here is the thing in the ring that has me a little unsure, although it’s growing on me. In the gold ring, the engraver did the dots on the top all the way across. On mine, the vertical lines aren’t interrupted and go all the way from bottom to top of prong. This draws the eye more vertically than horizontally. Not sure if anything can be done (or if I want it changed yet) but this is the only thing that I am second-guessing.

Below is a profile shot of the two, so you can see what I'm talking about.

Anyway, that's it. Thanks for looking!! :wavey:

I see what you're saying. In the gold ring, it looks like the prongs are part of the top platform; on your ring, the prongs grow up from the basket.

I'd ask if there's something they can do on it, but like you, not sure if this can be modified.


Aug 8, 2005
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

YAY!!! The ring looks amazing on you. I especially love it with the stack you have. It turned out really lovely. And I think it contrasts with your engagement ring, but that ring is so classic that there is absolutely no clash. They are lovely together.

I do prefer the uninterrupted flow of the yellow gold ring to yours, I admit. I don't know if it can be fixed, but it is worth the ask if nothing else.

This is my favorite pic. Your vendor reviews were great, too, btw. Wear it in the best of health and congratulations on your 40th. I have my 40th coming up in a couple of years and I can tell you I was planning on a three stone for that as well.



Dec 16, 2007
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

Love it. LOOOOVE it. But you knew that. Maybe I can get a three stone for my... GASP... 35th next year.

I think you have three different styles of old cuts there! Your center looks very much like an OMC to my eyes, or a very OMC-Like OEC :cheeky: One side stone looks like a tranny and the other a more classic OEC. How fun to have all three**

Honestly I sort of prefer the original gold ring basket detailing to the one you ended up with so I can see your hesitation. I am sure I could get used to it ;)) but might not hurt to ask if they can change it, just as food for thought.

** Note: If you are not an OCD loser like me that is :lol:


Jun 6, 2010
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

I am speechless with the perfection of your new ring! It is breathtaking!! Stunning!! I have to stop gushing so I can go look at the pics again!!!! Well done!


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

Yes I am in agreement that I do think I like the look of the gold one better, although IRL it's a lot less obvious (but certainly noticeable if you realize the difference). I do know everything was set and THEN it went to the engraver. So the ring may have been able to be engraved either way, but I'm just guessing.

I'll ask. If it can't be done, I'm still happy. If it can, well I'll think about it then! I am going out of town for a week and will wear it and see how I feel about it after some wear.

Thanks for the nice words everyone!


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

WHOA! That is amazing TGal! Just AMAZING! it is a perfect new "Heirloom antique" ring! Just gorgeous - Coatimundi found the perfect jumping off for you and then 23rd street just added further to the perfection of that setting - well done, TGal, well done! :appl: :appl: :appl:

I see the dots/milgraining comment you are speaking of. I kind of like how yours is as it enhances the 'strut's so to speak, of the mount portion, while the delicate prongs (oh, how I love me some delicate claw prongs....!) enhance the trilogy of the diamonds. If it were me, I'd stick with the way it is, but you'll have to sleep on it a bit to decide if you want to change it.

Your book/review (tee hee!!) was wonderful! I love all your details and thoughts that you pulled together for us to enjoy - thank you so much! You are a wonderful reviewer!!!

Enjoy this stunning ring - and many thanks for all of those gorgeous diamond **** shots - can never get enough!!!! LOVE IT!!!


Nov 24, 2006
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

stunning congrats and I think it is amazing :appl:


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

TGal if you can post a Real Life Perspective type shot I'd love to see one :halo:


Oct 23, 2009
Re: Old european cut three stone ring by 23rd Street Jeweler

OMG!!! It turned out amazing! It's just beautiful on you! :love: :love: :love:
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