
Old Ads


Apr 30, 2005
What a different world...shockingly so.
All I can say is "Oh My!"...
yikes! :errrr:
wow...i guess i shouldn't complain about getting footie pajamas for christmas...i could have gotten a pickling set.
All of those are disturbing on so many levels.

Do you remember your parents saying things that now seem so utterly racist and distasteful? I remember quite a few, and the
funny thing is no one even thought it was bad. It was just what was said. Now, if I heard those things coming out of someone's
mouth I would be bugged.
The overt sexism is shocking.
luv2sparkle|1294101709|2813619 said:
All of those are disturbing on so many levels.

Do you remember your parents saying things that now seem so utterly racist and distasteful? I remember quite a few, and the
funny thing is no one even thought it was bad. It was just what was said. Now, if I heard those things coming out of someone's
mouth I would be bugged.

You raise a good question.

I remember my father saying something about MLK one time that I won't repeat.

My father said things to me that I can't repeat here.

My mother, no.

It still shocks me, even though we've moved beyond it. I always thought as a member of a minority (he's Jewish) that it was ironic that he would say what he did about MLK. As far as what he said to me, well, back in the late '60's and early to mid '70's, gay people weren't hardly people, according to most people. It really was a different time.
Oh my gosh, it's hard to believe these were considered acceptable at one time. Almost like a different world. And most of them weren't that long ago.
ksinger|1294106512|2813699 said:
Yeah I remember a few of them. I remember that Love's Baby Soft one really well, as a matter of fact.

But for sheer...words fail....I submit for this for your perusal. I'm sure the generalized response will be: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Oh my goodness.

I was hoping that ad was a hoax, but a bit of poking around the internet suggests that it's the real deal.

I found a few references to a realated use of lysol... perhaps the following letter ( is the real deal as well well...

Now 89, she started douching with Lysol when she was 17!

Good morning,

I happened to be checking the 'Net just to see if good old Lysol would be safe to use on some new Pergo floors my hubby recently installed in a couple of rooms.

I'm going on 89 years YOUNG . . . LOL . . . and was very amused by the Lysol douche ad. I don't know if I'm "still the girl my husband married" as I have pretty bad osteoarthritis (could it have been the Lysol?), but used Lysol as a douche and contraceptive ever since I married at age 17!! I had two children, both sons who turned out very well, in spite of the Lysol!! LOL

It's rather funny as I used it every day for many, many years because back in the early days, we didn't have the "Pill" and Lysol was used after "the act" to prevent unwanted pregnancies by just about every lady I knew, including my mother and grandmother who had just ONE child each.

Oh, well, we must have been TOUGH as I don't recall any problems!! LOL. Just thought I'd drop a line as I got a big kick out of your site and the old info.

wow :errrr:
ksinger|1294106512|2813699 said:
Yeah I remember a few of them. I remember that Love's Baby Soft one really well, as a matter of fact.

But for sheer...words fail....I submit for this for your perusal. I'm sure the generalized response will be: :eek: :eek: :eek:

LOL, words do fail.

I wonder though...some of the stuff that women do these it that far off from lysol in your hoohah? I mean, take the brazillian...I realize some women just like to be groomed, but isn't that a lot of pain to be pleasing to a man?

Or laser...I've done this, as I hate shaving my bikini line. But you can definitely take it further, so we're zapping and burning off hairs in our privates!

The ad that I remember as being sexist wasn't as bad as the ones that Kenny posted...but it's Madge and Palmolive. God forbid a woman had dishpan hands!! That one doesn't seem it was that long ago.........
My hubby bought me a big fat book of 50's ads one year for x-mas and it's just awesome. I love seeing that stuff.

That "blow in her face" chick is hot too.

It may seem like I've totally missed the point here, but I haven't. It makes me happy to see how far we've come, and makes me think how much further we need to go.
ksinger|1294106512|2813699 said:
Yeah I remember a few of them. I remember that Love's Baby Soft one really well, as a matter of fact.

But for sheer...words fail....I submit for this for your perusal. I'm sure the generalized response will be: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Did you guys watch Boardwalk Empire? That was the first time I'd heard of Lysol as a contraceptive. So sad that that's all women had.
I think someone posted some of these a while back... Yeah, they're pretty awful! Makes me think of Bewitched. I wonder if Darren Stevens would have ever come up with a campaign like that! :errrr:
athenaworth|1294163386|2814074 said:
It may seem like I've totally missed the point here, but I haven't. It makes me happy to see how far we've come, and makes me think how much further we need to go.

Yeah, nothing reflects what's really going on inside a society like what gets them to spend their money.

Indeed, today I see lots of men-are-stupid-women-are-smart commercials.
Granted they are not nearly as degrading to men as these were to women, but they do tap into a similar sociological garbage.
I think it's just the rubber band effect but it is definitely not finished swinging the other way.
When it plays out these too will be seen for what they are, offensive.

While they are all shocking I think the one below is the creepiest by far.
It reeks of pedophilia, as do all those little girl beauty contests IMHO.

kenny|1294166013|2814117 said:
athenaworth|1294163386|2814074 said:
It may seem like I've totally missed the point here, but I haven't. It makes me happy to see how far we've come, and makes me think how much further we need to go.

Yeah, nothing reflects what's really going on inside a society like what gets them to spend their money.

Indeed, today I see lots of men-are-stupid-women-are-smart commercials.
Granted they are not nearly as degrading to men as these were to women, but they do tap into a similar sociological garbage.
I think it's just the rubber band effect but it is definitely not finished swinging the other way.
When it plays out these too will be seen for what they are, offensive.

While they are all shocking I think the one below is the creepiest by far.
It reeks of pedophilia, as do all those little girl beauty contests IMHO.

Yeah, I didn't even know what that ad was for until you reposted it. I just looked at it and thought, ew, creepy and moved on.
Just had to share this. It's a scan from a brochure printed in 1931 that was tucked into a newspaper from that date. I found it being utilized as insulation in an attic storage room in my tiny house.
Beautiful illustration, and no promise of sexual gratification. Things were more direct and honest then.

TravelingGal|1294166357|2814120 said:
Yeah, I didn't even know what that ad was for until you reposted it. I just looked at it and thought, ew, creepy and moved on.

Yeah, the pic is bad enough but putting that text over a 6-year old's face, "Because innocence is sexier than you think." would land that ad agency in court today.
kenny|1294166013|2814117 said:
athenaworth|1294163386|2814074 said:
It may seem like I've totally missed the point here, but I haven't. It makes me happy to see how far we've come, and makes me think how much further we need to go.

Yeah, nothing reflects what's really going on inside a society like what gets them to spend their money.

Indeed, today I see lots of men-are-stupid-women-are-smart commercials.
Granted they are not nearly as degrading to men as these were to women, but they do tap into a similar sociological garbage.
I think it's just the rubber band effect but it is definitely not finished swinging the other way.
When it plays out these too will be seen for what they are, offensive.

While they are all shocking I think the one below is the creepiest by far.
It reeks of pedophilia, as do all those little girl beauty contests IMHO.

Shit, Pretty Baby was just a movie version of that ad. I'm surprised they even sell the movie anymore, but they do, and it's freaking creepy as all Hell.
I'm gonna be sick.... :knockout:

My late mom was born in 1936 and grew up with crap like this. Fortunately, she married a man who was passive and mom had to wear the pants in the family. I was raised with the woman being the strong one and wouldn't put up with this nonsense for one minute!

I still see signs of the "man is king" in parts of my family and it does make my stomach turn when I'm around it.

These are really interesting to look at! So different than what we see today. At the same time, some of the ads we have today are no better. These just seem to be more blunt.

Must post to my FB now. Thanks, Kenny!
kenny|1294166013|2814117 said:
athenaworth|1294163386|2814074 said:
It may seem like I've totally missed the point here, but I haven't. It makes me happy to see how far we've come, and makes me think how much further we need to go.

Yeah, nothing reflects what's really going on inside a society like what gets them to spend their money.

Indeed, today I see lots of men-are-stupid-women-are-smart commercials.
Granted they are not nearly as degrading to men as these were to women, but they do tap into a similar sociological garbage.
I think it's just the rubber band effect but it is definitely not finished swinging the other way.
When it plays out these too will be seen for what they are, offensive.

While they are all shocking I think the one below is the creepiest by far.
It reeks of pedophilia, as do all those little girl beauty contests IMHO.

I remember this ad too. And I have the same feeling about the child beauty pageants. They creep me out big time. And as a mom of daughters it just boggles my mind how people can put their kids in them. Even my sons think its creepy.

These old ads really do show how far we have come. Just yesterday I was talking to my 11 year old daughter and telling her that she is so lucky she was born in 1999 and not 1899 or even 1929 in terms of the opportunities she will have in life. That her life won't be restricted by gender role stereotypes and that she can choose to do whatever she wants in life.
Those ads are shocking! It's hard to believe it wasn't that long ago...I mean I'm sure there are plenty of people who remember seeing these ads when they first came out or remember that these ads were actually targeted towards them.
charbie|1294101242|2813613 said:
wow...i guess i shouldn't complain about getting footie pajamas for christmas...i could have gotten a pickling set.

Don't worry charbie, you were safe. Those pickling sets were 'obtainable at all leading stores throughout Australia' so I am the lucky the one who is not complaining about the chopping boards i got from my DH for christmas! lol :D