
Okay, what do you think?


Aug 5, 2010
I've been looking for a purple sapphire (full disclosure: nothing in mind and no hurry, really more accurate to say I've been jonesing for the sapphire). I saw this one from Tan. Its not cheap, but I like the size. Here are my questions:

1. Do you see brown in it? I think there may be - can some of you more sensitive to brown/grey modifiers weigh in here?

2. How would I set it to minimize the window, or would you say no matter what I do it will be super noticeable?

I don't see any modifier there. I think it is STUNNING!!!!! Great grapey goodness. :lickout: And I think all you have there is a tilt window which should close up nicely when set. Keep us updated!!
I hope LD chimes in on this since she is the "Queen of Purple Sapphires." I think she owns some in that very color. It's a very nice shape, and I love the high crown, but I am not a purple sapphire expert. I know they can be moody stones, or they can look more beautiful than depicted.

What did Tan say about it? Did you ask him?
Ha ha TL knows me so well!

Actually I've had that particular Tan stone on my watch list forever! The only reason I haven't pulled the trigger is that I'm worried it would look too much like an Amethyst - especially when set as it will probably darken. I'm very very very fussy with purple sapphires and they have to be just the right colour. If you love the look of this one I would say to get it (Tan has a great returns policy as you know) and then look at it in all lighting conditions. Purple sapphires CAN look very very different in daylight/incandescent, sometimes they look almost blue and you obviously want one that looks good in all!

I don't see brown in this stone but I do see a hint of grey - very small. That's one of the things to watch out for with purple sapphires - they can be too blue, too pink or too grey! This one is a pinky blue variety BUT with a great depth of colour.

Have you noticed how deep the stone is? This will face up much smaller than a normal 3ct Sapphire I think and also will sit high on your finger if you put it in a ring. Are you ok with that?

The window is fairly small so will most probably close up when set and it's less obvious in the video than the still photo. However, if you look at the photo on the AIGS report, it's quite apparent. It's difficult to say how noticeable it will be because you'll be moving it around so, so long as it doesn't black out the centre portion (as it does in the AIGS photo), you'll be able to disguise it.

Have you had a search for purple sapphires to see the colour that makes your heart thump? I tend to go through "purple sapphire" phases and look at tons and if I'm lucky end up with one!
Uppy, TL, LD: thanks for your responses. Its nice to know we have a purple sapphire expert in our midst and I really appreciate all your observations, LD.
So I started thinking since LD said it would face up smaller than most 3 ct stones because it is deeper than most. So now I'm wondering what is a good depth for a sapphire? This is about 76%.
I think the colour is more of a pinkish purple but there's nothing wrong with that at all - you love it and I see nothing wrong with it. The higher price tag (for Tan's store) reflects the fact that it is a 3 ct unheated sapphire. There is a small window but it is not due to having a shallow depth, but instead due to incorrect angles on the last few tiers of the pavilion.

There is nothing particularly wrong with a deeper 76% depth either. There are pros and cons with that. A deeper stone will usually be able to show a richer colour (longer light path) but on the down side, it will also make it face up smaller than an equivalent 3 carat sapphire with a 65% depth. There is no right and wrong because a lapidary will cut the stone to many different criteria and among them will be to maximize the rough material, to bring out the best colour, hide inclusions, sparkle, and more. In general, I like to purchase stones with a general depth of 65% to 70% but will not hold down to it fast again for a variety of reasons. Gemstones are not cut to order so we are limited to what is available. If it is nice enough or rare or difficult to find, I will accept a deeper stone in exchange for fine colour. The same goes for a shallow cut gemstone.
Minous - bless you but I'm not an expert. I just simply love purple sapphires!

To follow on with Chrono's post, don't let a deep or shallow stone put you off. I've bought both in the past. The only reason I mentioned it was because it will face up smaller than you'd imagine a 3ct sapphire will and it will sit higher than some in a setting. It's almost 6mm deep, then add on finger and setting clearance and your ring would sit about 7.5 to 8mm high. I love high settings so it wouldn't bother me but some people prefer rings to sit much lower.

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