
No wedding band

Pumpkin Sparkles

Oct 14, 2021
I was so excited after receiving my engagement ring almost a year ago, due to life things have been put off until next year. But I’ve been looking for band ideas and I realized, I hate wedding bands with an engagement ring. Don’t take me wrong, I love the look and I wish I could wear one but I don’t think I can live with the metals grinding together. I realized I don’t wear multiple rings on each finger or close fingers at a time (only one on each hand) because I hate that feeling. I may or may not be alone, but to those that can’t do a wedding band, doyou just wear your engagement ring?
Any opinions welcomed.
I’ve been married nearly 20 years and have never worn a wedding band with my ering(s). I have never found something I liked paired with my ring! I’ve had some I wore here and there over the years with various iterations of my ering, but nothing special. And now my ering has pretty engraving and milgrain on the gallery and I don’t want to mess it up.

Investing in a nice stand alone wedding band is a good idea though. There are many times wearing a fancy diamond ring isn’t practical. I’m making myself something like this for those days.

I’ve been married nearly 20 years and have never worn a wedding band with my ering(s). I have never found something I liked paired with my ring! I’ve had some I wore here and there over the years with various iterations of my ering, but nothing special. And now my ering has pretty engraving and milgrain on the gallery and I don’t want to mess it up.

Investing in a nice stand alone wedding band is a good idea though. There are many times wearing a fancy diamond ring isn’t practical. I’m making myself something like this for those days.


That’s a beautiful inspiration, my SO suggested I upgrade into something wider with a bigger stone before the wedding..something less traditional, and more I may just cave in and go that route. That was part of the reason of me holding out on purchases that I’ve been scouring for, my current engagement ring is a simple .99 oec solitaire with a thinner band (nothing about it says married) But your input just gave me the confidence to move forward. Thank you!


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That size diamond is perfect for a wide band in gold if that’s what you want! You can add engraving or accent stones or keep it simple . If it’s what you like go for it! You won’t regret it and if you do that’s what resets are for.
I'd suggest you to get also a plain band.
Estetically I prefer to wear my diamond solitaire alone on my left fourth finger, but I also have a 3 mm yg wedding band that I wear alone when travelling, during activities that can put the diamond ring at risk or simply when I don't feel like wearing the bling.
I used to search for the perfect wedding band to match my engagement ring and ended up with several. But over time, I realized I prefer the simplicity of just wearing my engagement ring, so I stopped wearing a wedding band altogether—and I love it. One ring, no fuss. As for what others think, it really doesn't matter. As long as there's something on your left ring finger, no one cares how many rings you wear.
I'd suggest you to get also a plain band.
Estetically I prefer to wear my diamond solitaire alone on my left fourth finger, but I also have a 3 mm yg wedding band that I wear alone when travelling, during activities that can put the diamond ring at risk or simply when I don't feel like wearing the bling.

That is smart I will look into that I haven’t thought about activities, I usually take it off.. (I damaged the milgrain on my engagement ring) after it was repaired I just learned to take it off but this is a wonderful idea!
I used to search for the perfect wedding band to match my engagement ring and ended up with several. But over time, I realized I prefer the simplicity of just wearing my engagement ring, so I stopped wearing a wedding band altogether—and I love it. One ring, no fuss. As for what others think, it really doesn't matter. As long as there's something on your left ring finger, no one cares how many rings you wear.

So true, I thought I was alone in this, as everyone I know has both rings or just a plain band. I think the band and engagement ring are beautiful! But I prefer the simplicity as well, Thank you for your input you’re right about others opinions I guess I need to work on that as well lol :confused2:
I have a few different wedding sets that I rotate through. On the one I had made, I had two thin bands put on, of equal distance from each other. So the "wedding ring" component is built-in.
It’s funny, when I was young I wanted to wear a ring because of what it communicates. Then I got older and for a long period wore nothing at all! Now I wear just a diamond ring. And even though a solo diamond ring means “engaged” no one ever asks if I am engaged. Maybe they think it. But the point is that none of this seems to matter much to other people. At least where I live.
It’s funny, when I was young I wanted to wear a ring because of what it communicates. Then I got older and for a long period wore nothing at all! Now I wear just a diamond ring. And even though a solo diamond ring means “engaged” no one ever asks if I am engaged. Maybe they think it. But the point is that none of this seems to matter much to other people. At least where I live.

I love that, others opinions shouldn’t matter… BTW your ring is stunning!!!
My original wedding set has both an engagement ring and a wedding band, but after wearing them for a few years, I came to realize that I didn't care for them together - they were each fine on their own, but didn't work together. Over time I started acquiring an assortment of rings that I switch out all over the place. I've learned a whole lot about what my personal preferences are aesthetically, about what is more (and less) flattering to my fingers/hand, and about how important comfort and practicality really are.

What I've found is that, like you, I don't like rings on multiple fingers - just the third finger of each hand, and then I do have a plain 2mm band that has tremendous sentiment for me on the thumb of my left hand as well. No more than that, though - I don't like the look or feel on me. I've also learned that I'm just not a "stacker," despite how lovely that look is on so many others - my hands are small and my fingers are short and stocky, so any more than two fairly slender rings together on a finger just makes them look even more hopelessly pudgy and short. So - some of my rings DO look good both by themselves and even better paired with a slender band, but only some, and only those with smaller center stones (in the 0.3ct to 0.6ct range); the addition of the slender band together with the dainty diamond ring gives the whole thing just enough "impact." If I add a band to rings with stones any larger than that, though, the look becomes too bulky (even if the diamond is set in a slender solitaire setting), so I always wear those by themselves, whether on my left or right hand, and I've increasingly become enamored of the simplicity and ease of that (and of not having to constantly fuss with re-centering the diamonds in a diamond wedding band back on TOP of my finger after they inevitably, always, spin to the bottom - gahhhh.....).

This means that a good deal of the time, I wear a diamond ring alone on each hand, and as an old married lady, no one seems to care or bat an eye. While I do enjoy the look of my smaller-stone rings paired with their bands, the hassle is enough that, if someone were to tell me that I had to pick only one ring or set to wear on my left hand the rest of my life, I absolutely would pick something with a center stone of about 1.0-1.25ct that's set into a setting that's substantial and sturdy enough, with some sidestones for added sparkle (likely channel-set for practicality), so that just the one ring with no extra band would totally work aesthetically. I've also decided that any future rings that I buy, including ones to be worn on the left hand, will be stand-alone.
I really appreciate the time you took for your input, I really enjoyed reading your journey on your rings, I believe that is probably where I’m headed.
Besides my engagement ring I’m currently having another diamond reset into a vintage platinum setting that wasn’t very expensive at all to help ease the wear and tear on my engagement ring (I’m a mother of a sweet kid that has been wheelchair bound for a little over 5 years, he now depends on me for everything his diagnosis involves muscle degeneration) I sometimes forget to take my ring off during transfers and I’ve rubbed off some milgrain in the engagement ring is probably the most expensive purchase I’ve ever made on a ring so keeping it in pristine condition hasn’t been so easy considering my situation.

I probably need to look for a plain band for the future.

Maybe a 2 carat one for rotation too .. hahaha
(I tried adding laughing emoji’s but it wouldn’t let me)
A flush set or similar bezel with smooth edges might be more suitable for daily wear.
A flush set or similar bezel with smooth edges might be more suitable for daily wear.

I agree, I’m not too hard on my rings but when I am it’s slightly noticeable lol but yes maybe something flush for daily wear.
I really appreciate the time you took for your input, I really enjoyed reading your journey on your rings, I believe that is probably where I’m headed.
Besides my engagement ring I’m currently having another diamond reset into a vintage platinum setting that wasn’t very expensive at all to help ease the wear and tear on my engagement ring (I’m a mother of a sweet kid that has been wheelchair bound for a little over 5 years, he now depends on me for everything his diagnosis involves muscle degeneration) I sometimes forget to take my ring off during transfers and I’ve rubbed off some milgrain in the engagement ring is probably the most expensive purchase I’ve ever made on a ring so keeping it in pristine condition hasn’t been so easy considering my situation.

I probably need to look for a plain band for the future.

Maybe a 2 carat one for rotation too .. hahaha
(I tried adding laughing emoji’s but it wouldn’t let me)

You're welcome! Yes, having more than one ring to wear has, at least for me, really extended the life of them. It sounds smart to set yourself up so that you don't have to worry at all about whatever ring you're wearing when you're taking care of your dear kiddo, and can fully focus on him without extra concerns.

I just remembered earlier today that on the TV show Modern Family, the character Gloria never wore a wedding band on her left hand with her engagement ring as far as I could tell, either. (Yes, I stared hard at her hand during episodes - it was a big honking gorgeous stone!) When the actress that played her, Sofia Vergara, got married to Joe Manganiello during one of the later seasons, she started wearing her real-life wedding band - a full eternity of emerald-cut diamonds - on her right hand on the show, but she never wore anything on her left ring finger except a big (supposedly diamond) ring on a slender band. There's some more inspiration!