
New (to me) Art Deco OMC & OEC ring


Mar 2, 2013
It was love at first sight ... And I was weak. I had been looking for an Art Deco piece for some time, and am so glad I held out because this one just really sang to me. I plan to love it as is until I finish up other projects, then *may* look at possible gentle-rehabbing of the milgrain, but I really just adore the "gently loved" look of it right now, and am humbled by the hands that have worn it, the good and bad times it may have seen, and the admiring eyes who have adored it over the years. My heart is just singing! And it is the perfect size/finger coverage for me.

It's a 14wg setting with a little over a ct of OMC & OEC diamonds (center is about 5mm). No idea on color though they have some antique warmth which I love, but the stones look very clear, less a nick here or there, as can be expected with a piece of this age.

If any of you more well versed in antique pieces and have any ideas about its possible age, style (besides deco), etc, I would love to know more about my new lovely! Thanks in advance!




JoCoJenn|1399604878|3668833 said:
It was love at first sight ... And I was weak. I had been looking for an Art Deco piece for some time, and am so glad I held out because this one just really sang to me. I plan to love it as is until I finish up other projects, then *may* look at possible gentle-rehabbing of the milgrain, but I really just adore the "gently loved" look of it right now, and am humbled by the hands that have worn it, the good and bad times it may have seen, and the admiring eyes who have adored it over the years. My heart is just singing! And it is the perfect size/finger coverage for me.

It's a 14wg setting with a little over a ct of OMC & OEC diamonds (center is about 5mm). No idea on color though they have some antique warmth which I love, but the stones look very clear, less a nick here or there, as can be expected with a piece of this age.

If any of you more well versed in antique pieces and have any ideas about its possible age, style (besides deco), etc, I would love to know more about my new lovely! Thanks in advance!

What a wonderful perspective - sounds like it was meant to find its way to you.

Can we see more hand shots? Its hard to see from that closeup how it looks on your hand...
:oops: Oops, I forgot to say how beautiful it is!
Beautiful, also love what you say about the wearers before you... It's humbling.

Yes more hand shots!!
I have the hardest time taking hand shots because my camera/phone is big (Note3), but here is one taken outside this afternoon in indirect light.

It looks beautiful - I love the shape & design!
Love it!! :love: Beautiful design,and great hand presence, fits your finger like a glove :appl:
Oh how I LOVE this ring! Congratulations, its beautiful!!! :love: :love: :love:
very pretty, and a gorgeous design - enjoy it :)