
Never Forget Sept. 11th


Aug 4, 2008
The day the Eagle cried


The day the evil hit us square in the face.
The day they ran in not away

The day The buildings were falling

The day the buildings fell.
The day the heroes fought back

The day the Pentagon was hit
The day the Flag rose
The day the dead cried out for justice


The day we will never forget!

Bless and comfort the families affected by the September 11th attacks.
Keep them safe and hold them in your loving arms.
Let them know that we are thinking of them this day.

Lord I ask your protection for those fighting terrorism all over the world.
Guard them and protect them and keep them safe.

Lord please bless America and keep her safe.

In Jesus’ name
Karl ,
Thank you for your tribute to those that lost their lives and loved ones on 9-11. You always do so with such care, grace and sensitivity..

I am one that lost friends on that day... To Ted, and to Doug, ooooh how much we miss you... :halo: :halo:
Thank you, Karl. A day that changed our lives and our country forever.
Upgradable said:
Thank you, Karl. A day that changed our lives and our country forever.

No New Yorker will ever forget. No American can ever forget. God rest the souls whose innocent lives were lost that day.
Thank you, Karl. I didn't personally know anyone involved on that horrible day but I have said many prayers for all and their families. Thank you for making sure we really don't forget....we can never forget...
Thanks Karl.
I feel deeply for the victims and their families.
There are no words to express it.

I strongly feel that out of respect for all peoples we should not frame this in the context of one particular religion here on PS, even if it is the most popular one in this country.

Let's not forget these attacks are the result of a rampant idea that ONE religion applies to everyone, like it or not.
Thank you, Karl.
It took me a while to go through all that, but it was worth it. Thank you.
kenny said:
Thanks Karl.
I feel deeply for the victims and their families.
There are no words to express it.

I strongly feel that out of respect for all peoples we should not mention one particular religion here, even if it is the most popular one in this country.[/

No one religion was mentioned, a prayer was offered... That's been done every year on 9-11... ::)

Please out of respect to those that are grieving, the last thing we need is some sort of debate ...

Not the time nor the place.. ::)
people of every ethnic and racial group,
every religion or lack thereof,
every age and every gender,
legal and illegal, etc. died that day:
may they all be remembered and RIP.

Thank you, Karl. I do not know anyone involved, but it was such a tragedy for the country, for the whole world...
Every year I listen to "New York State of Mind" and remember that day. I'm thankful that my family is here, that we are safe, and that we have our lives. I pray that all those affected are able to have peace.

Other than that I'm still speechless all these years later.
I still have nightmares... If you knew someone who was fighting for their life. Hearing the 911 calls, just recently.. I couldn't do that until now.. Too hard, too painful.. I heard my friend..
I am not a prayer, but on this day I pray for everyone involved. God bless all who were involved. Thank you, Karl.
I worked at Tiffany's in Greenwich CT at that time, was off on the 11th & saw the 2nd plane hit on tv. So many people in the area (it's 40 min. from NYC) worked in the financial district (including my husband, who happened to be in another town that day) & came into the store, needing to talk. You have to talk out such a shock & tragedy & for a few weeks it was the only topic among customers & employees. Lots of folks lost family around there.

About a week later a woman came in looking for a silver locket & took some time choosing just the right one. It was for an 11-yr-old girl who lived down the street from her & was a friend of her daughter's. Picking just the right monogram was important to her. Eventually she told me, "It is to contain a photo of her mother. She died in the Trade Towers. I want her to be able to wear it for the rest of her life." I almost started to bawl on the spot, imagining at 11 losing my mom that way, an age when a girl needs a mother greatly.

There were so many tragic stories.

--- Laurie
This day is in my heart. I mourn for all those who lost their lives. ;(

Today is also my BIL's birthday. It's a rough day to try to celebrate, but Happy Birthday Nick!
Thank you Karl. I still get teary eyed when thinking about 9-11-2001. My heart aches. I will never forget.

Thank you Karl. Let us never forget our troops that fought so courageously and are still fighting, and the people that perished that day.
Thank you Karl. I'm still in shock and pain all these years later. My heart aches for all those who lost their lives that horrible day, and for their loved ones. Such a devastating tragedy that affected, and continues to affect, so many.
Bless and comfort the families affected by the September 11th attacks.
Keep them safe and hold them in your loving arms.
Let them know that we are thinking of them this day.

Lord I ask your protection for those fighting terrorism all over the world.
Guard them and protect them and keep them safe.

Lord please bless America and keep her safe.

In Jesus’ name


Thank you Karl....

kenny said:
Thanks Karl.
I feel deeply for the victims and their families.
There are no words to express it.

I strongly feel that out of respect for all peoples we should not frame this in the context of one particular religion here on PS, even if it is the most popular one in this country.

Let's not forget these attacks are the result of a rampant idea that ONE religion applies to everyone, like it or not.

Kenny...that is the beauty of the USA...we are free to agree to disagree. I didn't see any particular religion mentioned and you can choose to ignore this thread or start your own where a prayer isn't included. Personally, I take offense at being fussed at for a prayer being offered.....just my two cents. This is a sacred day where many innocent people lost their lives at the hands of evil people.

Thanks for the reminder Karl, I genuinely appreciate it.

Let us also also continue to remember those who are still struggling due to not only losses of loved ones on that day, but also the individuals who continue to struggle daily from health affects they have incurred for their bravery.