
My new spinel


Sep 28, 2009
I bought this stone from GemBurionline even though the vendor pic wasnt great, but it was cheap as, so I figured why the H not?

The stone when it arrived turned out to be much nicer than the vendor pic (in my opinion) and more the type of colour I appreciate
so overall I'm happy happy happy with this purchase.

Now I just need to figure out what to do with it

and a real life picture

Ooh, very pretty. Much, much nicer than the vendor pic.
Wow, that stone is much nicer looking in person. I wouldn't have even thought it was the same gem. What do you plan to do with it?
Incredible improvement! That turned into a pretty little stone. Maybe it was irradiated by a dangerous parcel near it in the shipping container? Oh alchemy! :ugeek:
Woah! Totally different from the vendor's picture. Maybe the darkness in the original picture is due to head obstruction (shadowing)?
Beautiful color! Some of their spinels photograph much darker than in real life. I have three beautiful spinels that look very dark on the website.
Wow! Good thing you took a chance on that one! :love:
Wow, good buy! You'd never know it was the same stone. Any ideas on how you want to set it?

--- Laurie
Thanks everybody. I totally agree, it doesnt look anything like the vendor pic.

When I saw the vendor pic I thought it might turn out to be quite grey and dark with just a few violet flashes, which I would have been totally OK with, but I certainly didnt expect the colour I got. Its almost like he sent me a different stone.

I'm definately going to be taking a chance on a few more of his stones.

I've got a few other photos to post including evening light and one of a setting I'm thinking about, but am having trouble uploading.

Bear with me.....
Oh wow! Your pictures are way better! Nice baby pink color. :appl:
What do you all think of this setting?

Please be really honest.

I'm putting it up here cos I already have the setting and its the right size for this stone, but I'm not sure about it (sometimes I like it and sometimes I dont). So please, say what you think. I wont be offended if you dont like it, cos I'm not even sure I do! I really like the setting but I'm just not sure its right for this stone.

Oh, and if you want to offer suggestions of settings you have seen that you think will suit this stone I will be very appreciative.

ETA: this is an indoor nighttime photo so thats why the stone colour is different.

I think the stone disappears some in it...I have the same problem with a larger setting and a lavender spinel, though mine is silver and a bit of filigree. The lavendar stone just doesn't have enough saturation to really hang in there. I wear it anyway though and it shifts to blueish in some lighting, lavendar pinkish in others.

That stone is pretty!!!!
I would prefer that particular setting with a different colored stone.
Something brighter, maybe pink spinel, green tsavorite or bright spess....
would go with it better, IMHO.
I think all that bling detracts from your stone.

Also, I guess I just haven't trained my eye to appreciate halo's yet..... :sun:
I would do high karat yellow gold, the white gold washes it out. Nice find!
It looks too cold in the setting; I'd go for yellow gold instead.
You know, when I looked at the pic of the mounting, I didn't even realize that the stone was in it - the contrast between the stone and the setting is so subtle that I had to look twice...

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