
My mum is having surgery tomorrow morning.


Aug 14, 2009
She was in a car accident a few months ago, and broke her collar bone, among other things. Everything else is mended well enough, but her collar bone apparently abnormally shows no signs of healing several weeks later, so they are going to put in plates and hopefully induce bone re-growth soon.

It's apparently a 3-hr surgery - complicated by the nerves in the area. I'm worried :sick: they said the collar bone would start healing on its own in a couple of weeks and a couple of months later no progress, and now this - they're saying she'll heal internally in 3-8months... and all I can do is pray that her surgery goes well.

If you have any dust to spare she - and my dad & I - would really appreciate it. I wish I wasn't 3000 miles away :(sad
Sending prayers for your mom... good luck. Let us know!
I'll keep your mom in my thoughts tomorrow. I bet she'll do fine!
Sending thoughts and prayers that everything goes smoothly yssie. And hugs to you, it's hard to be away from loved ones at a time like this. Try to hang in, I'm sure she'll be ok. Keep us posted if you can.
((((hugs)))) ~~~glows~~~ ***dust***
My thoughts are with your mother!
Good luck yssie's mummy!
sending dust your way.
I hope all goes well for your mom Yssie!
Sending prayers your moms way and a hug to you.
Lots of healing dust and best wishes for all of you - here's hoping the surgery is a tremendous success and that she is now on the healing road!
Yssie - My thoughts are with you and your mom.

We see this in the horse world (broken collar bones unfortunately are common in riding accidents). Have faith that she will heal and be well after this! Please keep us updated on her recovery as well!
Dust for a speedy recover!
Best wishes for your Mum tomorrow!!
Here's hoping your Mum's surgery goes well.
Yssie...lots of good luck dust for your mom.. :appl:
Lots of good healing vibes are going out for your mum :appl: :appl:

(((((((BIG HUGS))))))) for you and your dad, Yssie :wavey:
I hope that your mom has a successful surgery and a swift, pain-free recovery.
Dust for Yssie's mom coming up!
I have a permanent injury to the right half my collar bone and I can tell you first hand, it hurts like hell and it affects the shoulder and neck too. I will pray that the doctors do everything in their power to help her and that her body responds positively to that help.

Yssie, what is your Mom's first name for my prayers? Just her first name. I like to know who I'm praying for in a situation like this.
Plenty of dust and prayers headed her way.
Sending fast healing prayers to your mom hun! DUST!
My dear Yssie, i'll keep your mom in my prayers...

Healing vibes your Mom's way....

kind regards--Sharon
Thanks so much everyone.

I managed to distract myself quite thoroughly yesterday... it was apparently a 4.5hr surgery - got delayed a little bit, and she is now out and sleeping. They put in two plates apparently, and if they don't bother her they probably won't bother removing them. She is expected to heal without problems, so that is very good news, and a huge relief!

On the downside, in all the commotion w/ the delay and getting the new scans in they completely forgot to give our dog his anticonvulsant, and he had a seizure :sick: but he too is fine, after a trip to the vet and some fluids.

gemgirl - I'm so sorry to hear that :(sad it has apparently been a painful two months. Her first name is Mala. Thank you - and everyone else - for praying for us, it sounds like it was a bit hectic but all ended well :))
I'm sorry I just saw this thread. Prayers have fast healing for your mom! And an extra for your dog.
Oh Yssie, what a worrisome 24 hours for you!! Sending your dear mum heaps of fast healing and pain free vibes, and big hugs to you and your doggy!
thoughts and prayers are with you, your mom, and your family at this time.
Good luck Yssie - hope everything goes well.

diamond flower.jpg
Thinking of your mom!