
My Mom Pulled an Andelain, sorta...Pics!


Nov 21, 2009
So my mom purchased a 2.72 L AVR/AVOEC in August of this year. After looking and looking :read: :read: at settings and changing her mind a million and one times (none of us have ever done THAT :cheeky: ) she requested a quote from Leon Mege. She is still undecided about whether she will ship the diamond or deliver it herself. While my mom has a setting style in mind, she is open to suggestions from Leon as he is the artiste and it would be cool to meet him and work through the different possibilities in person! It is a unique stone (L color but with strong blue flouro) plus it is AVR (I haven't seen any that Leon has set yet) so it would be nice to see what he thinks about setting possibilities.

Soo while this has been going on, my mom has been <ahem> stalking certain websites and items they have (I have trained her well :D ). One of these items she found herself going back to time and time again. About a month ago the price on this item was reduced dramatically. My mom could not resist. So after corresponding back and forth for a couple of weeks and asking pesky questions of the vendor who always answered as thoroughly and truthfully as possible, the item arrived yesterday!!! The only difficult thing about the experience was the time difference as vendor is on the West coast and we are on the East coast. So waiting back for emails sometimes was torturous, haha! I can't imagine those who work with vendors who are much much further away than this, you all must have the patience of saints :halo:

Enough gibber jabber. I say my mom sorta pulled an Andelain because although the AVR project is certainly ongoing, the keystone itself has not even been sent to the vendor yet!! So there is still all that time between Leon getting it and when production is complete! LOL. Anyway my mom decided to tide herself with...
The Antique 3.00 ctw (est) Rose Cut Earrings. Vendor is JbEG. I made the mistake of telling my mom to put the earrings on so I can take an earshot(s) but now she is not taking them off so I can take more pics!! I did manage to get a few!

JbEG photos: Rose Cut Earrings/




It is sooooo difficult to capture the checkerboard patterning in a photo!! IRL the settings are so much prettier and the rose cut diamonds just give off a unique sparkle!! Here are a few more earshots!!



WOWWOWWOWOW. You have trained her well. She has planets hanging from her ears and they are spectacular.
W :love: W! Lucky MOM!
I'd rather lurk then post so thank you, DD. Now, where did you put the leftover pancakes? I don't want to eat the one covering my face. :lickout:

welcome dragoneyce! nice pair you got there :bigsmile:
I drooled over those :love:

How exciting, congrats to your mum - and thank you for posting pictures!! They look *fabulous* on :bigsmile:
Those are way cool earrings, congratulations! Are they sparklie in real life. I haven't seen a rose cut in the sun. What do you think of
them compared to modern cut diamonds? What is the sparkle like?
luv2sparkle|1291427025|2786871 said:
Those are way cool earrings, congratulations! Are they sparklie in real life. I haven't seen a rose cut in the sun. What do you think of
them compared to modern cut diamonds? What is the sparkle like?

luv- from what little time I have spent with them and photographed them before I had to turn them over they are sparklie but totally different from a modern H&A. Fewer but large flashes. We are going to our closest diamond retailer tomorrow to peruse, they supposedly have the largest selection of diamond and settings in the general vicinity so I will take some comparison pics. I haven't gotten a chance to compare the Rose cuts to the AVR, AVC, and RB pendant. I will definitely be taking some comparison shots this weekend. I hope its sunny, though I'm gonna have to use my :sun: to take pics :cheeky:
:appl: :appl: :appl:

Yay those are gorgeous!!! I love that your mom has such a great project and now gorgeous earrings too!
Those earrings are amazing and beautiful!! I'm jealous! Wear them in health and happiness Dragoneyce!
They look fabulous on your mother!
YAY! When I saw they were sold I was wondering who got them. So glad it's your mom!
Wow!!! :love: :love: :love: Nice! I saw and admired them on JbEG's site.

And yep, that still counts as an Andelain. My current project is still in the CAD stage and I'm buying loose stones for another. :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I saw those earrings on the JBEG site and am so happy a PSer (or PSer's relative) bought them. They are gorgeous!!!!
Thanks for the nice comments! I think my mom has seen these but hasn't gotten a chance to post again. They are so pretty and so unique IRL. And its so cool that they are antique. My mom also got ANOTHER piece this weekend at the B&M store we visited. We were just going to look at settings and get ideas BUT they WERE having a 20% off sale so...she has really been on a role haha :lol: I believe she is done for a while... except there is still the matter of getting the AVR set... 8) I will post pics of her new piece when I see her later this week, that is if I can get her to stay still long enough since I doubt I will get it off of her finger!
Andelain said:
Wow!!! Nice! I saw and admired them on JbEG's site.

And yep, that still counts as an Andelain. My current project is still in the CAD stage and I'm buying loose stones for another.

Ooohhh! Do tell!! :naughty: :bigsmile: