I posted here months and months ago looking for ideas on how to set my new asscher in a non-prong setting, after I had the traumatic experience of LOSING my first asscher from a custom (and flawed) setting for my engagement ring!
Well, luckily for us my first stone was insured and the insurance company was cooperative, so my fiance and i purchased a second, comparable stone and then we shopped around until we found a custom designer in San Francisco with whom we felt comfortable.
Together, we designed a fabulous non-prong setting that I think shows off the geometry of my beautiful stone.
I would never brag about my stone in the real world -- but I''m excited to show it off to you asscher fans!!
Here goes -- details of the stone as follows:
Internally Flawless
Excellent polish
Excellent symmetry
Depth: 67.9%
Table: 61%
I am attaching a picture of the stone. I have some other views of it, but can''t figure out how to attach more than one photo, so perhaps I''ll post message with more pix.
I would never wish losing an engagement stone on anyone. But, thankfully, mine turned out to have a happy ending.
Happy Friday everyone!