
MRB recut to OEC?


Sep 16, 2007
We've had a few threads lately about modern rounds getting a facelift with BGD which are fascinating to me. But modern rounds really hold no interest for me anymore (personally - but I'm still loving seeing all those arrow pics!). I have some largeish studs I inherited from my mom, completely uncerted and horribly cut, but if I had to guess I'd say they are around 2.25-2.50tcw. I've never worn them because they are the equivalent of dead glass. I'd love for them to be recut into OECs and made into pendants for me and my sister. Do we have any vendors that recut into OECs? Has anyone does this before? I'd love to hear any first hand accounts!
I know that SingleStone recut a MRB into an OEC. I'm sure there are cutters that would do this if the stone fit the criteria in terms of shape and size. You could give SingleStone a call but hopefully more PSers will chime In with other names that will do this as well.
Yes, Singlestone will tweak diamond cuts to look older, and GOG will sometimes arrange a recut (August Vintage), but if a MRB is to be cut into a true OEC, quite a lot of weight and size will be lost. If you don't care about that, it's worth looking into.
Oh gosh, I'd only let GOG do that since they have outstanding cutters and cut to ideal light return.

You'll lose a lot of weight unless they just happen to be badly cut enough to be in proportions Jon likes for recutting. He has recut rb's before but likes certain angles to minimize the loss of weight.

But I am with you completely. I would want them changed to OEC's, too. Even if they end up at 1.5 ctw, I'd rather have the AVR/OECs. They would make a terrific pair of studs after the recut! Call Jon and talk to him. If you have grading reports, he can tell something. But he'll ultimately need to see the stones to be sure.
mom2boys|1403962729|3702778 said:

If I understand it correctly, they just did some cutting to pavilion facets and really did not recut to an OEC, and I am doubtful that they assessed light return as part of the equation. So the entire crown is still MRB as it was not recut to have a higher crown and small table. Obviously this is an option, but if you really want an OEC, that would involve a complete recut and not just making larger facets on the bottom. Her stone was well cut to begin with which made the slight adjustment possible. That may or may not be possible with your stones, liaerfbv.
Thanks for all the info! I will give Jon at GOG a call next week. I don't have any certs on the stones (if memory serves me correctly they were purchased at an antique shop in the 70s). I did get them diamond tested at a pawn shop a few years ago just to be sure. I don't mind the weight loss for an OEC - I'd rather have something wearable!
If they are steep deep with a 55range table you might not lose a lot of diameter.
If they are shallow/shallow or shallow/steep with a large table there will be a lot more loss.
They really need to be evaluated in person by an expert and a 3d scan done to tell for sure.
Not to steer you from calling Jon-but if you get them recut into AVR you'll be paying shipping fee's both ways + the recutting fee + 5% of each stone of what they could sell them on the market for as their profit. When researching to see if I should cut my 1.6 near ideal cut diamond I found that it just wasn't worth it to me to pay well over 2k (well over since 5% of an H VVS stone over a carat is quite a chunk of change before the recutting and other fee's) when if I looked for a long enough time I could probably find a good sized stone not much more than what I'd pay to recut my current one with a ton of weight loss.

You might just consider selling them to someone who doesn't care about cut and using the funds to buy a nice size pair of OEC studs or something else.

If you don't care about the cost and just wish to keep them bc they mean something since they were in the family-then I say go for it. AVR earrings would be amazing no matter what size they came out to be in the final product.

I just can't swallow that much money when I could get a well cut OEC on the secondary market if I waited long enough (I've seen a few of them over the years low in color for 2k-4,500 ranging from 1.2 carats all the way up to 2 carats although those are getting fewer and fewer) not knowing the exact results and what I'd be paying for. Granted my stone is well cut-if it was a total dud I might be more willing to pony up the dough if I knew the results would be worth it and not a HUGE loss in size.

Just my 2 cents :)
If the stones are "glassy looking" they possibly are shallow cut and have a large table which will mean they will be bad candidates to recut as OECS because they will lose too much weight, you need to have a good depth to start with and enough room for a reasonable crown height to get a half decent looking OEC. It might be better and much more cost effective to recut them as H & A RBs and love them for that instead or sell them as is or after they have been recut as RBs and purchase nice OECs instead.
I am not sure when VL got her quote, but I'd still call Jon because I know he has a relatively new cutter and the cost may be lower now. But I agree it might work out better to recut into ideal cut rounds, sell them, and then start fresh to find OECs or AVR's.
Well, I pulled them out last night to take a look, because honestly I couldn't remember what the proportions were. I think they are likely not good candidates for an OEC recut because they have huge tables and are extremely flat, and I would guess very shallow. It may be better to get them recut to ideal MRBs. I would never sell these because they belonged to my mother. I guess I'll be contacting BGD! :)