
Lovely rings for larger fingers?

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Sep 23, 2007
Hi all! I''m new here (though I''ve been lurking for some time!). My boyfriend and I recently went ring shopping, and I was surprised to learn that my ring finger is a size TEN! Now, I''ve always had kind of short and stumpy fingers, but I had no idea they were quite *that* stumpy! It might make sense if the rest of me were very large, but I''m just not! It''s so frustrating!

Anyway, I''m wondering if any ladies here have big fingers like mine, and if they''d be willing to show off the rings they wear on them. My boyfriend and I picked out a lovely ring, and I think it will look very nice, but of course I wasn''t able to actually try on ANY of the rings I looked at. They were all too small. It makes me a little nervous, because I''ve no idea what the ring will actually look like on my finger. So everyone who''s got a finger that''s size 8+. . .let me see your ring! Give a fat-fingered gal some hope!
I used to wear a size 8 ring and like fairly small jewelry. Sorry, I don''t have any pictures. I think it is all about personal preference. Most of my round stones are 5 to 6 mm and most of my ovals are 6 x 4. I will be anxious to see your ering when you get it.
Honestly, I totally understand that you want to see pics but I truly believe that a gorgeous ring will look good on ANY finger, regardless of size. I guess the only look I''d avoid would be a really thick all-metal band, or a super thin band, maybe middle-of-the-road is best?

Here are some past topics about this very same issue: (pictures!)

There was another thread with pictures in it not too long ago, but I can''t seem to find it.

I don''t think a large ring size is bad at all, but at least the rest of you is small! I''m quite the opposite, I''m pretty tall (nearly 5''10") and I therefore have pretty large feet (size 9.5) so I was sure my ring size would be big, but it''s 5.5 to 5.75! (depending on how hydrated I am) Totally defies logic, that''s for sure.

Good luck finding your ring!
Deco--I don''t think I''ve ever seen your rings before, they are GORGEOUS! I LOVE your ering, it is so darn beautiful. And that wedding band! And that halo! I love them all! And so very unique, too. Oh, my, so beautiful. WOW!

(Sorry to temporarily hijack your thread Majorgroove, gushfest is now officially over.)
Wow, Deco, your rings are lovely! My boyfriend and I have actually already picked out my ring, but the style is quite difficult to describe, so I''ll just post pictures when I have it.

Haven: I suppose I mostly wanted to see how various styles of engagement rings look on larger hands, because I couldn''t see any rings on my own hands! Also, I am not exactly a small person: I''m 5''9", but I know other women of my height (or taller!) who don''t have chubby fingers like I do. I have one friend who''s 6'' tall with a size 5 e-ring! I had always thought that if I myself wasn''t chubby, my fingers wouldn''t be either. Boy, was I wrong!
Hi there,
I have a friend who wears a 9 3/4 ring size. She was also concerned because she was unable to try on any rings. That being said, she got a ring custom made that is very similar to Tiffany''s Legacy. The proportions just seemed to fit her with that ring. Hope this helps!
Date: 9/23/2007 11:29:49 PM
Author: Haven
Honestly, I totally understand that you want to see pics but I truly believe that a gorgeous ring will look good on ANY finger, regardless of size.
Ditto this, Haven. But I, too, completely understand the desire for pics, MG! When we were ring shopping, I had a folder on my comp of hand pics I saved from PS labeled "1.32ctCUSHIONonsize5.75.jpg" or "1.1ctASSCHERonsize6.5.jpg" etc.

I've been wondering lately (mostly because of my ongoing wedding band shopping) whether thicker or thinner shanks are most "finger-flattering." I'm sure it really depends on the person... but the I actually think my 3mm trial-band makes my finger look nicer/more elongated than my 2mm one does.

Date: 9/24/2007 3:23:35 AM
Author: musey

Ditto this, Haven. But I, too, completely understand the desire for pics, MG! When we were ring shopping, I had a folder on my comp of hand pics I saved from PS labeled ''1.32ctCUSHIONonsize5.75.jpg'' or ''1.1ctASSCHERonsize6.5.jpg'' etc.

I''ve been wondering lately (mostly because of my ongoing wedding band shopping) whether thicker or thinner shanks are most ''finger-flattering.'' I''m sure it really depends on the person... but the I actually think my 3mm trial-band makes my finger look nicer/more elongated than my 2mm one does.

I think it does matter, and vary.

I wear a 5.5, but have what I''d call shorter, notsoslender looking fingers, and I think thicker bands look better on mine.
Major Groove,

I know exactly how you feel. When we started ring shopping I found out my ring size was an 8, which completley shocked me, I''m 5''4" and wear a size 2, so I joke that my hands take up 10% of my body weight.

I orginally planned to go with a thick (4 or 6mm) solitaire because I thought the proportions looked good with my larger hand. I simply couldn''t pull off any of those gorgeous, dainty, pave rings. In then end, I found a setting that I thought worked well. There are a couple of small stones (20) points in my band and I like them because they provide a bit more sparkle, but aren''t too dainty for my large hands. I did end up getting a half eternity band as a wedding band, but got 6 point stones in them. On my size 8 finger they look fine, though if I move them to my pinky they look larger.

Also, I bought a plain band that matchs my FI''s band. I don''t have a picture of all three together, but I really like the stacked look.

I was afaid that my e-ring would look tiny on my hand, but it doesn''t. I look at other people''s rings all the time and find that rings pretty much look the same no matter what hand they are on. Do I wish I had more finger coverage? Sometimes, but I really feel like a 1 carat or 2 carat stone will look like 1 or 2 carats regardless of the hand if you take more than a glance.

I''m attaching a picture of my e-ring and wedding band. E-ring is 1.5 carat asscher, wedding band has 6 pointers. I briefly considered buying a stone that faced up larger simply because I have large hands, but in the end I decided not to compromise the stone I wanted simply because of my hands and I''m really glad I went with what I wanted.

Musey and NewEnglandLady--you are KILLING me with those gorgeous Asschers! I originally wanted an Asscher, then switched to cushion, and now EVERY TIME I SEE YOUR RINGS I DOUBT MY DECISION! Perhaps I just need a RHR . . .

MajorGroove--I definitely understand your desire to see rings on fingers, I was just trying to help assuage your anxiety, as I''m sure any ring you love will look beautiful to you. I will say that I always thought I wanted a teeny tiny super-thin pave band, but when I actually tried one on it bothered me that my fingers kind of bulged out on either side of the band.

It really is strange how finger size does not match the rest of our bodies, sometimes. My very good friends is a petite girl, around 5''2", and I think she wears a size 6.5 ring so she couldn''t even try on my ering, which is crazy--I am SO much larger than her everywhere else! She wears a size 2, I''m a 6 or 8 (now, was a 10 for a while post-college), and her feet are about half the size of mine! I think I just have huge stretched out hands, or something, because they aren''t small--I can even palm a basketball. (My fifth grade band teacher wouldn''t let me play the flute, he said he needed to reserve that instrument for girls with small hands, mortifying! I ended up playing the clarinet, instead, which was so very uncool to my fifth grade mind.)

I was thinking--did you get sized only once? If so, I would go back in just to make sure the size is correct. That''s not to say that you should try to get a smaller size, but your ring size can really change depending on a few variables. I thought I wore a size 6 ring for ages, but it turns out I''m closer to a 5.5. I know it''s not a huge difference, but I must have been very dehydrated and perhaps a little warm when I was first sized, because now I''m wearing a size 5.75 ring (I think they made it as a 5.5 and shaved out the inside a bit) and it''s so big on me at times (when I''m cold and fully hydrated) and then it fits perfectly if it''s a bit warm or if I''ve had caffeine.

Okay, I am so sorry for the rambling. I''ve been teaching grammar to my students all day, I think I really needed to engage in some sort of conversation that didn''t focus on gerunds!
Haven, you must be crazy. Your ring is absolutely stunning--I have a picture of your ring saved on my computer because I looove it. As in "oh my goodness, maybe a cushion was the way to go" kind of love it! It''s perfect!

And I find it completely hilarious that you played the clarinet--I played back in the day as well. I used to tease one of my best friends who played the flute that if I had her dainty hands, I''d play the flute, too. I can''t imagine anybody thinking your teeny 5.5 hands are big--maybe they''ve just been the same size since 5th grade :)
My set is size 8.75, and I''m also 5''9". I have a large frame, as these things go, and wear size 11 shoes. I think I used to be able to wear a size 7.5 or 8 on my ring fingers, when I was in my 20''s, but no more! Anyway, my SMTR thread has some hand shots of my 3 stone ring, partway down the second page. Selkie''s wedding set. I never even saw the ring in person before ordering it, let alone try it on, and I think it worked out well. For reference, the sapphire is 6mm, or about the diameter of a .75ct diamond. The wedding band is 2.5mm and the widest part of the e-ring shank is about 4mm. I''m very happy with the finger coverage of the two together.
Date: 9/24/2007 1:35:12 PM
Author: Haven
Musey and NewEnglandLady--you are KILLING me with those gorgeous Asschers! I originally wanted an Asscher, then switched to cushion, and now EVERY TIME I SEE YOUR RINGS I DOUBT MY DECISION! Perhaps I just need a RHR . . .
I''m thinking more and more lately that that is the way to go for most people... what with all the "I don''t like my asscher anymore!
" threads there have been lately.

If I didn''t have an asscher, I''d have a cushion. It''s funny how that''s the "other" shape most of us asscher-lovers also love!
Date: 9/24/2007 2:53:00 PM
Author: musey
If I didn''t have an asscher, I''d have a cushion. It''s funny how that''s the ''other'' shape most of us asscher-lovers also love!
MEEEEE TOOOO. Love them CUSHY CUSHIONS. I came *so* close to choosing one & then found my Asscher & that was that. I''ll confess a love for LUCIDAS and OECs/Transitionals.

In retrospect -- I think a Cushion would look better on my soft, chubby fingers -- less contrast between curve & curve ... but Asschers are my FIRST LOVE. **sigh**

ETA: Thanks for the shout out Haven!!

EETA: Oh yeah ... I''m a size 11 shoe gal too
Here''s a little anecdote to make all of you ladies with size 11 shoes feel better--one of my sisters is 5''4" and wears a SIZE 12!!!! We don''t know where those feet came from, but now THOSE are large feet for a shorter lady. My other sisters are around that height, also, but they wear size 7 and 8. She says I got the good genes, but I will have none of that--she has the most amazing thick, curly hair and tanned skintone. Me? Straightish, wavyish hair and pale pale pale skin! (My students'' favorite simile is always "Miss Haven is as white as a piece of paper." Ugh!)

Back to our previously scheduled thread . . .

MajorGroove--When you find some settings you like please post them, I''m dying to partake in a "I need help finding the right setting" project!
It sounds like you already have something picked out, but I''ve always admired three-stone rings and halos on women with larger hands. I think that halos and three-stone rings give the ring a more substantial look if you want a larger ring. I also think that oblong shapes like ovals, cushions, etc. tend to elogate the fingers. Honestly though, get what you want I''m sure it will look fabulous on you!
Hi :) My ring is an 8.25. My fingers fluctuate really bad and can go within a week from this ring is so loose I barely pull at all and it comes right off to omg it is so tight I have to use windex and twist and pull and twist and pull LOL

I have some thin banded rings and they have a very feminine feel to them, but I think they get lost on my hand a bit. Not only is there nothing substantial there (and they spin like *mad*) but IMO they make look my fingers look even BIGGER in comparison to such a thin band. I like the look of the thin bands on women with tiny fingers, but I like to actually have some finger coverage in the band dept as well. Rather than stacking 3 2mm rings I have 1 6mm ring that I wear alone. My cushion is elongated and I think the ring and band look perfect on my hand :) The stone is 2.71 and I do admit that for the same reasons I like bigger bands on bigger hands, I also like bigger stones on bigger hands hehehe

My ring size is 8 1/2, I cant seem to figure out how to post a picture, but my rings are in my avatar.
Date: 9/24/2007 4:50:55 PM
Author: Haven
Here''s a little anecdote to make all of you ladies with size 11 shoes feel better--one of my sisters is 5''4'' and wears a SIZE 12!!!! We don''t know where those feet came from, but now THOSE are large feet for a shorter lady. My other sisters are around that height, also, but they wear size 7 and 8. She says I got the good genes, but I will have none of that--she has the most amazing thick, curly hair and tanned skintone. Me? Straightish, wavyish hair and pale pale pale skin! (My students'' favorite simile is always ''Miss Haven is as white as a piece of paper.'' Ugh!)

Back to our previously scheduled thread . . .

MajorGroove--When you find some settings you like please post them, I''m dying to partake in a ''I need help finding the right setting'' project!

Well, I do feel a little better now about my own big feet, but I feel bad for your sister! 11''s are hard enough to find...
Rrrrrg, MajorGroove, I know exactly how you feel. I was so nervous prior to the proposal - not at all because of the promise of marriage but because I wanted to know what the ring would actually look like on my finger! In the end though, I completely agree with the others - your perfect ring will look beautiful on your finger no matter the sizing.

But, to help you get an idea while you wait, here''s mine to add to the collection. I''m an 8 with pretty short fingers.

Rrrrrrrrrrggggg... sorry about the size. I''ll try that again.

I want to apologize in advance for not having a picture, but my friend (who''s ring size is 8, I think) has a stone like Elmorton''s... emerald cut I believe, and then the band is set with princess cut stones. It looks BEAUTIFUL on her finger because it is substantial, but the elongated emerald seems to elongate the finger. It''s from Jared''s, by the way, if that helps in any way.

Date: 9/24/2007 10:54:02 PM
Author: somethingshiny
Here''s the link to my size 9 .77 cushion with pave
somethingshiny, I haven''t seen your thread before now! Your ring is BEAUTIFUL, and the proportions look just perfect on your hand. The detail on the shank reminds me of Deco''s ring. That seems to be a VERY flattering shape!! I love it!
Date: 9/24/2007 11:48:31 PM
Author: musey
Date: 9/24/2007 10:54:02 PM

Author: somethingshiny

Here''s the link to my size 9 .77 cushion with pave

somethingshiny, I haven''t seen your thread before now! Your ring is BEAUTIFUL, and the proportions look just perfect on your hand. The detail on the shank reminds me of Deco''s ring. That seems to be a VERY flattering shape!! I love it!

Awww, shucks! Thanks, Musey! Coming from a lady with your avatar, I''m feelin'' pretty good!
Wow! Thank you, everyone, for so many pictures of so many beautiful rings! I''d reply to each one, but it might take a while. . .suffice is to say that all your rings look lovely on your fingers.
I don''t feel so alone with my chubby fingers anymore! Keep those pictures coming!

And Haven, before I forget, yes, I''ve been sized multiple times by different people, and the result is always an even 10. I am sure that my fingers will shrink a bit when it''s not summer, but for now, I''m stuck.
Date: 9/24/2007 11:58:18 PM
Author: somethingshiny

somethingshiny, I haven''t seen your thread before now! Your ring is BEAUTIFUL, and the proportions look just perfect on your hand. The detail on the shank reminds me of Deco''s ring. That seems to be a VERY flattering shape!! I love it!
Awww, shucks! Thanks, Musey! Coming from a lady with your avatar, I''m feelin'' pretty good!

I just tell it like it IS--and it IS GOOOOOOORGEOUS!
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