
Losing the Poundage Post Baby

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May 9, 2008
hiya ladies,

wasn''t sure if this should go in the Mommies/Preggo threads or be a topic on it''s own - but I was wondering how you managed to drop the weight post baby.

my little one is due at the end of January, and even though I haven''t gained an insane amount of weight, looking at the size of my stretched belly it just seems impossible to me that it will ever go back to it''s original size. I suppose it doesn''t help that I''ve been pretty inactive throughout the pregnancy so far, but am taking 1/2 hr walks everyday to somehow compensate

things i''ve heard:
- be realistic - it takes time!
- breastfeeding helps
- girdles help (read some good things about the belly bandit on the mommies thread).

So...the question is, what worked for you? any tips/tricks on how to shrink down the tummy afterwards?

thank you!!
For my friends who have lost the baby weight there are no tricks just like with any weight loss. Eat less and exercise seems to be the common theme among them!
I know some have had different experiences, but all of my friends (n = 10) who had babies recently lost every pound within three to eight months through exclusive breastfeeding. A couple needed to resume their gym trips to get the last 8 pounds off. They gained between 20 and 50lbs, with more weight taking a little longer to come off. They all also led active lifestyles after baby-- just getting out of the house a lot--and didn't eat terribly post-baby, so that seemed to help.

ETA your belly may never be the same even if you lose the weight. My friends have noted that their lower tummy is a little fuller, and that their hips are wider. One friend who is particularly thin also has some loose skin on her lower tummy after number 2, so I think our bodies will be changed forever even if we lose the weight!
Everyone I know who lost all the weight quite quickly was breastfeeding.

My sister couldn''t breastfeed her first - her daughter had a cleft palate and it took ages for her to slim back down (even though she did try and express for a while). With her second child, she breastfed from the start and lost it all pretty quickly.
For some women breastfeeding helps, while others find that they can''t lose the weight until they stop BF. I gained 28 lbs with my daughter and 25 with my son. The weight came off in about three months, but I didn''t feel like myself for about a year. I weighed the same, but my body was different. My ribcage was bigger and my hips were wider. It took about a year to change back. Remember, it took 9 months to get that way - it will take time to get return. Eat healthy and make sure you eat enough. If you cut calories, your body will go into survival mode, especially if you are nursing. Drink tons of water, it will help you flush out the extra fluids.
i have lost all the weight plus some.
i am still nursing and in the beginning, it helped a lot. and i usually take my son for a walk every morning. i started going for walks after my 6 week check and got the all clear from doc. i have walked pretty regularly unless it''s raining or too cold in the morning.
and one thing to mention, once the baby is born, you will drop about 20 lbs instantly.
even if you have lost all the weight, some things will never look the same.
just watch what you eat. and yes, it does take time!!
you''re almost there. i bet you can''t wait to meet your little bundle of joy!
thanks for the responses everyone! even though we all agree there really is no silver bullet it's good to hear what things have helped the process along.

dd, i agree - sadly there will probably always be some loose belly skin and/or certain changes to our bodies forever... but at the end of the day the babies are probably worth it all

puffy: you're right - it's so crazy to see how close to the top of the preggo-in-waiting list i am now! btw LOVE your avi
I BFed for over 6 months and still have 10 lbs to go...
I have never been overweight before now but I do notice that I am carrying weight differently (than if the past if I gained a few lbs). It is strange...
I''m 15 lbs lighter than I was before being pregnant with my first.

My weight loss tricks included: cutting out all sugary drinks, fast food, dairy, breads, and candy. Keeping up a good exercise routine of 4-5 days per week, and also breastfeeding both kids for 1 year each.

I''ve had two c/s and even at 110 lbs my tummy isn''t that great. The only way to regain it''s former self is by having a tuck, which I''ve considered, but they''re around $8K!
I lost all of my baby weight (35 pounds), plus a little more after my baby. I breastfed until he was 3 months old, but I didn''t lose any weight (except the 15 pounds immediately after the birth) while I was BFing. In fact, I was able to control my appetite and cravings during pregnancy, but I had to eat everything in sight while I was nursing. Even though BFing burns a lot of calories, my body needed to take a lot more in to produce the milk.

I had lost all 35 pounds 7 months postpartum, and another 5 by 10 months postpartum. I lost it by working out 5 days a week (cardio 30 min., weights 15 min.) and restricting my diet - mostly lower carb & calorie restriction.

Even though I am back to my original size 6/8, my hips are about one inch wider (I''m more "8" than "6" now), and I have a little pooch on my lower belly that I never had before. I always had a very flat stomach & small waist, and never gained weight except in my hips, but now I find that if I gain a few pounds, I put it on around my waist as well.

Basically, I need to weigh about 5 pounds less than I did pre-pregnancy to fit into my old clothes to make up for the difference in my body shape.

That said, I have gotten a lot of compliments from people who meet me when I don''t have my son with me, saying that they wouldn''t think I had had a kid by looking at me, which is nice :)
I think BFing helps drop weight at first. It seems like with all three of my kids 5 pounds stayed on until they were weaned. Also, any exercise you get now will be very beneficial. Take walks, do crunches, push ups, etc...Anything to increase your muscle memory! Even just improving your posture helps with your core muscles. Of course, this is as long as exercise is OK with your doc.
I worked out almost every day while pregnant and ate well (but ate lots), resumed my regular exercise program 10 days post birth, i am still BFing and eat healthfully so you would think i would be down to my pre-baby weight right? Wrong. i *still* have a few lbs to go nearly 8 months later

I don''t think i''ll ever have the nice flat/tight tummy i had in my early twenties but i am okay with that. I know i took good care of myself so i am not too worried about it.
My mom claims the little bit of ''extra padding'' will come off when i wean but i know some ppl whom this was true and others it was not.

I am interested in the girdle things, i might look into that for #2. Even if they don''t work, at the very least they would offer some much needed back and adominal support in the early post partum weeks. Sbde, let us know what you think of them if you do get one.
Like everyone else has said, each woman is different. I was back to pre-preggo weight at 3 months (I was done BFing at this time) and I was back to my "old body" around 7 months. I worked out during my pregnancy and after (although, I admit I work out much less now due to time constraints and a need for sleep) but I also live a very active life style coaching volleyball and teaching middle school. I have heard of many women who don't lose the last bit until after they're done bfing and others who lose it all while bfing. Just depends on your body. I looked into the body wrap thing that Brooke Burk sells. She has had 4 kids and is in killer shape so I'm thinking I may give it a try with baby number two!! I look forward to hearing about experience with these wraps.
thanks for the responses everyone! they are really helping me set some realistic timelines around when things should begin to look/feel *normal*

btw jas12 and burk, i''m really interested in hearing about experiences with the girdles too. i forget which 2 mommies in the mommy thread mentioned that they had just bought them and had started using them, but i hope we hear some reviews soon. from what i can tell, they really help to just hold you in and improve posture but the tricky part is just keeping them on ALL THE TIME. my sister wore one intermittently after her c-section, and said it was a great help but she didn''t wear it consistently or long enough to see the promised results.
Sideways on, and in certain lights, I still look pregnant!

I''ve lost a ton of weight (I don''t ever weigh myself, but clothes fit properly again) but my shape is different! I don''t know if it will ever go back to normal. Still, BFing got the poundsl to drop off for me, along with eating less and trying to be active. Just the usual lifestyle stuff for weightloss really. It''s coming off still (my baby is 6.5 months now) but at a much slower rate. I figure that''s ok, and more likely to stay off long term.

To be honest, I try not think too much about losing the weight I gained. My mother has an eating disorder and a lifetime of weight/ body issues that she tried so hard to make me share. I don''t want my daughter pick up any of my mother''s attitudes to food and body image so I have to be careful not to exhibit any signs of them myself. Just focusing on normal, healthy food and lifestyle with lots of fruit and veggies and the odd indulgence.


i know curlygirl is using some belly band right now.
i''m curious to hear her testimony.
Great topic and good timing for me. At 9wks PP, I''m really tired of the extra 15lbs and need to start feeling good about myself again. I did purchase the belly bandit, which I wore from about 1wk post partum to 6 weeks. It''s not a magic pill but it did get the uterus to shrink faster, but you still end up in the same spot in my opinion. Plus I can''t say for sure it was due to the belly bandit. It does help you feel better though since it tightens things and at 6wks, it looked much more "normal". I suppose I could have worn it longer, but day and night with it was getting old. It''s pricey ($40 or so) but I''m getting rid of mine if anyone is interested.

As for my figure, I need help! I can''t get to a gym, but am drastically reducing my food intake. Banana for breakfast, granola bar for lunch and a healthy dinner (with minimal carbs and no dessert). I don''t recommend it, but I seriously don''t want to eat when I see my body! I''m looking into buying a DVD to get some cardio going, or at least a jump rope! I''ve lost about 2lbs since doing this but got 15 to go. I lost 28lbs since giving birth, but I gained alot more than I should have.
Vesper: would love to hear more specifics on your diet and exercise routine. Sad that only a tummy tuck will get rid of the pooch--how do celebs do it, or do they all get tucks?
I haven''t read everyone''s responses and I''m typing one handed so forgive any mistakes!!

I think it really depends on your body. lili is right, I used the Brooke Burke girdle thingy for about 4 weeks until it started to drive me crazy. I''m not convinced that it did anything and I only know this because this is my 2nd child and my body did the same thing as the first time around when I didn''t use any kind of belly band. I did NOT breastfeed at all and lost 20 lbs. within the first 3-4 weeks. I only gained 27 total. I was fitting into my regular jeans by about 4 weeks postpartum. Now at 9 weeks postpartum, I am back to my pre-preg weight but yes, I have the belly flab. I maintained a very active lifestyle during pregnancy and since giving birth, I walk every day and go to the gym twice a week. I''m really not watching what I eat and I think that if I did, I would actually lose some of the flab--I''m a sugar fiend and chocolate is definitely my best friend when I''m home alone with my baby!
I need to focus more on the abs and I figure that once I go back to work, I''ll be snacking less during the day which will help for sure!
Date: 12/2/2008 3:49:27 PM
Author: janinegirly
Sad that only a tummy tuck will get rid of the pooch--how do celebs do it, or do they all get tucks?

my guess is $$$.
they can get a personal chef to cook their lowfat meals,
a personal trainer to help them work the trouble spots,
and a nanny to take care of the baby so that they can devote their days in working off those baby weight.
of course there are your typical tummy tucks too.

wow, i didn't realize that you have to wear those band day and night.
after months of wearing loose and flowy clothes during my pregnancy, i now can't stand anything thing touching my belly, especially when i'm sleeping.
It really just depends on your body, but you probably will lose like 20lbs immediately after birth from the baby, placenta, fluid, etc. I gained 30lbs from the pregnancy. I wasn’t very active during my pregnancy; I walk a little bit throughout because fieldwork is part of my job. It wasn’t until last week of my pregnancy when I walked like 2 – 3 miles daily, and it was only because my cervix was not dilated during internals. Yeah I was lazy butt. I wasn’t eating terrible healthy either, but I didn’t overeat. Like I said, I lost 20lbs immediately. At my 6 weeks postpartum appt, I was only 4lbs more than my pre-pregnancy weight, but I was barely squeezing in my jeans. At 8 weeks, I was pre-pregnancy weight. Now I am 6lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight, and my hips are smaller than pre-pregnancy (I only know because my jeans feel loose). And I had not done any exercises. I lost the weight from breastfeeding alone. I try to eat a normal, balance diet, and only until I am full. I have my share of junk foods, which I am sure will come back and bite me in the butt when I stop nursing. But I am trying to cut down on the junks. With that said, my body is not the same. I still have a small flab of loose skin on my belly, which I am hoping will tighten up a little bit over time or when I start exercising again. I know it won’t look like it was before, but a little bit tighter would be nice.
Date: 12/2/2008 3:49:27 PM
Author: janinegirly
Great topic and good timing for me. At 9wks PP, I''m really tired of the extra 15lbs and need to start feeling good about myself again. I did purchase the belly bandit, which I wore from about 1wk post partum to 6 weeks. It''s not a magic pill but it did get the uterus to shrink faster, but you still end up in the same spot in my opinion. Plus I can''t say for sure it was due to the belly bandit. It does help you feel better though since it tightens things and at 6wks, it looked much more ''normal''. I suppose I could have worn it longer, but day and night with it was getting old. It''s pricey ($40 or so) but I''m getting rid of mine if anyone is interested.

As for my figure, I need help! I can''t get to a gym, but am drastically reducing my food intake. Banana for breakfast, granola bar for lunch and a healthy dinner (with minimal carbs and no dessert). I don''t recommend it, but I seriously don''t want to eat when I see my body! I''m looking into buying a DVD to get some cardio going, or at least a jump rope! I''ve lost about 2lbs since doing this but got 15 to go. I lost 28lbs since giving birth, but I gained alot more than I should have.
Vesper: would love to hear more specifics on your diet and exercise routine. Sad that only a tummy tuck will get rid of the pooch--how do celebs do it, or do they all get tucks?
Hey Janine, I think that most of the celebs get some type of cosmetic surgery help. I''m looking into SmartLipo myself, but only after I''m done having kids - we''re trying for number 2 right now :) There are also a number of plastic surgeons in my area offering a "mommy lift" - it''s a tummy tuck, hip and thigh lipo, and a breast lift. I told my husband that''s what I want for my 35th birthday, after we''re done having kids ;)

Regarding exercise and diet, I used the 5-Factor Workout book (Chuck Pasternak) - it''s a 25 minute workout five days a week. The book only calls for 10 min. of cardio, but I upped mine to 30. I either ran, walked up a steep incline, or sprint/walk alternated on my treadmill 5 days a week, and would go run outside on 2-3 mile runs on the weekends when DH was home to watch the baby. The workout calls for only 3 weight moves per day (1 upper body, 1 lower, 1 ab) so it was easy to squeeze in every day at nap time with the 10 min. of cardio. Even if I didn''t have time to add my extra 20 min. of cardio, I could at least squeeze in the standard 25 min. workout.

I also did a high-protein, low-carb, low-calorie diet. I limited myself to 1500 cal per day (I''m 5''9") and ate small meals throughout the day. I never ate carbs at night with dinner (usually grilled fish or chicken & steamed veggies) and as far as sugar goes, I only had fruit or one Dove dark chocolate square. Lunch was usually salad or soup, and breakfast would be eggs and whole grain toast. Snacks were usually low-fat cheese, yogurt, and fruit. I also let myself have one cheat day per week - so if we were planning a date night on Sat., I would eat whatever I wanted for dinner and just let myself enjoy it. I''ve never been a good dieter (I always cheat) but I was able to stick to this plan pretty well knowing that on Sat. I could eat whatever I wanted - it gave me something to look forward to ;)
thanks for the girdle review janinegirly & curlygirl - i think i''m definitely going to try wearing one just to help things along (if nothing else but to correct my posture).

janine i''d love to buy the girdle off you but unforch there''s no way to contact you. i''ll probably just order one off the belly bandit website.

that is one inspiring workout routine vespergirl - i can only hope to be as disciplined as you!
Date: 12/8/2008 12:39:49 PM
Author: sbde
thanks for the girdle review janinegirly & curlygirl - i think i''m definitely going to try wearing one just to help things along (if nothing else but to correct my posture).

janine i''d love to buy the girdle off you but unforch there''s no way to contact you. i''ll probably just order one off the belly bandit website.

that is one inspiring workout routine vespergirl - i can only hope to be as disciplined as you!
Trust me, there were days when I was a lot less disciplined than I hoped to be :) The one thing that I FORCED myself to do, if I was too tired to do weights or jog, was to at least walk on the treadmill for 30 min. 5 days a week at a moderate pace (around 3.5 mph). My son was a good napper, so I would just get right on the treadmill after he went down for a quick half hour (I have a tivo, so it was a great way to catch up on TV shows I would miss). Sometimes I would even just walk kind of slowly instead of pushing up the pace, because I figured that even 1/2 hour of strolling was better than sitting on the couch.

I totally lost it when I watched an episode of 30 Rock where Tina Fey''s character is shown "exercising" at home on her treadmill - she''s eating a candy bar while walking at like, 1 mile an hour. I thought it was the funniest thing I''ve ever seen, because I''ve had days when my "exercise routine" looked like that!
Breastfeeding really took the weight off for me ( and never getting enough sleep). Six weeks later I had lost most of the weight and at almost one year post birth it was all gone. I only gained 28 lbs though, so I guess after I had my daughter a lot of that was already gone. No flab and no stretch marks either. But my rib cage is slightly larger now ( it stretched) so I'm one bra size up.
well, now that my baby is 3.5 mos old i feel like i can respond to my own thread with my experience. i asked ali to unlock the thread - hopefully it can help some of the new moms manage their expectations re: weight loss. thanks again to all who responded because it really helped me get a realistic view of what to expect!

it''s funny, i remember when i started this topic it seemed impossible to think that my belly would EVER shrink after being stretched out so much..what a difference a few months makes
some of the things that helped:

- having a 9 lb baby haha..ok ok but you all were right - most of the weight comes off before you even come home from the hospital

- wearing the belly bandit for 6 weeks post partum. i put it on as soon as i came home and although i don''t think it helped with weight loss it definitely help shrink my uterus down quickly and just LOOK NORMAL for those first few weeks. i wore it under my nursing tanks and it flattened my belly out. it was also nice to be able to get it tighter and tighter every few days, which was a clear sign that the tummy was going down.

- i gained 32 lbs in total and have been one of the lucky ones that breastfeeding has worked for. about 20 days post partum i only had 10 lbs left to lose and that has slowly come off.

- i didn''t exercise at all until 2 mos post partum but since then have tried to get 1/2 hr of a slow walk in regularly. however right after coming home from the hospital i began deep breathing exercises that are recommended early on to help the stomach muscles tighten up a bit.

i must admit though, even though i''ve lost the pregnancy weight i don''t LOOK the same nor do things FIT the same. i suppose that my body may never really be like it was before the baby - but it''s a small price to pay to have my little one healthy and happy and in my life

Congrats on all of your hard work - you did great! I totally understand what you mean about things not being the same again, though. I gained 35 pounds during the pregnancy, but was able to lose 40 pounds by the time DS was 9 months old.

When I was back to my old weight, my clothes still didn''t fit well - I had to lose an extra 5 to get back into my old jeans. Even now, I have the slightest hint of "muffin top" that I never had before. I always had a hourglass figure with a tiny waist, but I am more prone to gain weight or retain fat in my waist area now. I think that just happens after the baby. And I don''t even want to talk about my boobs
ETA - I just realized I already answered this question! lol ooops!
sbde~Congrats on your progress so far! I think I''m going to try the belly bandit the next time around. My stomach didn''t look the same until probably 7 months so it took some time. Now that I''m back to pre-preggo body I''m all ready to do it all over again!
My son is 10 months old now and I still have about 5lbs to lose. I gained about 30lbs when I was pregnant, lost 20lbs within one week of delivering, and I formula fed.

I seem to have the same problem as many of the other mommies here - I''ve lost the weight but my body shape is not the same as it was before. I don''t really expect it to go back, but my butt and thighs are much bigger now than they ever were before. I''m very self-conscious about it too.

I already told DH that I''m having lipo and probably breast implants as well since I''ve lost volume there. We are planning on having one more child so I guess we''ll see how I look after that. I get really down about it sometimes because I used to look good in a bathing suit and now I wouldn''t be caught dead in one

I don''t think my diet is bad at all -

Breakfast - Slimfast
Snack - Banana
Lunch - Lean Cuisine and an apple with water. If I''m starved I''ll have some yogurt too.
Dinner - Lean cut of meat with steamed/grilled veggies with water

If I snack between lunch and dinner it''s usually Ritz crackers, yogurt or string cheese and I try not to eat after dinner. I also don''t drink any soda except on weekends.

I could exercise more, but I''m lazy and often too tired when I get home since our son doesn''t STTN.
thanks vespergirl! i agree, the muffin top is pretty much what''s left but eventually i hope to start some ab exercises and i hope they help!

burk - thanks - it is so exciting that you''re looking towards baby #2. i may have mentioned this in passing on the mommies thread but T is one of the most beautiful babies, so at least you know you bake em well :) i hope the belly band works for you.

diva - 5 lbs doesn''t seem like too far to go! your diet sounds very very reasonable, i hope you get to your goal weight soon. i''m like you, just toooo lazy to exercise.

mc - haha thanks for replying again even if you already had :)
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