
Looking to create/purchase a diamond right hand ring


Apr 13, 2015
Hi All,

I'm recently engaged, and I'm in love with my ring (I designed it, so I better be!). The center stone is a natural alexandrite, which I choose, but it turns out there's still a part of me that wants a diamond. I have no desire to upgrade/trade/change my current engagement's admittedly not the most amazing alex out there, but I still think it's pretty and it has a great deal of sentimental value to me. However, to satisfy my diamond desire, I've decided I'd like to create or purchase a diamond right hand ring for myself.

I would like to have it before my wedding next year, and I am on a budget. Being that I'm on a budget, I know a lot of things will need to be sacrificed, which I'm OK with. I don't need it to be huge - under 1ct is fine, but I'm thinking to maximize finger coverage I should look at marquise and pear stones. I'm leaning towards pear because my current e-ring is an oval, and I'd like to avoid having this ring look too much like my e-ring (which is why I'd like to avoid an oval stone), and I fear a marquise will look similar to an oval. I could go up to a J, maybe K in color. I would love to keep clarity under VS2 but realize this may not be realistic and would consider SI1 or possibly SI2. With cut, I'd love to keep it under very good, but again, realize this may not be realistic and would consider good.

As I already said, I'd like to have whatever I end up with look different from my current e-ring (picture at the end of this post), and ideally, I'd like to avoid it looking to engagement ring-esque (eg: a diamond solitaire) in general. My current e-ring is has a diamond halo and diamond "leaves" on the shank. The problem is that my current e-ring really reflects the style I love, and I'm having a hard time trying to find or come up with something different that I love. I obviously want to maximize finger coverage and love halos and how halos can do this but fear that a halo in this ring would look too similar to my e-ring. I've seen some gorgeous "non-traditional" halos out there (eg: the Iris Halo or Caroline Halo from Erika Winters), but I'm not sure I could translate something like that for a pear (or marquise) stone.

I would love some guidance on all of this. Do you think what I'm hoping for is even possible? Is there anything I should reconsider or anything I haven't thought of that I should consider?

I apologize for the super-long post and thank you if you've made it this far!

My e-ring:
Post your budget and diamond preferences. Color clarity.
My budget is tight...ideally I'd like something under $1200 (which again, I realize may not be completely realistic). If I go the creation/design my own route, I was thinking I'd go with someone like JewelryHoo or something.

As far as specs, I'd obviously like to get the best quality possible, but considering my limited budget, I could go to a J-K in color. I would love to keep clarity under VS2 but realize this may not be realistic and would consider SI1 or possibly SI2. With cut, I'd love to keep it under very good, but again, realize this may not be realistic and would consider good. As for ct, I know I'm looking at under 1ct but would like to maximize finger coverage so I'm thinking marquise and pear stones will be my best best. I'm leaning towards pear because my current e-ring is an oval, and I'd like to avoid having this ring look too much like my e-ring (which is also why I'd like to avoid an oval stone), and I fear a marquise will look similar to an oval...but, with the right setting maybe that wouldn't be an issue?
If you do consider oval or marquise shapes, you could set it east-west which IMO would present differently (visually) to your beautiful ering.
Hi, (and just for future reference, this post belongs in Rocky Talky. Show Me the Bling is to show finished jewelry.)

Your e-ring is beautiful!

Honestly, my advice is to wait. Wait for your first or 5th anniversary when you have had time to save and get a better diamond. I don't think K color is good in a pear because it will tend to concentrate color in certain areas because of the way it is cut. If you absolutely want to do it now, I do think an east-west marquise is a great idea. You could have it set like this which does not look like an e-ring to me. I think this setting would be so complimentary to your e-ring! But you might be looking at paying for for the setting than the diamond.
