
Layering dbty with another necklace a do or a don't???


Jan 30, 2007
If you already wore a necklace all the time...say 16 inch wg chain with a circle or a cross on you think layering it with a dbty necklace could potentially work? Would it look good? Would it be wearable/appropriate in most situations?

And for the dbty necklace I'm thinking WF stock or BGD stock

Please share your opinions
My mom thinks it would be too much, I don't I think it would be pretty.
I think it could work. But I say this because I think we're (fashion speaking) going from very simplistic to layering again. The eighties have been "back" for several seasons now, and part of the eighties look was layered jewelry, especially necklaces. I'm not saying that your layering of the DBTY with your other necklace will look "80's," I just think it will look more acceptable and young rather than dated at this time.

Honestly, if it looks pretty to you, then wear it that way! I'm sure you can pull it off, you have so many beautiful pieces that I can't imagine your taste is "off" in any way!
I think it's a do-- if you have the money for more than one :cheeky:
I like how Giada layers her necklaces-- but I think that they are just 3 solitaire pendants.
I think it would definitely work, as long as the DBTY necklace hangs neatly beneath (lower) than the bottom of the necklace with the pendant on it.
With these types of questions, I do think we always need to see photos before deciding. Otherwise it's hard to answer. . .
I would say it's a DO! But I also think it would look a little more fancy/dressed up. If the DBTY and the other pendant are dainty, this will help more to keep the look more "together." Either way, I think it's a very pretty look! I don't layer mine often because I don't want the diamonds to scratch each other. It would be awesome to have a pendant that could be worn on the DBTY, too. Make sure you come back and post pics for us to ogle! :love:
gemgirl said:
I think it would definitely work, as long as the DBTY necklace hangs neatly beneath (lower) than the bottom of the necklace with the pendant on it.

Interesting - I had pictured the DBTY hanging higher than the pendant. I think either would w, as long as the DBTY doesn't hang in the middle of the pendant.

Now that I am rereading the OP, I realise that the pendant is already on a very short chain, so I agree that the DBTY would have to be longer (or the cross would have to go on a longer chain).
I would definitely say it's a do! I love that look. To me, it looks best when the DBTY is hanging above the pendant.

I'd keep in mind that a DBTY necklace hangs differently than a pendant does. It is more circular on the neck since there is no pendant weighing it down in the middle. I've tried on my solitaire pendant (bezeled .75 ct on a 16" chain) with a 16" DBTY at Tiff's, and the DBTY seemed to rest above the pendant. Perhaps you can do a chain on your DBTY that has a jump ring so you can adjust it a little further? That way, it can rest wherever you think it looks best on any given day. My pendant has a jump ring at 15", and I love the versatility.
I do it all the time! Here is my 18" WG chain with my .25ctw RB and Bag cross pendant with my WF sapphires by the yard. I hope this picture helps! Sorry for the hair in the way, my DH was making a goofy face and he isn't into me posting pics of him online. So I had to chop us out of it! 8) For the record I have worn my 16" chain layer too, but this pic was of my longer chain (I think, it could be the 16" I don't remember 100%)

P1000859 - Copy.JPG
Redrose, I love how your SBTY looks layered! So pretty.
monarch I get what you are trying to say and I agree and you are such a sweety to say that about my collection and my taste! Thank you!

oranges thanks for the input!

MC I can't do pics yet I don't have the dbty necklace yet...saving

gemgirl no the dbty woudl not be longer than the chain with the pendant see below Kitty shares my vision the dbty site more round and closer to the throat/neck and then the chain with the pendant hangs lower due to the weight of the pendant. I may put the pendant on an 18 inch chain however.

Bliss thanks! Hearing from you that it's a DO makes me feel so much better! I hear what you mean about keeping things dainty to keep the look together and yes I too think it would be a bit of a dressier look, I probably wouldn't do it all the time. I would do it based on occasion.

I don't think my pendant could hurt the bezeled stones on the dbty but I will look into it before I go ahead with the project.

Lady no you are totally right my vision is to have the dbty hang higher than the pendant.

Kitty thanks I LOVE your pendant by the way SO gorgeous! I may do the jump ring idea at 15 for the dbty and then put my pendant on an 18 inch chain and that look I think would work

redrose! LOVE IT!!!! Your look is EXACTLY what I am looking to get for myself. SWOON and ditto what Kitty says above I love your sbty necklace!

Thanks so much ladies for all your help I think I"m gonna go for it will be back with pics but it may take me a bit of time I'm saving for a bit to get the necklace.
Btrflygrl, I think that those necklaces would look great layered. I wear a large celtic cross (3/4"-1") on a 16-18" chain. It hangs right under my collarbone and it's pretty prominent. I layer it with my pearl tin cup necklace from Pearl Paradise that's 24" (hangs at my bust line) and I get lots of compliments. I feel like it's a little bit of an updated look for my two necklaces. I've been lusting over a DBTY to do the very same thing.