
Kindle vs Nook for an older person


Dec 31, 2006
DHs dad wants to surprise his wife with a reader - he doesn't care which one, so he's trusting whichever one we recommend.

The wife is in her late 60s, and would probably want most of the books in Spanish. She would probably do most (if not all) of the reading in the house.

Any thoughts as to what criteria to use to decide?
I would check to see which bookseller sells more in Spanish as they key decision factor.

I do think for many older people, the touch screen may seem a bit confusing. They seem more comfortable with keys, which the Kindle has.

Do they have a wireless set up at home?
Yes, they do have a wireless setup...

I didn't see a section for Spanish books for either one - I've sent B&N and an e-mail asking them about it.
The Kindle has a much user friendly interface than the Nook. I would recommend the Kindle hands down. My bought my sister a Nook, and it seems very complex.
Thanks Italia.

Silly question...what is the difference between getting the one that's wi-fi only versus the one that also has 3G?
I don't know if he'd want to spend more but my mother and MIL (83 and 82 years old, respectively) both have an iPad. My mom had a Kindle and liked it, but she likes the iPad better. I too have had a Kindle (two, actually!) and now use only my iPad for reading, and I do like it better than the Kindle.

If she were reading outside a lot then I'd say the Kindle would be a better choice, but for reading indoors, I love the iPad. You can do so much more with it, too. My mom has pretty severe arthritis in her hands and she has no trouble using the iPad, whereas she did have trouble with the small keys on the Kindle.

Anyway, just a thought! I know the iPad is more expensive, so it may not be a possibility.
Thanks, BlueIris, I had never thought of the iPad as an definitely is out of the range. Even the Kindle is a little bit of a stretch for them.
CJ2008|1291297523|2785019 said:
Thanks Italia.

Silly question...what is the difference between getting the one that's wi-fi only versus the one that also has 3G?

i recently started a thread about this topic, it should be further down this page or on the next page. "another kindle question" is the name of it.
Thanks, Lulu, I'll check it out!
When it comes to kindle vs nook, as a kindle and nook user, I would always recommend going with kindle because Amazon customer service is exceptional, also kindle display is superior to nook as it uses e-ink display and doesn't cause eye strain or tiredness after reading on it for long time. Also kindle has better prices for books.
DH and I have both sold our Kindle's because we prefer the Kindle app on our iPads. You have a back light on an iPad and it's now a touch screen. Plus the iPad is in color and you can expand pictures and illustrations which I found very hard to see on a Kindle.
I love my Kindle, my mom and grandmother both have one and use them all the time. My grandmother has some problems with figuring stuff out sometimes, but with a short phone call to me I can always walk her through it and get it fixed. Like PPs said, Amazon's customer service is phenomenal and they would be able to help too.

iPads are nice for reading as well, but personally I prefer my kindle. I want an iPad, but not for reading. The Kindle's display is perfect and as I've learned by going to the pool/beach this year with my kindle and having friends with iPads, the Kindle is superior because it doesn't overheat :)