
Just purchased a little OEC


Apr 22, 2010
So I have a 5-stone OEC project planned for next year and have been collecting stones for some time. Thought I was all set but then began wavering on the proportions and decided to go bigger for the center (I think). So I just pulled the trigger on this little stone and it's now on its way to me. I'll take more pictures of course once I have it, but what do you guys think so far? Any red flags? I'm concerned about the extremely thin girdle though it seems like it's not uncommon in the old cuts. I'll definitely have it appraised unless there's something glaringly wrong with it that's obvious without an appraisal. Thanks!


I cannot wait to read what you think of the stone. It comes with a recent EGL certificate, so I wouldn't worry too much. However, it's always a good idea to have an independent appraiser look at it. Are you collecting colorless and near colorless OECs? Those are very hard to come by.
Thanks Sakuracherry! I'll definitely have the stone appraised if there's nothing obviously wrong with it when I get it. I'm a little nervous since it's an Ebay purchase but there's a 14-day return window, so hopefully, it's worth a risk. Yes, I have 3 smaller stones for this project that are quite white - the smallest pair are at least an H and a larger stone that still needs a match is probably a G though not yet appraised. I figure an EGL F is probably going to be a grade or two off, but I'm not sure how consistently off their grading is.
Well, the stone is here and I'm really pleased, but I would love to have some more discerning eyes on it, so please tell me what you think! It's completely eye clean, throws off these awesome colorful flashes and reflects colors like crazy (the purple is from my iPhone case). I don't, however see the culet at all, barely under magnification, is a medium culet supposed to be this tiny? All my other OECs have very visible culets, do you think it would be an issue putting them together in a ring?




Anyone? Sorry for the shameless bump, but I'm still within the return period, so there's something to be concerned with, I'd love to know. Thanks!
I wouldn't be too concerned with the very thin girdle if you set it in a protective setting. My OEC has a thin to extremely thin girdle and I was told by Adam that my setting would keep it safe but be mindful of how you set it because otherwise it is vulnerable.

Can you post more closeups of the faceting as in one of the (closeup) pics you posted it seems a bit disorganized but more pics would be helpful to know for sure. And because it is on the smaller side it may not matter as much IRL. Also IRL you can see if the light play is even across the stone of if much of the stone goes dark at once.

Having said that it might be a winner-it has potential. Plus, if it is pleasing to you then you have your answer! Good luck and enjoy the rest of your search. :appl:
I'm shit at judging stones from pictures but i would say don't let the culet factor in your decision, it's not hard to adjust to make it match your others. when you have them set the setter could probably organise it for you, or at least recommend someone
Thanks guys! I'm planning to put the stones in a bezel setting so not too worried about the girdles, though I understand there's a higher risk of chipping the stone at setting with such a thin girdle. Missy, I've added a couple more pictures, does it help see the faceting better? My guess is if the faceting looks disorganized, it probably is. It's a small stone though, I can't see much of the faceting without magnification so don't think it's a deal breaker for me, plus the price was right. I'm really just trying to make sure there are no glaring problems that I'm not seeing. I will get it appraised next week though.

Hippi_pixi, not sure what you mean about adjusting the culets? But yeah, I think I'm okay with the culet size difference, just surprised how tiny the medium culet actually is.


I see no red flags. In these smaller sizes the minutia don't matter as much in my experience. If this was a 7mm stone I think the central area would be a problem because it has very short lower halves but a larger table creating that big pie effect which can be lazy, but in such a small stone its not a problem. Let your eyes guide you. If you want a bigger culet you can always get it polished to add a faceted girdle and a culet. But that is $$ and likely not worth it.
Thanks Dreamer! So glad you weighed in! I'd definitely be a lot more picky with a larger stone, but in this size, I don't know how much details matter. I'm surprised the table would be considered larger, it's under 50. It's a bright stone and seems to hold its own with light return next to my superideal rounds, so if you think there are no red flags, I'm keeping it!
No red flags to me! I didn't notice the table was 50%. That is not large in an absolute sense. But with such short lower halves, a table closer to 40% can be preferable. BUT this diamond has a shallower crown... only your eyes can really tell if its all working together, and it seems that the proportions do work for you!

I have owned quite a few stones in this size and can forgive all sorts of things I would not forgive in a larger diamond. Inclusions for one thing are so impossible to see in a sub-5.5mm stone. I have a pretty 5mm OEC right now -- my preferred specs, being an older style with the high crown and older faceting style -- that has an inclusion right under the table over the culet. With a loupe it looks nasty, but in person you cannot see it at all! So I don't care.

Can you post a photo of your whole suite of stones?
Admittedly, I'm a diamond newbie (typically staying over in CS), but it sure looks great to me. Love the facets and think its lovely looking.

I love the profile shot, and until I saw Dreamer's comment, I was going to say that I love such high crowns! Its hard for me to believe that a crown could be even higher without looking out of balance, but the dimensions of the table/crown to the overall stone is quite pleasing to my untrained eye. :lickout: